Chapter 29

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                                    Mehek was walking aimlessly and didn't know when she reached the park. With arrival of new nanny, Mehek had next to nothing to do. In a strange way, she felt grateful as she had enough time to think. While she tried to enjoy her solitude , Vivaan's voice disturbed her, "Hello, we meet again". "We sure do", she told sarcastically. 

Here she thought that Shaurya had let her roam around freely but his minions were always tailing her. Vivaan sat beside her uninvited while she shifted a bit farther. "You look better today. Care for a coffee?", Vivaan offered. "You seem to have a lot of free time, Mr Kapur", she mocked him. "Perks of being a freelancer", he tried to humour. Mehek thought for a moment and abruptly asked, "Are you up for a long drive?". "Why not?", he was happy to oblige.

"Where are we going, Mehek?", he had been driving for quiet long. "Maan's house", she told while pointing to the big house. She directed him to drive towards the back gate. She recalled her youth when she used to sneaked into the house through the back gate. Some times, her father would catch her and give her an earful. She smiled recalling those days. 

"Who lives here, Mehek?", Vivaan asked carefully. "My father and younger sister", Mehek replied sadly. "Then why are we taking the back entrance", he asked curiously. "Because I am afraid my father won't allow me inside if I tried the right way", she told plainly but her pain was evident.

"Mehek Baby", an old servant gasped when she saw her. "Hello Maria Aunty. Where is Papa?", Mehek asked without wasting time. "It's been so long, Mehek Baby", Maria squeezed her hands, "Vikram Sir will be so happy to see you". "Is Nehal at home?", Mehek asked a bit warily. "She is out on a business trip",Maria explained while taking her to Vikram Maan's room. Mehek took a deep breath to act brave but she trembled when she saw her bedridden father. In quick words, Maria explained about Vikram's accident and current condition.

Vivaan was quick to rush to her side when Mehek was about to fall. "Mehek, calm yourself", he consoled her. "I am responsible for his condition. It's all my fault", Mehek whispered . "It was an accident, Mehek", Vivaan pacified her again. Maria led her to Vikram's bed and made her sit beside him. She hold onto his hand and wept. The nurse, Maria and Vivaan all stood in silence watching their painful meeting . 

"May be we should give them some lone time together", Maria suggested and they all left them alone. The sleuth inside him, urged Vivaan stay back and eavesdrop on thier conversation. But the humanitarian in him forbid so he closed the door to walk away.

Mehek had planned to face her angry father who never cared about her. She came to beg him for mercy and help her to take care of Drishti. She was even ready to fight with him for her daughter. But she was never prepared to face her father who is unable to even move a muscle. She felt hopeless but above all guilty. Another sin added to her pathetic life. 

Mehek wished to confess to her father. She hoped he could atleast hear to her pleas and forgive her. She knelt beside him and slowly narrated everything. Finally she broke down, "Please forgive me, Pappa. I am suffering a lot and may be I deserve it. But Drishti should not pay for my sins. Please help me Pappa". Once she lifted her head, she saw her tears welling in her father's eyes. It was enough of her to realise that he had forgiven her.

Mehek left with Vivaan after some time. She told Maria not to inform Nehal about her visit. Once they left the home nurse came beside Vikram Maan to check his vitals. She was shocked when he softly moved his fingers and tried to grab her hand. "Sir, you are able to move", she was joyful but he quickly gestured her with eyes to come closer. Nurse brought her ears closer to him when he tried to talk. She couldn't make out much except for one word. Nehal

"I lost my Dad when I was five", Vivaan told Mehek while they stopped for a coffee break. He finally managed to catch her attention. "My Mom too joined him next year. I guess she was broken heart. They were madly in love with one another", he chuckled at his own dry humour. Mehek looked at him sympathetically when he continued, "I told you so that you know I can relate to your pain". 

"Who took care of you after their death?", Mehek's question puzzled him. "Well, my father's cousin took me in. They were not ideal but good people. Once I was an adult, I took care of myself", he laughed again. "So you are not the male version of Cinderella", Mehek laughed softly. "We won't have Cinderellas in this age if people knew about law. There are so many laws to protect children and minors", Vivaan went about and Mehek listened carefully.

While they were conversing, Aarush called Vivaan several times but he didn't attend. He knew Shaurya will call soon so he switched off his phone, pretending to Mehek that it was out of juice. Vivaan was glad that Mehek finally managed to feel free in his company. "Who are you, Mr Kapur?", Mehek exclaimed at his knowledge on laws. He smiled shyly, "I was a cop", he looked away for a moment, "During a critical mission my entire team was killed except me. I got severely wounded but didn't die. I left service once I was out of hospital", he explained sadly.

"It was difficult for me to continue after losing my close friends", he told her earnestly. Mehek could understand him and decided to divert from the topic. "Now you are a freelance fashion photographer", Mehek laughed mocking him. Vivaan just smiled while watching her pleasant visage. Even in her laughter, her sadness was evident.

"Thank you", Mehek told while he dropped her before the gate of Shaurya's house. "It was my pleasure", he replied, "Mehek, I hope you have my number" he told her before left him, "If you need a friend, I am just a phone call away". She knew he was in Shaurya's payroll but still felt him genuine. Yet her mind rebuked that she was never a good judge of character but always been a gullible fool. First Rishabh, then Shaurya now this Vivaan. It was difficult to shake off the feelinga that they are out to take advantage of her. She gave a sad smile to Vivaan, "Take care , Vivaan". He was happy, atleast she addressed him with his first name.

As Mehek entered the house, she got gloomy again. "Where were you?", she was startled when Shaurya roared at her. "I...I...was out", she replied in daze. "Do you know what time is it, Mehek?", he asked frustrated. In reflex, she looked at her watch and realised it was already late evening. "I lost track of time", she was honest. In spur of a moment, she set out to meet her father without knowing the sad reality she may face at Maan's house.

Shaurya knew that Mehek was with Vivaan during the whole time. He was supposed to shadow Mehek and not to keep her company while keeping her away. Shaurya had asked Aarush to pull out Vivaan from the job but Aarush assured that Vivaan is one of the best. 

Deep down he knew Vivaan will be apt to protect Mehek but it boiled his blood that Mehek was with Vivaan for many hours. He knew she was broken by his betrayal. But her silence was scaring him. She didn't react the way he had expected and now he feared she may run away from him. In her vulnerable state, he feared she may find solace in a man like Vivaan.The thought itself drove him crazy.

"Is it pay back, Mehek?", Shaurya sneered at Mehek. She knitted her eyebrows in confusion. "For Archie", he clarified warily. Mehek gave a sad smile and shook her head. When she tried to walk away ignoring him, he grabbed her arm, "Answer me, Mehek. Are you trying to get even with me?", he was angry. "You settled our scores, Shaurya. There is nothing more to get EVEN. Infact , I am thankful for the closure", she told firmly. 

Her words startled him. He couldn't fathom the serenity in her voice, "Don't you want to ask me anything, Mehek?", he was desperate. She sighed and spoke, "Just a request. Please don't harm Drishti". His anger resurged as she was still holding up her act of being Drishti's mother. "Why would I harm Drishti? I have nothing against the poor girl. After all, she is not your daughter", he spat him. Mehek was looked at him sharply and he continued, "Cut the act, Mehek. I know the truth". Mehek smirked at him, "Oh!". "Is that what you have to say? Just an OH!", Shaurya was aghast.

Mehek remained quiet for a moment as if enjoying his turmoil. Soon she asked him, "Will you spare an hour of your time tomorrow?". "For what?", he asked angrily. "You will know", she smiled at him.

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