Chapter 22

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                            Shaurya was relaxed and felt revived. Last night he had feasted on Mehek, like a hungry beast. Scratch that. Not hungry, he had been starved for too many years. It boosted his male ego that he was never impotent. Mehek is not only want but his need too. He took her many times last night, even when she was too tired to even moan. But it was evident that she enjoyed it as much he did. However, she didn't utter a word once they started back home in the morning. He perceived she needed space.

Once the day bloomed in sunlight, Shaurya was able to figure out the way back home. While he drove, Mehek looked outside but was never enjoying the scenery. Shaurya had covered her comfortably in his jacket. But she felt cold and lost. Last night was revelation for Mehek as well. She felt cleansed by Shaurya. Her mind was soiled by the vile acts of her tormentor who had separated her from Shaurya. It was so deep that even when her body healed, her mind couldn't. But Shaurya's touch removed remnants of poison that Rishabh managed to leave on her soul. 

Yet she was remorseful. Just like last time, she was afraid to hurt Shaurya. A lot remained unsaid between them and until she clarifies her side, any relationships amidst them is expected to doom. Above all, she wasn't sure whether Shaurya wanted to pursue a relationship with her. He could easily term it as drunken mistake and blame her as a wanton. So she decided not to ponder on it and forget deeds of last night.

Once they reached home, Mehek rushed to her room without giving Shaurya any chance to speak. He waited to catch her at dining table breakfast but she avoided him by staying in her room. Finally he had to leave for office as he had a busy day.

Mehek spend most of the day in Diya's room. She wished she had some kind of concealer to hide the hickey Shaurya gave her. She let her hair down to cover the mark and didn't have courage to face other staff. During lunch, she swiftly took few bites and fled to nursery.  Remaining day,  she sustained with snacks she had grabbed from kitchen. 

It was late evening and Mehek knew she has to come out of her hiding. "Is Sir back?", she asked Awara but he shook his head. "I need to return his jacket", she extended it to him. "Keep it in his wardrobe", Awara's command appeared weird so he explained, "Sir had asked to do so". Since Shaurya was yet to come, she felt brave to enter his room. She carefully kept the jacket inside the room and was about to walk away when a pair of arms wound around her waist.

Mehek gasped in shock when Shaurya snuggled his nose into her nape to relish her scent, "I missed you, Baby. Did you miss me?". "When did you come inside? Awaraji told that you haven't returned", she was still shocked. "You don't seem to miss me, Bad girl", he pouted and tightened his hold on her, "Awara lied since I wanted to lure you. His loyalty belongs to me", he told wickedly. Mehek nodded and tried to free herself, "Diya may wake up and will cry if she doesn't find me". "I know she won't and you know it too. We have plenty of time before she wakes up", he turned her and tried to touch her lips but she defied.

"Shaurya, we shouldn't pursue it further", she freed herself and moved back. "You want it as much as I do. Didn't last night mean anything for you?", his playful mode vanished. "It did", Mehek accepted but shook her head in distress, "It was special but that doesn't make it right. We have a past that still need to be addressed. Don't you want to know...", she couldn't finished because he waved his hand to stop her. 

In fraction of a second his mood changed. "I haven't forgiven your betrayal, Mehek. I am still angry whenever I think about the heartache you caused me so please don't try to sell your sob story to me. Whatever your reasons were, they are never going to be justifiable for me", he told angrily. Mehek stood defeated before his wrath and agony. Shaurya sighed and held her palms, "But you are still so dear to be. You are my need and the solace my soul seeks. I want to move ahead. All I ask you is to hold my hand and be with me", he persuaded her.

Mehek was still wary and wanted to come clean but remained helpless since he wasn't ready. Shuarya went on, "I have changed. You have changed. A lot changed in these past 5 years, Mehek. It's better to let bygones be bygones. If you promise to be loyal to me henceforth, then past doesn't matter anymore", he coaxed her. She remained skeptical and wanted time to think. Yet he was too impatient to let her get away. He cupped her face, "I need you, Mehek. So badly", he kissed  her until she gave in.

Without breaking their kiss, Shaurya slowly pulled out her shawl and led her to his bed. When her legs hit the coat, she stumbled and fell on the soft bed. He slowly grazed his fingers from her cheeks to jaw then travelling through her upper body and finally halting at her waist. He hands went inside her kurta and undid her bottoms. "I was inconsiderate last night", he pulled down her cloths, "the best apology is to make it up to you". She looked at him apprehensively when he spread her legs and his head dipped between her thighs. He bit the hem of her panties and pulled it out while her breath hitched in anticipation.

"Aaaggh", she yelped when his warm mouth came over her womanhood. She bite down her lips no to scream out love. She was sore but craved for the heavenly pleasure he offered her. Soon his finger joined his tongue to give her satisfaction. "Please...Please...don't...stop.....Please don't stop.", she begged him when he looked at her mischievously. "Moan for me, Baby", he bucked his finger to increase level of pleasure. She had no way but to obey. Her dreamy moans and alluring pleas filled the room. Finally with a shrill cry she reached her orga*m. He looked satisfied while a wicked grinned adorned his face.

"I guess I redeemed myself and earned your favour", he pulled away his shirt and came over her. Mehek was still not back from high when he kissed her rough and hard. The remaining barriers separating their skins were removed swiftly. He lifted her naked body and made her straddle him. She eased her wet folds onto his hard member while moaning softly. "Let's rock and roll", he laughed alluringly while leading both to another ride of immense pleasure.

They laid side by side, enjoying aftermath of their union. Mehek felt comfortable in his arms still guilt tried to pop its head. "I can never get enough of you", he told her earnestly. All her worries were washed away when he pecked her forehead and caressed her cheeks lovingly. They stayed like that for few more minutes until Mehek remembered about Diya. She got up and wore her cloths. 

"I got you something", he spoke while pulling out a box from bedside table. Mehek was aghast when she saw a new handset from one of the top brands in country. "I can't accept it", she denied. "You will accept it and use it. Throw away that junk which you term as phone", he insisted.

"Shaurya, I don't need it", Mehek was feeling extremely uncomfortable to accept his gifts from him. Even when his intentions were noble, she felt cheap as if he was paying back for her services. Sensing her discomfort he held her closely, "Don't over think and take it. I really want you to have it. If you are so concerned then think your boss is giving you as part of your employment. Even a nanny needs good handset to facilitate her job. It's like a company property that will be taken back when you resign", he laughed at his own joke. "Although I will never let you go", he captured in his arms and Mehek felt content. He made her accept it.

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