Chapter 26

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                            "Is Shaurya back?", Mehek asked Awara anxiously. Mehek wanted to confide in Shaurya about the black mailer's call but last night he came home very late and morning he left early before she woke up. She was forced to deal with the anonymous person alone. She had not other way but to cautiously go ahead to meet as per the demand.

Mehek had ran back to the home after the meeting the blackmailer. Demons of her past had re-surged. She had to reveal it all to Shaurya. It was risking their new found relationship but he was her only hope. 

Mehek's spirit dampened when Awara shook his head. She was aware that Shuarya was troubled with an upcoming deal in his business. Despite being a weekend, he had gone to office to work relentlessly. It will not be advisable to disturb him but Mehek was helpless. 

"Sir, had forgotten one of important files at home. He had called to get it back. Why don't you take it to his office?", as if sensing her distress, Awara suggested. Mehek was relieved and nodded quickly. She rushed outside taking the files.

Traffic was less and Shaurya's driver took her to office in few minutes. The office was also deserted except for the receptionist at the desk. Mehek told her that she was carrying important file that Shaurya forgot at home. "Sir is expecting them. Please take the elevator and then go to top most floor", she told Mehek.

Once inside the lift, Mehek got nervous. Shaurya was never comfortable whenever she tried to share her past that had those horrible days. But today she had to make him listen to her. When lift reached his floor, she walked to his office with sure steps. 

Mehek was familiar with his office. It was giant room with a sitting area where he used to entertain his business associates and guests. His working area has an exquisite table, devices, comfortable chairs and shelf that boasted many of his awards. A tiny to door hidden from eyes of onlookers led to his private room. It was supposed to be lounge area where he could relax and take a power nap. Mehek had bought lunch for him often and they had sat in there to enjoy a peaceful meal.

She expected him to be working at his desk but failed to find him. May be he was resting in the lounge area. Mehek was about to knock but refrained when she heard a faint giggle. She carefully opened the door and was shocked to find Archie & Shauyra in bed. Their bodies were covered under the quilt but their amorous acts were evident. Shaurya was peppering kisses on her jaw, making her giggle continuously. They were so lost that they didn't notice Mehek's presence.

"We spend the last night together and amidst all the work I am giving you time today also. Still you complain, Baby", Shaurya rebuked Archie lovingly. "Shaurya, when are going to make it public that we are a couple. I want the world to know that you are mine", she pouted. "I am working on a critical deal, Baby. Once it is finished, we will discuss about it", he pacified her and asked wickedly, "so how about another round". "You just want s*x", Archie acted to be angry. "I can't never get enough of you, Baby", his sugar coated words made her giggle again. He was about to kiss when he felt a presence and looked around. "Mehek!!!", he voiced her name that woke Mehek from trance.

Mehek quickly shut the door and ran back to reach the sitting area. She was sweating profusely despite air-conditioning and gasping for breath still holding on the file. Shaurya quickly reached behind after wearing his cloths haphazardly. "Mehek, I wasn't expecting you here", he appeared shocked and unable to gather his words. "I am sorry to come unannounced", Mehek said while she saw Archie emerging out of the door behind him with the satin sheet clad around her slim figure, "I came to deliver these files you have forgotten at home". Mehek quickly gave him the files and sped away.

Mehek was unable to comprehend the situation until she reached reception. The receptionist looked at her sympathetically. Those innocent eyes and expressive face told her many things. She wiped her forehead and took a deep breath. "Can I have a glass of water?", she asked the girl. She quickly gave her a bottle of mineral water which Mehek gulped down. 

"How far is the nearest bus stop?", Mehek asked her. "Just across the road, Ma'am. The auto rickshaw stand is also next to it", she informed. Mehek murmured a soft thanks. "Ma'am, are you okay? I can get you a cab, if you want?", the girl wished to help her. Mehek gave her a smile and shook her head.

"That didn't go as planned", Archie commented while she revealed her off-shoulder dress beneath sheet. She was fully covered and tried to tie her hair in a pony tail. Shauyra had to agree with her. He had expected Mehek to throw a scene and accuse him for cheating. He wanted that distressful moment to burst the bubble and show her that she is most fake person he had ever met . She deserves nothing but deception and it was best to reward in same coin. Yet Mehek shocked him with her poised response. Her graceful exit made him speechless. 

"You did your part. So keep your comments to yourself and leave", he was brash to Archie.She laughed out loud while pulling out a joint from her bag. "I know that look on her face", she smiled sarcastically while smoking, "she is broken". 

"She deserves it. Save your pity for someone else, Archie. Don't forget she is the one who triggered your rebound", Shauyra tried to accuse Mehek. "I agree that she delivered drugs to me. But I am sure someone was behind her", she smiled wickedly at him as if she knew it all, "Anyways, it doesn't matter to me anymore". Archie took her bag and walked till the door. But before existing, "And I wasn't pitying her. Broken yet she is strong. Don't be surprised by her deeds. The silent ones shocks you the most. Chao Shaurya".

Shaurya had a sinister feeling after hearing Archie's warning. He quickly dialled a number and ordered, "Shadow her closely. Keep a close eye on her and report me immediately".

After the initial shock, Mehek was seeing things clearly. She understood Shaurya's game. He intentionally led her to witness his betrayal. He wanted to make her feel the same pain which he felt when she left him. 

But Mehek didn't feel sad but relieved. For years, her conscience was weighted by guilt. Unintentionally she had broken Shaurya. But not any more. She had paid price for her mistake and no need to be burdened with. Shaurya had settled their score and she had nothing left to feel regretful. 

Now she had to deal with aftermath of her own dark days which . But before that she has to ensure about Drishti's safety and her future.

The road was deserted when Mehek started to cross it to reach the bus stop. Suddenly a car came out of nowhere and about to hit her with full force.

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