Chapter 41 Last Chapter

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                           "I will miss you", Mehek was in tears while bidding farewell to Vivaan at airport. "Then leave everything and jump into my plane", he told her amusingly and she laughed amidst her tears. Shaurya got irked but tried hard to hide it. He knew he will lose his cool if stays near them for more time. "I will get some icecream for Drishti", he held Diya closer to his chest and walked away holding Drishti's hand. 

"Shaurya is doing great with Drishti", Vivaan appreciated once Shaurya was away enough,"Both girls are pretty close to him". "He has always been a good father. Once of the main reasons, I tolerate him", Mehek rolled her eyes. Vivaan held her hand and kissed it, "Mehek, I won't ask you to be honest with me but to yourself. Are you happy keeping Shaurya at bay? Why don't try for a fresh start with him or atleast break up with him for good?", Vivaan asked her. "He is like a bad habit. Not easy to forsake nor wise to indulge", Mehek sighed and hugged him.

Vivaan knew it was in vain to argue with her. Eventhough Shauyra was his rival in love, he wished Mehek will find happiness with him. But she was too hurt to trust and love Shaurya again. "Don't waste your energy on negative thoughts. Focus on your career. Take good care of the camera which I got you. All my hard earned money were gone to procure it", Vivaan humoured. Mehek had decided to learn photography and become professional. She had a knack for it and fan follow-up in her social media for her travel photos was proof of it. With proper training, she knew she would hit the nail on its head.

Once they arrived home after seeing off Vivaan, it was already late. It's been almost a month since Mehek & Shaurya moved into their new abode. The initial phase of packing & unpacking were done and they were settled comfortably in the 3 bedroom apartment. Mehek had her own room but stayed in kid's room where Dristhi and Diya slept whereas Shaurya had settled into the master bedroom. 

Both children were fast asleep when they reached home. Shaurya carried Dristhi while Diya was comfortable in Mehek's arms. "Sleep tight Angels",Shaurya wished them softly after settling them in their respective beds. "Good night, Mehek", he said softly to her. As usual, she gave a plain nod. He stood beside for a moment and pecked her forehead before leaving.

Mehek was unable to sleep. Vivaan was her supporting system for long and his departure made her feel insecure. Besides, her arrangement with Shaurya was not fulfilling as she had expected. She didn't find any pleasure in his agony but it slowly started to disturb her peace. She was neither letting him in nor letting him go. Vivaan's parting advice resonated in her mind, stealing her sleep. She threw away her covers and walked out of her room.

Mehek was taken aback when she found Shaurya at the hall. He was always early-to-bed-early-to-rise type of man. "I thought you were asleep", she told him. "I couldn't sleep so thought of watching a movie", he had kept volume so low so that it won't be disturbing others. "Mind if I join", she asked and he happily agreed. 

It was an action movie with lot of thrills and chases. They both were enjoying the plot until an intimate scene between leads was shown on screen. The heroine moaned in pleasure while hero got rough with her. The sexual tension between Mehek & Shuayra became apparent. Mehek tried to act normal but Shauyra failed so he looked around. "These movie makers don't have any sense. Highly appropriate for the plot", he commented wishing that it will be over. "Why are you cursing them? You used to love having rough sex with me", her words disturbed him.

Shaurya looked away from her. But she moved closer to him and kept her hand over his thigh. "What happened Shaurya? Reliving those moments?", she moved her hands up & down his thighs suggestively, "I can help you, if you want". "Do you want it , Mehek?", he asked her apprehensively. She smiled and straddled him, heightening his confusion and temptation. "To be honest, you are really good in bed. Any woman will want you", she caressed his cheeks while he leaned onto her touch.

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