EP.212|The Soul Shepherd and the Gods Messenger (Part 1)

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EP.212|The Soul Shepherd and the Gods Messenger (Part 1)
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Freddie didn’t know what to expect when it came to her past life. She stood at the pod entrance, trying to be brave but she couldn't hide the slight fear in her eyes.
“...Freddie!” I snapped my finger in her face. “What?” Freddie snapped out of her thoughts. “You alright honey?” Zeref asked. “Yeah, just a little out of it.” Freddie sighed.
“Hey,” Zeref gripped her shoulders softly, “don't worry, I bet your past life was awesome.”
Freddie smiled before stepping into the pod. She let out one last shaky sigh before letting the memories begin.
Once Freddie opened her eyes, she noticed Lyra. 
Lyra has dark skin, her eyes were a lavender color. She wears her hair in a high ponytail with her fringe pushed back and a thin braid at the side of her head.
She wears a neon yellow tank top, black leggings with cutout designs, a purple train with flower designs, and black and purple shoes with gold heels.
She has silver shoulder armor with neon accents and a matching waist piece. She also wears a metallic cut-out bracer and matching earrings.
Lyra laid in the beautiful orchid tree, staring at the red rope tied around her finger, her mother would say that every soul was tied to another, even Soul Shepherd's souls were bonded together with another.
“Two souls, two hearts, one love,” Lyra recited her mother’s words. She shook her head, “this is stupid, Lyra! You’re a Soul Shepherd! You don't have time to be looking for love!”
Lyra jumped down from her tree, the red string following behind her as she walked off. Lyra growled, pulling out a pair of scissors to cut it but the scissors merely broke when she tried.
“Oh come on!” Lyra scolded, walking into town with an angry huff, she looked at the happy couples, all their strings either connected or soon to be connected. Lyra looked down, “how could they be so happy? I want this string off! Off I tell you!” Lyra stated in anger.
“Why are you so mad, Lyra?” Sapphire asked, approaching Lyra on the street, Inferno slinging his arm around her shoulder. “The stupid string! It bothers me! It never goes away!” Lyra huffed in anger. “She’s just mad because she doesn't have someone who loves her like we do.” Belinda smiled.
“I don't need a spouse, man, woman, whatever! I don't need it!” Lyra pouted slightly, “what I need is this stupid string off!”
“LyLy, these strings are the part of the reason we meet the people we love, they go away once you find your soulmate.” Rosary explained. “It goes away for you all, mine is stuck here forever!” Lyra buried her head in her arms.
“Why don't you follow the string?” Arlin questioned, nuzzling his nose into Belinda’s neck. “Why? So I can find my perfect soulmate,” Lyra rolled her eyes, “no thanks.”
“Why not?” Xander tilted his head. “Because, Xander, I don't want to be tied down! I’m a Soul Shepherd, Xander! I need to travel.” Lyra stated, “if I found my soulmate they’d just be holding me down.”
“You don't know that Lyra, you haven’t even met them.” Belinda rolled her eyes. “I don't want to meet them Belinda!” Lyra turned on her heels to face them, “is being single in a group of couples the best? No, but I deal with it because I don't need a spouse saving me like I’m some damsel.”
“Nobody said anything about you being a damsel or you needing saving,” Inferno sighed, “it’s not really saving, but thinking of it as someone to watch your back when you can't watch yours.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad…” Lyra whispered to herself. “Exactly,” Sapphire smiled, kissing Inferno’s cheek, “it’s nice having someone who knows you inside and out.”
“I guess, I don't know, look, I don't need this now.” Lyra walked further away, “I have to go meet Swan for lunch, see you later!” Lyra waved goodbye before running off.
Lyra sat across the table from Swan and another guy. “When you called me for lunch I thought it was just us two,” Lyra glared at the unfamiliar new man, “without an unwanted guest.”
“Don't get your panties in a bunch, lady.” he scoffed. “I don't even know why I’m here either.”
“Lyra, this is Zane, since he’s new to The Recovery, you two will be assisting him on his mission.” I explained, sipping my tea.
He has long pink hair tied back into a short ponytail, with an undercut, and the undercut portion of his hair is black. He has a dark complexion and blue eyes.
His outfit consists of a cream-colored short-sleeved jacket with yellow details and a black, long-sleeved V-neck shirt, with cream colored fingerless gloves. He wears black medium-length pants and cream colored sneakers.
“I don't need assistance on missions Swan!” Zane rolled his eyes. “For this one you do,” I placed my tea down on its succor, “Zane works as a messenger for the gods, lately, someone has been sending the gods and goddesses death threats, they believe it’s one of them so I want you both to investigate.”
“And you expect me to help how…?” Lyra asked, raising her eyebrow as she glanced at Zane, looking at him up and down. “You’re pretty good at finding out the truth, plus, you can show Zane the ropes of The Recovery.” I smiled, winking at Lyra.
“Why do I feel like there’s more your not telling us?” Zane looked at me questionably. “Don't worry, there is sooo much I’m not telling you but it’s for your own good.”
Zane sighed, extending his hand, “I’m Zane, nice to meet ya.”
“Lyra,” she shook his hand, the two locked eyes, Lyra felt her cheek heat up, so did Zane, “i-it’s uh...nice to meet you!”
Zane laughed, “you’re cute when you’re all flustered,” he pinched her cheeks, “awe! Your cheeks are so squishy!”
“Stop...touching my...face!” Lyra slapped his hands away. “Swan,” Lyra turned her direction to see she was gone, “she disappears like she’s made of thin air…”
“Creepy.” Zane shivered, getting up from his seat, “anyways! Let’s get to Mt. Olympus!”
Zane grabbed her hand, whistling loudly as a white pegasus came zooming down, “LyLy, meet Zoom, he’s my precious baby boy!” Zane gushed, petting Zoom as he fed him an apple.
“You have a pegasus?!” Lyra gawked at Zoom. “Body of a pegasus, brain of a bird though.” Zane muttered, shaking his head and sighing as Zoom prance around like a bird. “Leave him be,” Lyra petted his mane, “he’s special!”
She hopped onto Zoom, “let’s go, the quicker we get this done the quicker you get this done the quicker I don't have to see you ever again!”
“Admit it, LyLy,” Zane climbed onto Zoom, wrapping Lyra’s arms around his waist, “you like me.” 
“N-No!” Lyra blushed. “Sure ya don't LyLy. Don't worry,” Zane smirked, “you’ll come around.”
Later, Zoom landed on the gates to Zeus’s palace, “this is the first person, well really couple, we’re interviewing.” Zane knocked on the large doors, “Zeus!”
The door cracked open, “Zane? What are you doing here? You already did delivery today.” Zeus said, his eyes shifting to Lyra, “who’s that mortal?”
“Even in my last life, Zeus still just sees me as a mortal!” Freddie sighed. “Her name is Lyra, not moral.” Zane told him.
“We just need to come in and ask you and Hera a few questions.” Lyra said, Zeus opened the door fully, letting a scanner scan Lyra for possible threats. “She’s good,” Zeus moved out of the way, letting Zane and Lyra to enter. Lyra was shocked by how tall Zeus was.
“Hera! Hera, honey! Zane and his mortal friend are here to ask us some questions about the letters!” Zeus yelled out to his wife. “Coming!” Hera called back, “come to the study.”
Zeus, Lyra, and Zane entered the study to see Hera setting down her book, crouching down to Lyra and Zane’s height. “Oooh! Zane you brought a friend!” Hera clasped her hands together happily, “I’m Hera, goddess of marriage and Queen of the Gods, but you probably already know that.”
“It’s an honor to meet you Hera.” Lyra bowed. “There’s no need for that, Lyra,” Hera used one finger to ruffle Lyra’s hair, “we’re really just like you all, minus the immortality and the massive height difference.”
Lyra stood back up, “oh…”
“So,” Hera put Zane and Lyra in the palm of her hand, “I hear your here to ask about the death threats?”
“Yes, Hera, Zeus, can you tell us when this started?” Lyra asked, pulling out a notepad. “They’re not really death threats, but more like hate letters mixed with death threats.” Hera sighed, “someone apparently thinks that I’m not fit to be the goddess of marriage because of my husband...tasteful past with women and the fact I’ve only been married once.”
(I know maybe she hasn't been married more than once, IDK, so just bear with me here guys!)
“They’ve been sending rats with knives in them saying ‘your next’.” Hera sighed, “I try to be a good goddess, help anyone in need, but...maybe I’m not cut out for this!” Hera began to sob, Zane brought out an umbrella, covering Lyra and him.
“Hera...don't say that, love,” Zeus kissed her head, “of course your fit to be a goddess.”
“Do you have any idea who might have done this?” Zane asked. “Tr-try Aphrodite, she’s always been jealous of me.” Hera sniffled. “Aphrodite?” Zane tilted his head. “Yeah,” Hera wiped her tears, “she’s probably still mad after what happened at the easter egg hunt.”
“Ask Aphrodite, she’ll know what I mean.” Hera said, shaking her head in shame.
Lyra and Zane walked out of Hera and Zeus’ house, getting atop of Zoom as she rode off, “so Aphrodite is our next stop?”
“Yep,” Zane landed Zoom in front of Aphrodite’s mansion. Zane knocked on the door to see it was already open. “Aphrodite? Hello?” Zane called out. “Zane? Is that you? I’m in my room, just come on up!” Aphrodite called out as Lyra and Zane walked up to her room to see Aphrodite was naked.
“Aphrodite!” Zane quickly covered his eyes, “where the hell are you clothes?!”
“Oh,” Aphrodite shrugged, “must have forgotten to put them on, I should probably do that.”
“Ya think?!” Zane scolded. Aphrodite chuckled when she noticed Lyra staring at her, “look like your friend doesn't mind it.”
“So-Sorry!” Lyra covered her eyes, “It’s really rude of me to stare…”
Aphrodite put on a pink silk robe with the back saying Love Goddess, “It’s alright, you can stop covering your eyes now.”
Zane and Lyra lowered the hands from their eyes, watching as Aphrodite brushed her golden hair in front of her vanity mirror dresser. Aphrodite raised them up to the dresser, sitting them in front of her front.
“I assume you know about the death threats the goddesses have been getting?” Lyra said, Aphrodite nodded, “let me guess, Hera thinks I’m sending them?”
“She says it has to do with the easter party.” Zane said, Aphrodite crushed the brush in her hand. “I should probably explain,” Aphrodite sighed, “last easter egg hunt, I brought my new boyfriend Olly with me to introduce to the other goddesses. It was a wild party and Hera and I ended up getting drunk, her more than me, I went to get some more drinks and when I came back she was sticking her tongue down Olly's throat.”
“I broke up with Olly later on that night and me and Hera got into a fight. Later on she told me Olly kissed her, not the other way around.” Aphrodite sighed, “look, I love Hera, I really do, but I wouldn't send her a death threat! Plus,” Aphrodite went into the dresser drawer, pulling out the same death threat Hera got, “I got one too.”

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