Chapter 6

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Finally the villain is being introduced to scene. Hopefully my lovely readers will love to hate him 😁. Few weeks back, I sought your suggestions for an apt villain against Shaurya. So hereby I present to you Mr. Rishabh Ahlawat

                               Mehek remembered the man with whom Shaurya had accused her before mercilessly pushing her down to the kitchen floor. Rishabh Ahlawat; Shaurya's elder brother or if aptly put, his half-brother. Mehek clearly recalled the day, she had met Rishabh for the first time. It was right after the press conference where their parents had announced to media about their engagement and impending merger of their companies.

 It was right after the press conference where their parents had announced to media about their engagement and impending merger of their companies

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Mehek's side of flashback

Mehek was utterly bored. She was happy that the limelight was on her father, Jugraj uncle and now in Shaurya. He was the prince of Ahlawats who will soon to be crowned to claim the throne. But Mehek knew she had no role in his reign because Queen never matters in their families. Mehek glanced at the heavy diamond that adorned her ring finger and sighed. 

"A rose for rose", a soft voice wished her. Mehek lifted her head disinterestedly but one look at him was enough to catch her attention. "Congrats, Ms Maan", he forwarded the red rose to her, "welcome to family". Mehek smiled politely accepting the flower although she was still confused about his identity. "I am sorry for not introducing myself. I am Rishabh Ahlawat. Your fiance's big brother. Adopted, ofcourse", he told her 

Rishab was a charmer. He was handsome, well built , stylish and a bit of a flirt. He was every inch the man Mehek had wished for as her life partner. Unfortunately, she ended up with wrong brother. Mehek quickly warmed up to Rishabh. In few minutes, they exchanged numbers and social media accounts. 

"You are quite a flaunt", Mehek browsed through his pictures in social media. "So are you, Beautiful", he complimented her, "Girl, you are simply gorgeous !". "She has a good personality too, Rishabh", Shaurya came between them and wound his arm possessively over Mehek's waist. She grew uncomfortable by his sudden gesture of  envy but remained tight lipped.

 Rishabh embraced him. "Congrats, Bro. You are lucky to have her", before Shaurya could thank him, Rishabh mocked him, "I am sorry I couldn't say the same to Mehek. Poor thing! You must be feeling awful being betrothed to my little brother". Mehek laughed at his dark humour while Shaurya stood rigid. Quickly Shaurya took her away citing some lame excuse.

"Leave me", Mehek pulled her wrist away from Shaurya's hold. They had reached a quiet corner away from prying eyes. "Mehek, stay away from Rishabh. He is not a good guy", Shaurya told her. "Listen, you fake fiance", Mehek fumed, "Our relationship is just on papers. Even if  it would have  been otherwise, I won't allow anyone to dictate my life. I choose whom to meet and not to meet. So stay the f*ck out of my life". 

Shaurya was well aware of Mehek's rebel nature. The more one tried to control , the harder she will try to disobey. He sighed and plead her, "Mehek, I have no intention to control you. Yet I know Rishabh very well. He extremely manipulative and self-centered. He is not  worth your friendship. So I beg you to listen to me". "Jealousy doesn't suit you", Mehek chided him. "Why would I be jealous of Rishabh?", Shaurya retorted. "Because he is everything that you are not", she snapped at him. Before they could argue further, they were called back into the party.

Mehek was intrigued by Rishabh and tried to find as much as possible about him. Rishabh was hardly an year older than Shaurya. In papers, he is adopted by Jugraj Ahlawat but in reality he is Jugraj's own blood who was born on other side on the blanket. Obviously Jugraj uncle nursed a guilty conscience for his love child else he wouldn't have protected  Rishabh with Ahlawat name by adopting him. But apart from that he was totally brought up outside the Ahlawat clan. 

Rishabh had spend most of his days in boarding schools and hostels. His mother abandoned him once he was adopted and went in search of new pastures. Rishabh was a huge failure academically but still remained popular in all institutions he had studied. Currently , he was trying to establish a designer clothing line for men, with him being the main model cum designer. No bonus points to guess that Jugraj Uncle was the main investor. 

Despite warnings, Mehek and Rishabh became friends quickly. Mehek found him easy to get along. Unlike her other phony friends, Mehek didn't hide herself from him. Probably because they both had characterless mothers and families who didn't care about them. He was born from a home breaker while her mother ran away with her lover. 

Moreover, they both had even tastes. She liked fashion whereas he was a budding designer & amateur model. She was a movie buff and he partied frequently with movie stars & celebrities. They both worked out regularly and loved to flaunt their hard earned body . They started to hangout in same clubs, parties and gyms

Eventually media got whiff of them and posted their couple photos along with dirty speculation thereby enraging their parents. Mehek and Rishabh were forbidden to meet one another anymore. Mehek felt caged while she was just allowed to go out of her house if only accompanied by Shaurya or her sister Nehal. But true to her rebel nature, Mehek tried her best to be close to Rishabh and remained glued to her phone. 

End of flash back

"What do you mean that I cannot leave?", Mehek was aghast when she was not allowed to leave on Sunday. She had already taken permission to have Sundays as her weekly off. Drishti will be eagerly waiting for her. "I am sorry, Ms Maan. No one is available to take care of Diya today. So you have to stay. Probably next Sunday, you will be able to go", Awara told calmly. Mehek was having a hard time controlling her anger. "Where is Mr Ahlawat?". "In study. He is busy and cannot be disturbed", he informed. Mehek marched to the study furiously , despite his warning.

"Mr Ahlawat, I already informed Sunaina Madam about my weekly off and it was agreed", Mehek tried to be polite. She was sure that Shaurya was torturing her. It was clear that he identified her from day one and trying to seek revenge. "I know but the person who was arranged to take care of Diya couldn't make it today. So you have to stay. I will pay you a day's extra wage", he told matter-of-factly. 

Mehek trembled fighting the stress, "I am extremely sorry but I have to refuse. I need to be with my daughter", her words caught his attention. She thought he may show a bit of mercy and tried to explain, "She is...". "I know she is an invalid and admitted in a home run by nuns", he brushed it aside callously. Mehek winced but took a deep breath to speak, "Shauya, please don't take your anger on my daughter. I am your culprit but please trust me I never betrayed you. I was...".

 He held her palm gesturing her to stop ,"Miss Maan, I have no idea what you are blabbering about. And I don't care about it. So without wasting time, go back and take care of Diya". Mehek tried to sound as brave as possible, "Sir, please. I need to visit my daughter. She will be waiting for me". "Ask her father to attend her. I am sure he will understand and fill in for a day", he told while fixing his tie. Mehek gulped hard when he mentioned about Drishti's father. He didn't fail to notice that Mehek trembled when those words left his mouth.

"What happened, Mehek? Why so serious?", he came closer and spoke softly, "Is it so difficult to contact you daughter's father?'. Mehek remained quiet as she expected another mocking blow from him and indeed it came, "Or do you have difficulty to know who is the father of your child?". 

She balled her fists and let her nails dig into her skin. "Don't be offended Mehek. It's a genuine concern. After all you had slept with many men in a short span of time", he asked vilely. Mehek had no defense. She had sinned and it is her retribution. But Drishti is innocent and deserves to live with her head held high. So Mehek gathered all courage and spoke, "My conditions were added in the contract. So if I am not allowed to leave today then I will quit". 

Shaurya looked at her intently and suddenly his eyes gleamed with wickedness. He spoke plainly, "Fine. Go and meet your daughter".

All images are downloaded from internet. Author doesn't own any of them

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