Chapter 17

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                             Awara glared at Mehek when she returned after visiting Drishti. He didn't scold her before other staff because it will be evident that she managed to outsmart him. Besides,Shaurya was expected to return back any minute. So Awara ordered her to get back to work immediately. 

Mehek rushed back to Diya who was playing in her crib. "My baby Doll, did you miss me?", she held her affectionately. She was already attached to Diya even though her father was hell bend to destroy her life. Mehek was not afraid to face her punishment but for Drishti, she has to keep up the fight.

"What have you decided?". Shaurya stormed into the nursery and shot at Mehek. Whatever slight doubt he had about Mehek's elopement was clarified once he had spoken to Nehal. Mehek was lying. She was never taken away by force but she left with Rishabh on her own will. So he was back in his revenge mode with added determination. "I need an answer", he asked again while Mehek gulped hard. She knew he wanted to keep her as his mistress not due to desire but to degrade her character. "I can't", she shook her head timidly, "Please don't force me", she begged him.

"Drishti has a rare medical condition. Her immunity will further decline if not treated properly" he told plainly those facts which Mehek was already aware. But he added his insight, "You are giving her whichever treatment you could afford. But it is not good enough. Soon Drishti will fall sick more often and until one day...". Mehek held her palm over her mouth to hold her sobs. Even though cruel, he was citing truth. 

"Inform Jugraj Uncle...I mean inform Mr Jurgraj Ahlawat. He will be ready to take care of Drishti", Mehek spoke with a heavy heart. She may lose custody of Drishti but it will better for her daughter. Besides giving in to his indecent proposal was abominable for Mehek. "Really, Mehek? You are ready to give up your daughter rather than your pride", he feigned innocence. Soon he laughed, "But there is a small problem. My father passed away few years back". Mehek was shocked by his revelation.

"You used your late father's name to trick me", she was aghast. She recalled his blackmail which made her to deliver drugs to Archie. "Ofcourse, Mehek. But trust me, Dad wouldn't have bothered a bit. Infact he hated you the most. A b*tch who destroyed both his sons", he sneered at her. "Shaurya, please trust me. I didn't ...", she tried again to explain her side but failed 

"Sshhh", he kept his forefinger on lips, "I don't give a damn about our past, Mehek. Let's not complicate", he straightened himself, "I am a widower with needs. Basically, I want a woman to warm my bed and you are perfect. In return, Drishti will be given best treatment and perhaps I may give some extra cash". "Why don't you show your money up your as*!", Mehek spat at him.

"Still feisty. I like it", he tried to hide his surprise. He expected her to break down and beg for mercy. Mehek had been weathered under tough trial of time. But fire inside her was still not put out completely. "I have endured your behaviour till now, Mr Ahlawat . But there is a limit.. Don't test my patience", she warned him.

"What will you do, Mehek? Don't forget your position. You are no longer the spoilt brat of Maan", he challenged her. "True. I am a nobody but you are not. You have a image to maintain in society. If I start to give back in same coin, then be assured that you will lose a lot", her words were true. Although he maintained stoic expression, he knew it was not an empty threat. Sensing that her words sunk into his mind, she cooled down a bit, "I don't want to cause any trouble to you, Shaurya. Please let me live in peace".

Next few days, Shaurya left Mehek alone. She was not sure whether he had change of heart or planning another vicious move. Nevertheless, she had no choice but to wait & see how future unfolds. It gave her also breathing time to think and decide for her actions. She needed money, a new job and a place move farther from Shaurya. It was painful for her to leave Diya but she was helpless. "I will miss you terribly, my Doll", Mehek kissed Diya.

Mehek was strolling with Diya in the garden when a lady came beside her. "Is she Diya?", she asked affectionately. When Mehek nodded, the lady became emotional and extended her had to touch Diya. She giggled and held onto the lady's finger. "Why don't you come inside, Madam? I will inform, Mr Ahlawat about your arrival. Can I know your name?", Mehek tried to invite her politely. 

The lady became bewildered but answered, "I am Khushi Gupta...My father...Swati used to work with my father as his junior". "Please come", Mehek invited her again but she stood still, "Can I hold her?". Mehek wasn't sure whether to give Diya to her. "Just for a second", Khushi asked again. Sensing her eagerness, Mehek was about to give Diya to her hands. "Mehek!!!", a roar broke their reverie.

"Go inside", Shaurya commanded Mehek. She would have obeyed if not for the agonized expression on Khushi's face. "Mr Ahlawat, my name is Kushi Gupta. I am..", Khushi tried to introduce herself quickly but Shaurya quickly showed her his palm. "I know who you are Ms. Khushi Guta, daughter of Shashi Gupta". Khushi appeared nervous but spoke, "Mr Ahlawat, for past week I have trying hard to meet you". "I don't have time to waste of people like you", Shaurya pulled Mehek along with him. She was still baffled and held Diya protectively in her arms.

"My father is in death bed. His last wish is to see Diya", Khushi informed before he could close door at her face. "Why now Ms Gupta? Where was he when Swati took her last breath after giving birth to Diya?" Shauyra managed make Khushi speechless. 

As if recalling presence of Mehek, he quickly tried to end the conversation, "My wife passed away few months back, Ms Gupta. Now Diya is solely my responsibility since I am her FATHER". He closed the door, leaving a weeping Khushi outside. "Take Diya to the nursery", Shaurya roared at Mehek.

Shaurya's side of flashback

"What did he say, Swati?", Shaurya was eager to know . "Nothing", Swati calmly drank a glass of water, "Anyways, I didn't go to him expecting anything. Informing him about the baby was the right thing to do". "Doesn't he have any shame? Can't he man up and own you with his child?", Shaurya was furious. Swati was exasperated with his reaction, "It was my mistake, Shauyra. What happened between us was a slip of a moment. Shashi Sir, is someone whom I admire the most. He is great man and people look upto him. How will he live in society if accepts a woman who is as old his daughter?". 

"He didn't have a problem having an affair with a young woman and impregnate her", Shaurya was angry that Swati was still supporting him. "There was no affair, Shauyra. It was just once, a flawed moment when he lost to temptation. I would have been willing to have an illicit relationship but he never pursued and shunned me away. He is a noble man". "Really? Then why can't he accept you or atleast his child", Shaurya was baffled by her attitude. "He has a young daughter, Shaurya. Her future will be destroyed", Swati was still defending him "What about your future? You child's future?", he shot at her but she had no reply.

Finally she covered her face and wept. Shaurya sat beside and embraced her. "Stop fighting with me, Shaurya. I need a friend now who understands and supports me", she sobbed against his chest. "I am here for you, Swati", he consoled her. They sat in silence until Swati calmed down. It gave him enough time to think and decide.

"I will marry you", he told her firmly. She looked at him as if he had grown horns on his head. "I don't need your charity", she rebuked him. "It's not charity but payback", he held her closer, "you never gave upon me when I was going through worst. It's my turn now". Swati laughed mocking themselves, "You are still in love with a woman who left you broken". "And you are in love with a man who can never accept you", he gave back in same tone, " we are perfect for eachother". Swati smirked, "yeah, perfect".

Long Shadows of Old SinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora