Chapter 2

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                       Mehek read the document carefully once again. She expected a mundane employment agreement and most part of it agreed to her notion. Apart from two points, first that a lump amount equivalent to an year's salary will be provided as advance and second that if she quits without agreement with her employer then she has to return the entire money with interest. They kind of made her think twice. An advance means securing better care for Drishti but it also will bind her to the job. She looked at Sunaina who seemed to be busy with her laptop. Probably they wants to ensure that the Nanny doesn't leave abruptly. Mehek didn't ponder more but signed the contract and gave it back to Sunaina.

"All the best, Mehek", Sunaina congratulated her. She was skeptical with the extra points added by Shaurya. Before she asked, Shaurya clarified that he wanted to ensure that the nanny stays for long and won't leave suddenly to pursue a better job. It was not a big amount for Shaurya Ahlawat but Sunaina found it hard to digest that he was ready to gamble with it. 

Sunaina liked Mehek and preferred she would take the job. She feared that these unnecessary conditions may scare her away. Once Mehek signed the contract, Sunaina felt relieved. "When can you start Mehek?", Sunaian asked. "Day after tomorrow, Sunaunaji", Mehek replied. "I will be leaving tomorrow so let me introduce my son-in-law to to you", Sunaina led her to Shaurya's study from where he usually worked.

Sunaina was surprised when she failed to find Shaurya. She took out her phone and dialed him. But he didn't attend and send her a message that something urgent came up and he had to leave. "Well, I guess you may meet him when you come for work", Sunaina told awkwardly. "It's okay, Sunaina Madam. Can I see Diya?", Mehek asked politely. Sunaina smiled and led her straight to the nursery. 

On the way, Sunaina informed her that she is supposed to stay in adjacent room so that Diya will always have her nearby. She didn't fail to hint that Mehek is the only privileged staff who is not put up in staff quarters but got to stay in a comfortable room in the mansion itself. Mehek kept her expression plain. She was eager to meet Diya.

Diya. Just like the name, a cute and tiny human who managed to lit up Mehek's mood. The name, Diya itself had a definite pull for Mehek, as it is her favourite name. Diya was lying alone in her crib and looking at the ceiling. "Oh! Look,  she is awake", Sunaina exclaimed. Mehek carefully moved closer and gave her fingers for the infant to grab. Swiftly Diya grabbed it and started to giggled. "She likes you", Sunaina sounded happy. 

"I like her too", Mehek lifted her and held her comfortably in her arms. Diya giggled again and rubbed her faced on her breast. Mehek's heart brimmed with joy feeling a immediate connection with Diya but also felt sad her that  her body could not feed the hungry child in her arms. But she promised that she will shower Diya with affection and care. Mehek took the milk bottle and held it closer to the baby's' lips to feed her.

Shaurya checked the contract that Mehek had signed. His mother-in-law was skeptical of the conditions that were added as amendments into it. She didn't probe further when he gave lame reasons. Sunaina was unaware of his past and he intended to keep it as such. Mehek Maan is the most dark character from his damaged past. Karma had brought her at his door step and he intended not to miss his chance of vengeance.He again gazed at the contract and was unwillingly pulled to his past.

Five years back.

Shaurya's side of flashback

"These are set of my conditions. Read and ask if you have doubts", a vivacious young Mehek passed a sheet of paper to Shaurya. He was taken aback by her rudeness. Shaurya was in his last year of masters in Business studies while Mehek was still doing her graduation. They were poles apart. Mehek was flamboyant while he was introvert. Mehek was a social butterfly. From nails till hair , she screamed style, brands and fashion. While Shaurya was nerdy who enjoyed books & soft music. He cared about good nature of people whereas she valued outward appearances & social media status. 

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"What is all this, Mehek?", he asked being baffled

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"What is all this, Mehek?", he asked being baffled. Mehek took a sip of low cal coffee and talked, "Basically, this marriage is just in papers and I don't give a damn about it. We won't be an actual couple but playing role of a perfect husband & wife before world". Although Shaurya liked Mehek a lot, her attitude irked him, "then why do you even bother to get married to me?". "For money, duh", she spat at him, "I thought you are the smart one. Guess, I am wrong. May be your brain is as mediocre as your style". Shaurya moved uncomfortably in his chair while she mocked  him wickedly.

"Look Buddy, it is simple. My father wants the merger with your father's company. So he is pimping his daughter to you", she told vilely. "Stop it, Mehek", he found it hard to keep his voice low, "you sound as if you were chained and sold at the gallows". "May be not as dramatically as you narrated still I am forced", she looked away angrily, "My father made it clear that he will cut me off and throw me out of my house, if I don't agree. I need money to survive. Besides, my tastes are expensive". 

"Why don't we try the old fashioned way?", he proposed a solution, "Try to know eachother like any  simple arranged marriage couple. What if we find that we are meant for one another?". Mehek laughed out so loud that people from other tables stared at them. She apologized but still had wry smile on her lips. She looked at him once again, top to bottom before speaking, "You are not my type. Not even close. I will never fall for someone as dowdy as you".

Her words were huge blow to his ego but more to his heart. He was aware of his chubby body and non-charming style. But if Mehek wanted, he was ready to change himself. She is the woman whom he had fell in love since long. They had met in a party few years back and for Shaurya it was love at first sight. They were family friends and moreover, he was senior to Mehek's sister Nehal. He started giving free tuitions to Nehal, just to visit Maan's house and get a glance of Mehek. 

Years passed but Shaurya never had courage to ask Mehek out on a date. He never even felt brave to approach her and have a proper conversation. Finally his father, Jugraj Ahlawat took the initiative and proposed marriage. Vikram Maan, her father elaborated it along with a profitable merger between both  companies. It pained Shaurya that Mehek didn't reciprocate his feelings and considered their betrothal as a mere transaction.

"No need to feel low, Shaurya", her words brought him back to reality, "I am last the person whom you may wish to remained married . You will never be happy with me. We are perfectly  imperfect for one another". It looked like she felt bad being rude to him. But she behaved stoic, giving him hard time to read her. Mehek was a maze. Figuring her was not an easy job. But if it is easy then it is not love, Shaurya mused. He still hoped that things will be different once they spend more time with one another.

All images are downloaded from internet. Author doesn't own any of them

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