EP.225|Training With A Blindfold

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 EP.225|Training With A Blindfold
“You’re not doing it right,” I deadpanned.
“Sorry! I’ve never had to fight blindfolded before!” Hunter countered angrily.
“Brazzan, Geyu, and I can do it, so it’s about time that you learned.”
“I don't see you teaching the VKs! How come Mal or Ben can't do this!”
“You and I both know how weak that argument is, Hunter, considering Ben’s current state of training. It would be more productive if you would concentrate on the task at hand.”
Hunter wretched the blindfold off his eyes and flung it on the floor.
“It’s impossible,” he stated. “It’s just impossible.”
“If you keep acting childish, then yes, it is.”
“You’re not helping,” he said.
“You’re not trying,” I countered easily. “Now stop wasting my time and continue.” My cold eyes bored impassively into Hunter’s. Hunter shivered slightly, he knew I was right, he wasn’t trying. Hunter shook his head. Not all of us can do this so easily like you can Swan! Not all of us all freaking holy beings!
Hunter sighed and bent down to scoop up the blindfold. His gaze moved across the corner of the training center, where Operetta and Brazzan were watching patiently. Operetta has a look of utmost sympathy on his face.
Obviously she knew he had some...teething problems with this...alternative form of ‘training’. Hunter gave her a painful sort of smile which she returned, adding a surreptitious thumbs-up as a means of cheering him on.
“What I don't understand,” he said, tying the slim piece of cloth around his eyes once more, “is why I have to wear this thing in the first place.”
“You see, Hunter,” said Brazzan. Hunter, now in total darkness, turned his head in the general direction of his friend. “Your a special demon vessel.”
“What do you mean?” he asked bewilderedly.
“Your soul is grey,” I explained. “Meaning you don't have a completely black soul like most demon vessels, like Mal, do. Somehow,” I circled around him, “your soul was slowly turning white, but not completely but I went grey.”
“Imagine half and half creamer,” Brazzan simplified, “you’re half good and half bad, that’s really rare for a demon vessel who’s been holding part of an S+ and a A+ demon their whole life.”
“If you go fight Geyu,” said Operetta, “he won't immediately consider you a threat because he’ll think your just some regular demon vessel he can take advantage of. But your eyes, they’re a different story. One look and he will know who you are, and he will bolt.”
“As your mate so eloquently put it,” I said, “Geyu is a flight risk. You have to get as close as you can before catching him. However, do not be fooled into thinking that he’s weak. Geyu is 4x as powerful as Brazzan, possibly because he has none of the inhibitions that Brazzan does.”
“If you give yourself away and have to fight, you won't have any time to remove that blindfold. If you choose too, Geyu has the power of manipulation, once he locks eyes with you, you’re basically his slave. Now there’s no way to tell if he’ll use it right away but if he does, it’s dangerous to you and everyone else.”
Operetta gulped, the feeling of dread hitting her.
“That’s why you have to learn. Are you thoroughly satisfied with our reasoning now?” I rolled my eyes.  “Alright, alright already,” he relented. “Enough with the lectures!” he rolled his eyes, but then realised how stupid it was since nobody could see it. “What do I have to do?”
“We told you yesterday,” I groaned. “Stop stalling!”
“Well, this goes beyond basic combat skills,” he argued. “A little more guidance would be helpful!”
“Actually,” Operetta interrupted, “I was there yesterday, so I wouldn't mind hearing about how you do it.”
I sighed, “you’re such children, it’s remarkable you’ll be parents soon,” I droned, “alright.”

Hunter raised his blood sword and fixed his stance. “Okay,” he said, “I’m ready.”
“Focus on the darkness,” I instructed. “You need to let it create a blanket of black over your mind, take away all directions. Your world has to be black for this to work.”
“Black,” he murdmurded, “okay…”
“After your world has been established, you need to let it fall into the background. Think of it as the first coating on a painting. Out of this, you’ll be looking for the bizarre. Light and darkness are everywhere you look. Right now, you’re looking for the grey. It’ll show up as a slightly lighter, more blurry color than the darkness, but it won't be the light.”
“So I’m fighting a dark blur? Oh that’s helpful!”
“Is that not enough?”
“You got this, baby!” Operetta cheered. I chuckled softly as Hunter twirled around widely in his blindfolded world, wondering where she was at.
“Music Note-”
“Hunter!” I barked, “stop fooling around and concentrate!”
Operetta sat in the garden, groped in her thoughts when she suddenly felt a warm hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Brazzan smiling at her, “everything alright?”
Operetta smiled, “super!”
Brazzan laughed, “that’s the fakest smile I’ve ever seen!”
“Shut up!” Operetta pouted, Brazzan sat beside her on the bench. “What’s wrong?” He asked again. Operetta sighed, “in a moment's notice, I could lose the love of my life! It wasn’t until I saw him training that it actually hit me for real this time.”
Operetta cried into her hands, “I can't lose him Brazzan! I can't stand to live in a world that he isn't in! I need him, Brazzan, he’s like my lifevest, keeping me from downing...he’s changed my life so much by just being in it!”
Operetta sniffled, “I’ve never met someone who’s cared so much about me. Someone who would risk their life for me, someone who would kill for me, someone who’ll love me unconditionally.” Operetta blushed, “and now he’s gonna be the father of our children! I can't lose him now.”
“That’s why he can't die Brazzan, I need him too much right now to let him go!” Operetta cried into Brazzan’s chest, “ple-please, tal-talk him out of this...I-I-I can't lo-lose him!”
“You won't lose me,” Hunter’s voice caused her to look up from Brazzan’s shirt, “what got you thinking that?”
“Hu-Hunter...it’s just...he’s S+ and-”
“And I’ll kick his ass just like I did all the other people we fought,” Hunter held her hands, “I don't care how many times he hits me, I’m coming back to you, Operetta.”
“How do we know that?” Operetta looked away from him, “for all we know that blindfold will come off and you’ll be caught under his spell! A-And...And...Hunter I can't live in a world where you’re not by my side! Don't you see that?!”
“I do...I do...and I know thinking about the blindfold coming off is a scary thought but it’s one we have to consider.” Hunter clenched her hands softly, “Operetta, demons always come back to their mates, remember that Music Note.”
Operetta hugged him tightly, “I can't lose you! Please, don't make me do this alone...I can't handle the stress, the pain, the loneliness! It was already tourtute when I had to forget you on the Demonic Islands, please don't make me do that again! I-I-I can-can't take it!”
“Shh...shh…” he stroked her red hair gently, “I know your worried about me, but cut me some slack will ya? Don't you trust your demon?”
Operetta nodded, Hunter smiled, “now,” Operetta lifted her head, Hunter rested his hand on her cheek, “show me that smile~”
Operetta chuckled, shaking her head, she looked up at him, flashing him a radiant smiled that Hunter oh so loved. “Say the words I love to hear~” He kissed her cheek.
“I love you, Hunter.” Operetta giggled, “I’ll never stop.”
“That’s my girl.” Hunter laughed, kissing her lips, the taste of japanese cherry blossoms filled his senses, “how could I leave someone as perfect as you are.”
“I’m not perfect, idiot.” Operetta puffed up her cheeks. Hunter ruffled her hair, “we’ll I beg to differ,” he kissed her lips once again, “cause in my eyes, you’re fucking perfect.”
“Get up.”
Hunter was sprawled on the floor. Taking deep breaths, he dragged himself to his hands and knees. He shook his head. “There’s no way; it’s impossible.” Hunter thought her was a good fighter; his senses were fantastic and he could hear the pitter-patter of a mouse’s feet if he were in a room, but I moved so silently, and when I spoke, my voice was everywhere but nowhere at the same time.
There’s absolutely no way to dect her, not unless I take the blindfold off. Hunter slammed the floor with his fist.
“I told you to get up,” I said, landing another blow on Hunter, who rocketed to the floor.
“I can't,” Hunter breathed, clutching his torso, nursing his newest bruise. “I need my eyes.”
“No you don't. Now get up or I’ll make you get up.”
Shakily, he stood on his feet. His head swan, but that was nothing new. Over the last few days, I made that happen quite often.
“Now, I want you to call your sword.”
“What?” He asked, thoroughly surprised. Until now, they had only been using their fist to fight.
“If you’re not willing to learn, I believe it’s time we added some danger to give you incentive.” Hunter heard me draw my sword with those words. It sounded slim, like a sabre.
“If you can't learn to see me, then I guess you’ll have to die.”
“WHAT?! Are you insane lady?!”
“But the difference is, I can fight blindfolded. And you’re wasting my time.”
Hunter heard the tell-tale whistle of a sword slicing through the air. Panicked, he threw himself out of the way. He reached for his blindfold.
“You won't have time for that,” I said. Suddenly, Hunter felt the sword pierce the warm that was trying to remove the cloth from his eyes. He let out a strangled cry, completely taken aback by how serious the situation had become.
Hunter did his best to do what he had been told and called his Blood Sword fourth. So far, he could picture the mass of black surrounding his vision, but he failed in letting it fall to the background. Everything, to him, was darkness.
Hearing another stroke of the sword, he stepped back wildly and tried to block using his own weapon. There was a clumsy clang as the two connected.
“Find me, Hunter. I’m right here. You can see me, you just choose not to.”
Hunter concentrated, and concentrated harder than he had ever done in his life. It just wasn’t coming, and I was on a warpath. He wished he was back in Operetta’s arms, hearing the two strong heartbeats of his children. Things were so much easier when all he saw was her smiling face, it was like nothing else really mattered...
With that, his mind emptied, and Hunter plunged into a dark world. The ground was black, but it was solid. He could see the regular white lights of machines, something he hadn't seen before. 
They were so bright they were almost blinding. It seemed to be the only thing that was white though; everything inanimate took a blurry, black form. The world was eerily quiet, but somehow, he knew where everything was and what it looked like.
And there, right in front of him, was a small, grey, blurry shape. It wasn’t much to go on, but at least he had a target now. WIth a girl he ran towards it, Blood Sword ready.
“I can see you now!” he yelled, his sword flying down. This was to get back at me for all the snide comeback, all the times I put him down during training, all the times I made him feel like he didn’t matter.
“HUNTER!” Operetta bellowed.
He was brought back into his blinded world, stunned and confused. His sword smashed against my saber with such force it made my bonds quiver. Operetta ripped the cloth from his eyes, he looked down to see he was pinning me to the floor.
I smirked, “look who can see now.”


Why hello! Were almost there guys only 4 more episodes till the end! Only 4! Eeek! Can wait to see how u like the ending!

Stay Sweet,
Sugar_And_Spice125 💕

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