Chapter 31

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                      "Twice in a month's time. This a new record, Shaurya", Nehal made fun of Shaurya when he visited her, "usually I won't get to see you for another year once you visit". Nehal seemed to be edgy and not her usual self. "Papa will be so happy to see you again", she told plainly. "Actually I am here to meet you", when he told, her eyes twinkled but soon she became curious. "Why today? After all these years how come abruptly you recognised my existence?", Nehal was angry at him.

"Nehal, why are so upset?", he asked her carefully. "Upset is not the word to describe my state of mind, Shaurya. All these I waited patiently for you. But you never even threw me a glance. First my slutty sister then your bitchy best friend. Now again you are ready to accept my sister but not me", Nehal lashed at him. "Nehal, relax.You got it all wrong", Shaurya tried to calm her. She sat on her seat and covered her face to hide her agony. He remained quiet, letting her vent out.

"When I saw you with her having dinner at a restaurant, I was shocked. You were smiling at her and clearly enjoying her company. How could you do it, Shauyra? Why can't you behave the same with me? What do I lack? Why do you prefer Mehek even after her betrayal", Nehal got mad at him. "It's not what it seems like", Shaurya started to deliver the lies that he had practiced to speak, "She was hired by my mother-in-law to take care of Diya. By the time, I realised it was Mehek, contract was signed. Even she wasn't aware that I am Diya's father. It was coincidence".

  "At the restaurant, you both seemed to be really close", Nehal raised her doubt. "We good friends now, Nehal. Mehek had moved on and I too had gotten over my past. Above all, Mehek had taken care of Diya splendidly. I realized she has changed a lot. I thought it was better to be amicable than holding on to grudges", he lied again.

"There is nothing between us, Nehal. Mehek is not trying to come back to my life. She has her own family", he tried to convince her. He held Nehal's hand and she melted at his touch, "I am sorry for hurting your feelings, Nehal. But I always considered you as a good friend". "But I want more. I love you, Shaurya. Is it so hard for you to love me?", she was on verge of tears. Shaurya always suspected her feelings but did nothing from his side to encourage her. "I am sorry, Nehal. But I am helpless", he apologized earnestly

"Nehal, I came here to check whether Mehek came to you?", he asked her. "Why? What did she do now?", Nehal was curious. He sighed as he knew he has to handle it carefully. "Out of te blue, Mehek informed that she was quitting. She didn't convey any proper reason. I was wondering whether you know about it? Did you meet her? ", he asked carefully. "No, I didn't. I just saw her afar, at the restaurant with you. Never wanted to create a scene in public so I avoided her. Neither did I wish to meet her again", Nehal told convincingly. Shaurya looked tensed and nodded as if processing her words.

"Shaurya", she kept her hand on him, "let her go. She is not right for you. You are a good person to forgive her. Yet can you forget that she ran away on your wedding day?", she tried to instigate him. But rather than nodding his head absent mindedly, he didn't react. "She was never loyal to you even while you were engaged. I never told anyone till now but she was cheating you with Rishabh", Nehal told vehemently, "she slept with Rishabh while betrothed to you". 

"How can you tell that Nehal?", Shaurya was getting irked. "I saw her one morning, sneaking into our home after spending whole night away. Her hair & make up were improper. She wore oversize men's shirt & shorts", Nehal explained, "A car came and dropped her. She limped into our home. Once she reached her room, she waved at the man who dropped her . That's when I saw the driver of the car. It was Rishabh".

"Are you sure, Nehal?", Shaurya balled his fists to control his anger. "I am positive, Shaurya. It was Rishabh", she tried to convince him, "I was too young then to put two and two together. But now when I look back, I understand what would have happened during that night". Shaurya took a deep breath and stood up. "Bye Nehal", he stormed of Mann's house and got into his car. Nehal smirked at him. He will never be yours, my dear Di.

Nehal walked to her father's room . She was happy that nurse was missing. Now she could talk freely to her father, "Looks like your favourite daughter has become smart over last few years. She took my warning seriously and had decided to move away from Shaurya", she suddenly became thoughtful, "But he is still having soft feelings for her. Don't worry, I have injected enough venom into his troubled mind that he will hate her again". She smiled wickedly while Vikram looked unhappy. "Don't be sad, Papa. We will be a happy family soon. Time had been merciful on me. First Mehek then Swati, none stayed in Shaurya's life for long. Because he is mine"

The home nurse walked in and gasped seeing Nehal beside Vikram. "Where were you?", Nehal rebuked her. "Medicines were over so I went outside to buy it", she replied, "but pharmacy refused to give me medicines without prescription". Nehal tensed, "I have stocked enough medicines then why was it required to buy more?". "I am sorry, Ma'am. By mistake, I spoiled an entire batch", she was remorseful. "I will get it by evening", she sneered at the nurse, "don't dare to repeat it". Once Nehal stormed out, the nurse sat beside Vikram, "Sir, my suspicion was correct. These drugs are not good for you. They are spoiling your health". Vikram nodded his head.

"Anything useful?", Vivaan who was driving the car asked Shaurya. "Nehal is hiding something. She knows more than she reveals", he told Vivaan. Shaurya closed his eyes in frustration and leaned back in his seat, And what ever she says and said can't be trusted.

They all had believed in Nehal when she told that Mehek went away with Rishabh. Today, she had convincingly blend facts & fictions to create a contorted image of Mehek. Nehal never saw the driver, else she would have seen it was Shaurya. But she confidently lied that she saw Rishabh in the driving scene. Nehal also hid about her meeting with Mehek in the park.

Vivaan and Shaurya were going through the handset Shaurya had gifted Mehek. She had used till the day of her accident before discarding it. They were hopeful to find some information in it. "Do you recognize this house?", Vivaan showed the image to Shaurya. He studied it and shook his head but Vivaan was still hopeful. "All digital images are a file. Most of them has geographical coordinates attached to it. I will get it checked with experts. Some clue will pop-out of it", he informed Shaurya. 

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