Chapter 36

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                           Another day passed uneventfully. Mehek & Shaurya didn't talk to eachother except for few cursory exchanges. She noticed that he was extremely tensed although he tried to keep calm before her. The amount of pills he popped made it evident. Mehek wanted him to give up on them. Too much had transpired between them to forgive & forget. Even if they decided to start afresh, she is destined to pay for her crimes and end up in jail so for her it seemed vain

Next day, when she woke up, Shaurya was nowhere to be seen. Mehek tried to escape but the doors were locked. Mehek remained bored and cooked food herself to herself occupied. She wished Shaurya will consider her side and leave her to fate, rather than pushing her into a doomed relationship. A lot were said and unsaid amidst them that could harm anything that may bloom amidst them. Now and then, they both have been burned by their unhealthy relationship. Now it is time to end it and Mehek was all set to do it.

By afternoon, Shaurya came back but she hardly gave him a glance. "I got you a surprise", he tried to entice her but she remained stoic. "Please don't get mad. It will break their heart if you keep your distance", Shaurya told and wheeled Drishti into the room. Mehek gasped and was unable to control her emotions. Her daughter looked tired and ill. "My Baby, what happened to you?", she knelt down and kissed her hands. "I missed you, Ma", Drishti was on verge of tears. "I wasn't lying completely, Mehek. Drishti's health was declining after you left", he told her softly. He excused himself while giving them space.

Mehek was happy spend time with Drishti. Her arrival was a pleasant surprise but when Shaurya brought Diya inside, her happiness doubled. "I couldn't leave my little sister behind", Drishti smiled at them. In few days, Drishti became attached to Diya. "Who wants ice-cream?", Shaurya announced and Drishti cheered. He turned to Mehek, "Would you like to come with us?". Mehek was not sure but seeing Drishti's eager face, she nodded.

Day passed without any distress for all of them. For onlookers, they looked like a happy family. Although tension existed between Shaurya & Mehek, they tried to keep it at bay for sake of Drishti and Diya.

While Drishti was busy playing in the garden and Diya fast asleep in her pram, Mehek realised it was time to deal with their situation. "I killed Rishabh", she confessed the truth to Shaurya. He was already aware of it but kept quiet as he want her to come out of her shell. "I was held captive in the basement of an isolated house. Rishabh used to beat me, starve me and did everything he could to make me live in fear. At the beginning, he demanded me to marry him. He used to torture me when I refused. He later wanted me to get physical with him". 

Mehek tried hard not to cry, "I kept resisting and the physical torture went on. Then one day he came back furious. He informed me that he was disowned and Jugraj Uncle chose you over him. He was driven to edge and then he....he...he tried to r*pe me". She couldn't control anymore and broke into sobs. Shaurya quickly comforted her. Rishabh's heinous crimes were already recorded in his own cameras and regretfully Shaurya had witnessed it all.

Mehek wiped her tears and carefully looked at Drishti who was still unaware of their truth. "Kumud was also held in the same house. Rishabh wanted to hide her from outer world. Probably because she was carrying his child, he didn't kill her. She was rarely allowed me to give me food and those moments she tried her best to give me courage and solace. She was also silently suffering under her so called husband", Mehek revealed to him, "The day Rishabh tried to violate me, Kumud managed to gather enough courage. She barged into the basement and fought with him to save me. Soon Rishabh lost his cool and tried to strangulate Kumud. I didn't know how but I grabbed the nearby heavy object and struck it on his head ". Mehek took deep breaths to calm herself while recalling those horrible moments, "We were horrified when Rishabh fell down lifeless. I never wanted to kill but I did. Soon I took Kumud and escaped from there. All those stressful events took a toll on Kumud's fragile health and she went into early labour. She died giving birth to Drishti"

Shaurya stayed silent until Mehek composed herself. She smirked at him, "You don't believe me, do you?". "I believe you", he told firmly. "How come? What changed?", she was surprised and curious. When he looked on, her eyes begged him to be honest. He didn't want any more secrets between them, "Vivaan and I found out the house where you were kept. It was in ruins but security footage was still intact, especially those cameras covering basement. Looks like Rishabh was keeping close eye on you". "He wanted to record everything and later play it to you. A live movie to entertain you with my sufferings. I was so gullible to think that he was my true friend", Mehek smiled sarcastically. "Why did you leave our wedding, Mehek?", Shaurya finally managed to asked her.

Since she knew the sudden change of his attitude, she scoffed at him, "Will you be able to believe me, Shaurya? I have nothing to prove myself. No recordings or witness to concur with me". Shaurya looked away in defeat so she gave a wry laugh. "Since we are down the memory lane, I will tell you my side. Although, I have no expectation that you would trust me", she mocked him. After a momentary pause, she continued, "Rishabh called me while I was waiting for you. He sounded broken and informed me that he was going take his life. I did what I thought was right. At that time, I considered him as my good friend. I stopped him by promising to make everything right and agreed to meet him. As soon as I got into his car, he again pressurized me to run away. I tried to talk him out of his despair but when he realised I am not relenting, he sprayed something on me and I lost conscious". Shaurya squeezed her palms to show that he trusts her but she pulled away.

"I was wrong. I should have called you or Jugraj Uncle or in the least informed my father. But like a fool, I walked straight into his trap", Mehek sighed, "It was my mistake. In that moment, I weighted him more than you. I chose my friend over my fiance. Friendship above Love". Shaurya spoke firmly, "You weren't wrong, Mehek. I can understand you. Even I would have done the same for Swati". Mehek gave a short laugh, "But it was wrong and I am still paying for it. Do you know the injuries I sustained from Rishabh affected my uterus? My womb cannot even conceive a child. Fate gave me Dristhi but she will also be taken away from me. And I know it is not the end". 

Mehek broke down into tears. It pained Shaurya deeply that she was punished without being guilty. "Not anymore. I won't let anything harm you. I promise", he assured her. "I have no faith in you. How can I be sure that it is not another act and you won't  punish me later? ", Mehek sneered at him. Before he could response, she told firmly, "I am done living in fear, Mr Ahlawat. Once I turn myself to Police no one can threat me again using my past". 

Mehek looked sadly at Drishti, "I just hope that Drishti understands me and won't hate me for killing her father". "She will understand, Mehek. One day, when she is old enough, we both will tell her the truth", he consoled her. "There will never be a WE. If possible, tell her my side of story", she chided him away, "Now that you know everything, can you please allow me to go to Police". Shaurya realised that she was still adamant so he nodded, "If that's what you still wish then I won't stop you, Mehek. But I beg you to wait for few days. My lawyers are working on your case so that you will get fair trial. Just give me some time, until they are prepared". 

Shaurya's proposal seemed to be reasonable to Mehek. So after thinking for a moment, she agreed. "A week and then I will turn myself in", Mehek determinedly walked away.

Long Shadows of Old SinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora