Chapter 32

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Mehek got busy arranging Drishti's room. She ensured that Dristhi will be able to move around comfortably in her room and take care of herself. By evening, Shaurya brought Drishti from hospital and lead her to her new room. "Do you like it ?", he asked and Drishti nodded happily. "Mr Ahlawat has decided to take care of you, Drishti", although Drishti was aware of it, Mehek informed her once again. "Thank you, Mr. Ahlawat", Drishti smiled at him.

"You can call me Baba", his words surprised Mehek & Drishti. "Get better quickly. You are no loner a small girl but a big sister and need to take care of Diya", Shaurya told her while pointing to baby sleeping in the pram beside Mehek. "Oh! She is so cute. I always wanted to have a baby sister", Drishti told happily. Mehek was so glad to see her excitement.

"Can I hold her, Baba?", she asked cutely. Mehek blinked back a lone tear on realising how quickly Drishti accepted Shaurya as her father figure. "Sure Princess", Shaurya agreed while Drishti giggled at pet name he gave her. He was about to take Diya but Mehek stopped him. "May be later, Mr Ahlawat. Diya is sleeping and Drishti needs to rest". Her reasons seemed to be genuine yet he disliked her curt refusal.

"You could have told let her call you Uncle. After all it's the truth", once they were alone, Mehek expressed her displeasure. She was on the edge and ironically Shaurya preferred her anger rather that her fake calmness. So he decided to agitate her. "If she calls you Ma then I can be her Baba. Drishti is far from truth anyways". 

Mehek wanted to snap at him but reined herself. She took few breaths to calm herself, "She is a little girl. So please don't give her hope and disappoint her". "That's your forte, Mehek. Playing with other people's emotions is your thing", his words were strong. "But recently you too gained expertise in it, Mr Ahlawat", sadness filled her eyes but she didn't falter. "Just don't hurt her feelings. She is too fragile and precious. Unlike me", Mehek walked away to avoid breaking down infront of him.

"Hey", Vivaan called her softly but Mehek was irritated. She had walked away from Shaurya' house and tried to find solace in a lone place. Vivaan's uninvited entrance didn't sit well with her. "Mr Kapur, why don't you leave me alone?", she tried hard not to yell at him in public. He smiled and sat beside her, "Since you already know, I don't have to lie. It's my job to keep you safe". "More like keep me under your radar", she smirked. He had no defense to her words so he countered it with a embarrassed smile. "You can talk to me, Mehek. I know you can use a friend", he told kindly, after few minutes of silence. A friend Mehek laughed softly thinking about it. A term that made her gullible. 

"What happened to you, Mehek?", he asked her carefully. Mehek became rigid when she heard his question. "Your Boss might have told you. I ran away from my wedding with my lover. Shamed my family and my fiancé. Then later I acted as mother of a child whom I have not given birth. Simple story of an absolute fraud", she mocked herself. "I don't believe it as whole story because I know there is more to it", he touched her hand softly, "I believe you are a victim". Mehek looked at him dubiously but remained tight lipped. She had burned so many times that it was difficult to trust another man.

"At hospital, you told that you cannot conceive. Why is it so?", Vivaan wanted to know more. She looked away ignoring his probing gaze. "I am not a medical man and could only gather some information from internet. Your condition could be due to prolonged illness or a grave injury or multiple....", he stopped himself before blurting unwanted information. "Why did you stop, Mr Kapur?", she caught him, "Let me help you to finish it. Multiple abortions could also lead to my condition", she smirked at him, "I guess that's the most logical thing you or your boss could conclude about me. A slut who slept around a lot". 

Whatever minuscule consideration Mehek had for Vivaan vanished.  He is just like the rest.  She stood up to leave but he blocked her. "Mehek, you got it all wrong. I was just reciting what I found on internet", he told but she pushed his asided and tried to walk away. He kept his hand on her shoulder, "I can help you if you confide in me". 

Mehek shook her head, "There is no fun if I am easy. You want to know my truth then get your pretty a*s out there and work hard". "Is that a challenge?", Vivaan got riled up ,"Then let me tell you that I am really good at what I do, Ms Maan. Soon your secrets will be out", he warned her. Mehek mocked him, "Good luck". "You don't have confidence in me, do you? May be this will help", he unlocked his phone and showed her the image of the house. 

Mehek visibly paled and took support from nearby fence to stand straight. Momentary anger Vivaan felt for Mehek vaporized seeing her distress. He quickly supported her to stone bench and swiftly got her some water to drink. He feared she will faint but Mehek composed herself quickly. "You are indeed a good investigator", she laughed softly at him. "I want to help you, Mehek. It may be tough to comprehend but even Mr Ahlawat wants to keep you safe", Vivaan told her. "Just ensure that my daughter is safe and out of harm's way. That's all I need", she took a deep breath and drank from the bottle.

"Let me drop you", he offered but Mehek didn't want. "I prefer to walk", she told him. "Then I will walk with you", he was determined not to leave her alone, "as a side effect you got to endure my rants". Mehek smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. They both covered the distance back to Shaurya's home by foot. Vivaan talked non-stop about random topics while Mehek remained quiet. But she was happy for his company. His non-stop chatter kept her pre-occupied.

"Why are you always seen with Vivaan?", Shaurya sneered at her as soon as she came inside his house. "Why can't I? He may be my next potential customer", she gave back with vigour. "Mehek!!", Shaurya shouted at him. "No need to raise your voice, Mr Ahlawat. I was your bed warmer and may he will take me as his wh*re too", she spat at him. "Mehek, this is not done", he tried to remain calm. 

Mehek took a breath to fight her tears, "Years back, I did a mistake that hurt you deeply. And now I did another mistake of trusting you that hurt me badly. So now we are even. You lost your upper hand. Our scores are settled. Do you understand me, Mr Ahlawat?". Mehek was practically shouting at him while shivering in anger and agony. "Ma", a feeble voice startled them while Mehek & Shaurya met nervous gaze of Drishti.

"Aren't supposed to be asleep? Why are you out of your bed at this time?", Mehek snapped at Drishti who cringed back in fear. "Mehek, she is a child", Shaurya was aghast by her rash behaviour. "Baba, are you fighting with Ma?", Drishti asked timidly. "No, Princess we are not fighting", Shaurya tried to pacify her. "Baba, please don't make Ma sad", she told him being on verge of tears. 

"Stop caling him, Baba", Mehek suddenly shouted at her. Drishti trembled in fear so Shaurya quickly dashed to her and held her petrified frame closer. "He is not your father", Mehek was still angry . Shaurya glared at her still kept silent. He knew it was best to keep silent to contain the situation. But Mehek was in no mood to stay calm, "I am not your mother either". 

"Shut up, Mehek!", Shaurya shouted at her. "You wanted me to tell her the truth, didn't you?", she spat at him and turned to Drishti, "I am not your mother but a selfish woman who used you for her own benefits". Drishti burst into tears and seeing her distress, Mehek mellowed down. It surprised Shaurya that still Mehek didn't try to comfort Dristhi. 

Shaurya slowly wheeled Drishti to her room. "Princess, don't cry. Your mother loves you a lot. ", he wiped the little girl's tears. "What happened to Ma? She was never like this. Why did she say those awful things to me?", she hiccuped. Shaurya was unable to tell innocent girl that it was his doing. 

"Mehek is going through some serious issues. She needs our help and care. That's what family is supposed to do. Support one another. Will you help me to get her better, Princess?", he asked her and she nodded. "Let's give her some time. I promise it will all be fine soon", he pecked her forehead while making her lay down on her bed.

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