Chapter 23

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Mehek gazed at the love bite on her neck. Her body was covered with aftermaths of their passionate liaison but this one was prominent. She has to endure disapproving looks from female staffs while male staffs muffled their vile laughs. Her erotic moans and fulfilling screams would have already given away to the entire household that their master had ravished her in his bedroom. Their affair was no longer a secret. Yet Mehek felt diffident to parade around the  hickey. She wrapped a thick scarf around her neck and picked up her bag.

"Awaraji, I am going out and will be back in an hour. Please keep an eye on Diya", she requested while he nodded. Mehek often wondered how Awara maintained a poker face despite knowing everything. May be years of experience and his training had enabled him to act as a stoic butler. She wondered whether he too perceived her as a wanton who was sleeping her way to climb up the ladder. 

"Where are you going?", an enthusiastic Shaurya asked her behind while she was walking away from Awara. "I need to buy some things", she told unsurely. "Let me drive you", he was already dressed in casuals and didn't wait for her acknowledgement while picking up the car keys. "Mr Ahlawat, don't trouble yourself as I will manage", Mehek looked warily at the staff who were working around them. He surely didn't like the way she addressed him. "COME", he told grimly while holding her wrist.

"Where do you want to go?", he asked her once they were in his car. "Shaurya, please drop me at bus stop. I will go on my own", she replied timidly. "Are you still ashamed to roam around me, Mehek? What will it take more for you to accept me?", he sounded upset. "It's not like that Shaurya. Your name will be spoiled because of me", finally she let it out, "I am just a maid in your payroll.  Already household knows about us and if society also get whiff of it then your image will be spoiled". "Hell with society and reputation. When did you start bothering about it? With Rishabh you never cared then why am I always at the receiving end?", he snapped at her.

Despite his constant insistence on not dwelling on past, he mentioned about Rishabh. He noticed that Mehek was trying hard to fight her tears. "I am sorry", he apologized quickly and waited until she sobered. "Mehek, listen carefully as I don't want to repeat. We are in a consensual relationship. There nothing to be ashamed about it", he told her authoritatively and she nodded. "now tell me what did you want to buy?", he asked carefully. "Concealer", Mehek sniffed and showed the hickey he gave her. "So bad you are. I would love to see my mark on you", he told playfully while Mehek too tried to smile.

Shaurya took her to a mall and decided to shop for her. He wanted to pull Mehek into one of the expensive cosmetic shops but she preferred moderate ones. He reluctantly agreed but didn't allow her to stop with just a concealer. He got her an entire set of makeup kit. "You need new cloths", he forcefully pushed her and chose few western cloths. "Shaurya, I don't wear such cloths anymore. Besides, I don't want any", she tried to avoid but he didn't relent. 

Shaurya selected few kurtas, jeans and salwar suits also. Despite her protests, she enjoyed her time with him. While they were busy shopping, Shaurya caught sight of a familiar face and spoke her name, "Archie". Mehek too gasped in fear and turned to look at her. But Shaurya kept a consoling hand on her shoulder. "Mehek, let me handle it. Why don't you go to fitting room and try these dresses while I will manage Archie", he proposed and Mehek quickly walked away.

"Hello Shaurya. What a surprise!", Archie hugged him while her eyes scanned around, "Where is the lucky lady for whom you are shopping?". Shaurya just smiled softly, "She went to try the dresses". "Don't hide her. Introduce your beau to me. After all friends should know each others dirty secrets", she winked. "Give rest to your wicked brain, Archie. She is a good friend of mine ", he brushed it aside. After chit chatting for few more minutes, they parted.

"I hope she won't recognise me", Mehek was more worried about Shaurya. If Archie finds that she is with Shaurya then it won't take much for her to deduce that he was behind the scandal. "Don't worry, Mehek. In few weeks, ad shoot for my company will be over. After that I don't care if she finds out or not", he gave Mehek confidence. Then he looked her intently from top to bottom and mischief glinted in his eyes, "I know what you need. A make over". Mehek's eyes widened in shock and shook her head but he told in good humour, "It will help to hide your identity from Archie".

Much to her dismay, Mehek sat before the stylist. She studied her for few minutes as if calculating her next course of actions. Then she gave instructions to her assistants and soon they were working on Mehek. In few hours, they absolutely changed Mehek's appearance. Shaurya praised their efforts and tipped them nicely. He pulled out a nice salwar suit from shopping bags and insisted Mehek to wear it.

Mehek looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit that it felt good. She looked classy and elegant. The admiration from employees in the beauty parlour proved the same.  "Fabulous", Shauyra admired and hugged her from behind. "Will you do the honour of dining with me, M'Lady?", he asked dramatically. Mehek laughed heartily and nodded. 

As they spend more time, Shaurya was stunned by her carefree happiness. In past, Mehek used to cover herself behind fake smile and rude attitude. Later when they met again, her expressions where always underlined with sadness. A lot changed but then & now, Shaurya enjoyed watching her pure joy.

Mehek looked around uneasily while Shaurya had taken her to an expensive restaurant. "What shall we order?", Shaurya was deep into the menu, "Italian food here quite renowned. Shall we order your favourites?". Mehek hadn't even opened the menu and replied warily, "Now home cooked food is my favourite, Shaurya. So please don't be bothered about me and order whatever you like", she told honestly. He caught her palm over the table and told her, "You will never want for anything, Mehek. I will take good care of you".

A sudden emotion flickered in his eyes that Mehek was unable to decode. She squeezed her hand to reassure him, "I don't need anything, Shaurya. I am happy with the way I am". He smiled sheepishly and pulled her hand to his mouth to place a soft kiss on it, "But I want to spoil you". Mehek was unable to control goosebumps spreading on her skin while those words left his mouth. 

As promised, he ordered her favourites. It's been a while since Mehek had tried any of those dishes. So she enjoyed it a lot. The food, ambiance and his company were incredible. "Shaurya, let's leave. Diya will be missing me", Mehek wanted to get back to Diya. "No desserts??", he pouted while Mehek smiled. "Fine. Order quickly while I will come back from ladies room", she told him.

At the corridor, Mehek met an extremely tensed teenager. "Can you please help me? I lost my mobile and need to reach my parents. It will great help if you could give a call to my phone", she requested Mehek. She nodded and dialed the number, the girl told her. A light ring was audible from the nearby place and the girl rushed to pick her handset after a hasty thanks to Mehek. Shauyra was already waiting for Mehek so she left with a curt bye to the girl without giving much thought about strange girl.

"This is her number", the same girl showed Mehek's phone number to the person who was waiting for her. The number was noted and girl was rewarded with money and she left happily.

 "Let's keep in touch, Ms Mehek Maan", the person smirked while saving Mehek's number in contact list.

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