Chapter 8

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                           Truth hurts. 'Rishabh is her father'. Mehek words echoed in his mind, stabbing his ego repeatedly. He would have preferred her lies as it was unbearable for him to know that she had let another man's seed into her womb. His inner beast was roaring for revenge while the old Shaurya was wailing in pain.

The humiliating pain he suffered on his wedding day due to his bride's elopement and Rishabh's vile confession had broken Shaurya miserably. It took a lot for him to rebuild himself after Mehek's betrayal. His father did everything to overcome his agony and heal his wounds. High end therapist and psychologists were consulted. Shaurya indulged in various physical pursuits to hurt his body in order to numb his broken heart. 

Shaurya continued his studies abroad and started his career. In few years, he emerged as a new man. Not only in looks but emotionally as well. He became a successful entrepreneur and came out Jugraj's shadow. World had already forgotten his ordeal and disgrace. The kind and soft Shaurya who believed in sunshine & rainbows still remained within him but too timid to venture out. His cold personality acted as a shield to protect him.

At many junctures in life his personalities collided. Often he has to push behind his soft nature while taking tough decisions in career. At times, he would let his cold nature a break while gratifying his old self . But today both his personalities were tormented and demanded justice. It can only be done when his culprit is punished without mercy. 

His strong hands can strangle her slender neck and watch her struggle for breath. He is powerful enough to kill and escape. Today, Mehek is a nobody who mattered to none. But Death will be a too easy for her. She needs to be tormented every second of her life, physically, mentally and emotionally. She needs to realise the same pain, he had endured. A fate that is worse than death. He walked out determinedly to find her.

Mehek was retiring to her room after making Diya sleep. "Is Diya asleep?", Shaurya's brooding voice startled her. She just nodded and tried to walk away. "Does Rishab know about his daughter?", he asked while blocking her path. She stood still but remained quiet. "Why did you leave him?", the next question had so much hatred in it. Mehek remained tight lipped. She couldn't reveal the horrible truth hidden in her past. She failed to bare that it was her survival instinct that made her escape Rishabh.

"What did you truly desire, Mehek? If it was money then I could have given it all to you. I was so wrapped around your finger that easily you could have taken over my wealth", his words held the angst that pricked her. "Or is it the insatiable lust? Need of moving from one man to another man then to another man.", he asked wickedly, quickly covering the emotions he reflected few seconds before.

"Please excuse me", Mehek tried hard to act professionally and escape from him. "Baba, misses Rishabh a lot", Shaurya words stalled her again, "it's a wonder he never returned as promised. We all thought he would crawl back when money ran scarce". Mehek tried to calm herself thinking about Rishabh. "I believe the you are the reason", he told firmly. Her heart rammed against her rib cage. "He never managed to overcome the blow you gave him. Poor Guy. He was not as strong as me", he clarified and Mehek released the breath she had held. "Good night, Sir", she walked away

"Baba, will be so happy to know about Rishabh's daughter. A granddaughter from his favourite son", Shaurya words managed to hold her still once more. "He will so happy that he may take her away from her bit*hy mother". Mehek breathed hard. "Have a good night sleep, Ms Maan", he acted to walk away after the curt wish. "Please don't do it, Shaurya", he smiled wickedly as she begged from behind. In past, he was a foolish love sick puppy who failed to see through her deception. But tonight he is sure about her weakness. Her Achilles's heel is her daughter, Drishti.

"I know you want revenge. And I accept that I deserve it all". Mehek confessed while he kept a plain face, "You wish to harm me in every worst possible ways. Please don't bring Drishti into it. She has suffered a lot without any mistake. Don't drag an innocent into this game of vengeance", she folded her hands, "I will go far away with my daughter and never even dare to show my face to you or your family".

"Oh my God. You got me all wrong, Ms Maan. Why will I want to wrong a helpless woman like you?", he asked innocently, "I can keep mum but then again when I think about my father, I feel bad that he never knew about Rishabh's child. Can you do something to compensate?'. Mehek didn't know what he needed but she was in no position to deny him. "I have a task for you. It's a very simple job of delivery", he told her with a smile.

Mehek was nervous while she waited outside an expensive gym. She zeroed her target, Ms Archita Kapoor, a famous model. She recalled Shaurya's words, "A friend mind needs a particular kind of medication. But her manager and team are not allowing her to take her and keeping her under tight leash. All you have to do is buy the medicine and deliver it to her".  Mehek was helpless but smart enough to understand it was drugs which he referred as medicines.

He gave her enough money & directions to procure drugs and later give it to his friend. Archita walked out of the gym with a tired face, carrying her workout bag. Mehek quickly walked to her and asked timidly, "Can I have an autograph?". Archita was surprised but agreed to sign. While she signed her autograph, Mehek handed over the vial containing the so called medicines to her. Archita was surprised but before she could call out, Mehek had fled the scene.

Next morning, when Mehek came down for breakfast, a flash news awaited her. Famous model Archita Kapoor created a scene in her recent ad shoot. It is rumoured that she suffered a massive rebound. This unfortunate event spoils her image. All leading brands are planning to blacklist her immediately. Mehek froze hearing and she briskly walked towards Shaurya's study.

Shaurya was watching the news clip in his phone. Archie. She was supposed to be the brand ambassador for his latest venture. Clients liked her and Investors preferred her. During one of their company parties, she tried to seduce Shaurya and got rejected shamefully. She claimed to be insulted by him and walked out of the campaign, causing severe loss. 

He smiled when he received her call. "Archie, sweetheart. I know"...."Ofcourse I understand you never did it intentionally"..."I can pull you back into my campaign but since I am running on loss, I may have to cut down your remuneration"...."Sure Darling"..."Bye". He smiled satisfied that Archie was where he wanted her to be. She begged him to take her back that too in his terms. She knew it very well that she will lose her vanity if none hires her soon.

Mehek stood rooted to her spot while he turned to face her. He acted to be shocked then laughed. "Did you see the news?", he asked her enthusiastically. Mehek realised that she had been used as a pawn in his vicious game to trap another woman. After watching the news, she rushed to him tell him about Archita's plight but she understood his game.

Who is this man who calls himself Shaurya Ahlawat?, Mehek was beyond shock, Shaurya whom she knew was kind and patient to others, even to those who never deserve it. What have you done to him?  She wanted to shout at him but her body just refused to listen to her. Finally after taking a deep breath to calm her senses and she spoke firmly, "I quit".

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