24: Revealed

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"It's been so long. I'm so glad that we meet again.", Woo Bin grinned, before he takes a sip of his black coffee.

I smiled, nodding. "You're right.", I said as I stirred my ice coffee.

"Thanks to Taehyung hyung though!"

I froze at the mention of his name.

"Come to think of it. How did you guys even meet anyway?", he asked nonchalantly.

"Didn't you read the news?", I said, sighing.

"Hmm. I'm not much of an internet person, Minhee. I don't use it unless I have to text someone.", he answered.

And I laughed. I just fucking laughed.

"Taehyung said you couldn't forget me. Why did you never try to contact me though if you couldn't forget me?", I questioned.

Woo Bin was rather silent.

I took a deep breath and breathed it all out.

"I like your cousin.", I said and Woo Bin's eyeballs almost left their sockets.

"What?!", he shrieked, gaining attention from the other customers in the café.

"Yes, I do. You see. Knowing Taehyung, he wouldn't hit on me anymore now that he knows you like me. But I'm just really curious. You don't seem to really like me Woo Bin. You're after my fame again, aren't you?", I asked, voice low.

"Minhee, how could you say that?! I-"

"Then tell me! Was Soomi the reason you didn't approach me back then?! We could have been just friends even after you guys broke up and after she left. But, YOU chose ignore me. YOU only befriended me after I became popular after summer. You think I wouldn't notice that?", I said, out of breath.

"I was head over heels for you Kim Woo Bin. I really was. So much that I tried to distort the actual truth, trying to think he must have had his reasons. I wanted the memory with you to be sweet at least. But the truth is You never even thought of me as a friend, Woo Bin. Cause you just left! Left like that and never contact me back! Now you're back for god knows why. One thing for sure you want something from me again.", I kept saying but all Woo Bin did was stare.

"Is it my fame? Is it my money you're after? Is it-"

Woo Bin started laughing like a maniac and thats when I came to a pause. He laughed. Laughed as he ran his fingers through his hair to regain his composure. Then, he stared at me with a different look. His eyes were filled with hate.

"Funny you think I'm doing this for a cheap stuff like money, Minhee.", he said, voice low.

And I wasn't sure what he was trynna say.

"But you were right about one thing though. And I have to give you a point for that.", he smirked. That smirk of his made me anxious. The look in his eyes told me he had a worser intention.

"Taehyung hyung... he's really sweet, isn't he? He's such an angel... Would never even hurt a fly. But you know what? I'm doing all this to steal away something he's passionate about from him.", he said, smirking.

"Get to the point you asshat.", I said, impatient.

"Minhee, you must be aware of how crazy I am about dancing. I remember you staring at me like as if I'm an angel whenever I danced.", he chuckled and I frowned.

"Guess what? Getting into Big Hit! Getting debuted into a fucking boy band! Becoming the most famous boyband in the world! All my fucking dreams were stolen by him!", he continued, eyes welling with angered tears.

"I trained so hard. So Fucking hard to become a training! He just tagged along with me to the audition so that I wouldn't be alone. Guess what happens after? He was recruited too and ended up debuting. While I remained a fucking back up dancer when he literally had no talent—"

"Shut up! Just fucking shut up!", I cut him off, feeling so angered.

"No talent? God, shut up! He trained and worked so hard to get to where he is today. Wanna know the reason why you didn't debut? You are an airhead who's so full of yourself! And BigHit probably sensed that. Taehyung excels at everything once he sets his mind of it! And you?", I scoffed.

"You think you're the best so you never try to reflect on your mistakes or listen to what other people have to say. BTS wouldn't even be what they're currently are if you debut instead of Taehyung.", I finished off, clenching my fists.

"Oh and wait. The reason I stared at you like that when you were dancing was because you looked stiff and awkward as fuck. The other girls were so smitten so I didn't want to give you an honest opinion and ended up being cornered by them.", I bluntly stated.

Angel? As if.

"Whatever you say, Minhee. What I want you to be aware is I'll make sure you will never date my cousin. Never.", he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Its a shame that an obnoxious jerk like you was my first love. I'm glad that I stopped loving you.", I sighed in relief.

"Boo hoo. You only realized that now?", he laughed. "Also, I guess I was meant to do this to you guys like this. Once I found out that the woman hyung has interest in was you. I was so fucking surprised. Like its such a small..... world.", he said.

"Also, I haven't even told him your name yet. He found out earlier than I thought.", he smirked and I wanted to slap him across the face for having intentions to hurt my baby.

"You know what Woo Bin? I'm not going easy on you too, you know?", I said, having that coiled smile on my face.

"You're aware of what depths I'd go for someone I love. I mean you experienced it before.", I continued, twirling my hair. He looked so confused.

"I will never let some immature sick bastard like you be around him. Watch me."

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