Chapter 38

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                                   "Aren't we going back to Diya & Drishti?", Mehek asked Shaurya. They have been driving for long without conversing. Mehek needed a little time to make sense of the day's occurrence. It was clear that Shaurya had saved her for the time being but big question is until when. An officer like Mandaar or a sleuth like Vivaan can any day easily connect the dots and arrive at her. Apparently Shaurya also had same view. 

"Rishabh's case is still open, Mehek. I need to tie all loose ends to keep you safe. In time, I have arranged to create enough fake evidences to prove that Rishabh was overseas with his mother prior to her accidental death. Once it is achieved, then considering timeline, you will be out of the case completely . But till then I need to shut the source that opened this case", Shaurya informed her. Mehek remained silent but Shaurya knew she was aware of the truth. "We both know who is behind it, Mehek. And we have to meet her to ensure that it ends today", Shaurya told her determinedly.

"You crossed the line, Nehal", Shaurya's voice boomed in the hall of Maan's house. Nehal was least surprised but appeared to be expecting his arrival. "I warned my dear sister to stay away from you. But she remained clinging to you like a worm. Besides, it was high time you also paid for rejecting me continuously", Nehal told him. "You were always Mehek's sister for me, Nehal. Nothing more than a friend and I had made it clear multiple times. You should have moved on", he told her plainly. It was clear that he was trying to accuse Nehal for her own misery. 

"But I wanted more. I love you ardently. More than anyone could. More than Swati or my Di", she cried out loud. Shaurya was taken aback by her outburst. She calmed herself and asked, "Do you know what I have done for you?". He stood dumbfound. "I even harmed my father who loved me the most", she told him and Shaurya was shocked.

"Pappa was angry when Mehek called for money. But soon he realised his mistake, sensing that she was in distress and needed him. He was all set to rush to her side and help her. I begged him not to and cast her away from our family. But he slapped me hard", Nehal touched her cheek as if reliving the moment, "Pappa hurt me for my sister. I was on verge of losing it. So I ran behind him and pushed him down the stairs", she confessed to Shaurya. 

Shaurya was aware of her obsession that led to Mehek trials. But never expected that Nehal was behind Vikram Uncle's accident. He understood that Nehal was sick and probably beyond help. She had been plotting and hurting people for long , without getting noticed.

"I guess my sister is enjoying prison time. Trust me, she deserves it all", she turned to him, "And you too. I gave you many chances but you kept on rejecting me. I will ensure that she never makes is alive from the prison. Your lawyers cannot save a corpse from law". "Enough!", a roar turned them. Vikram Maan was wheeled to them by the home nurse.

"Pappa", Nehal was shocked, "How did you....". She left it unfinished when Vikram smirked at her and held palm of the home nurse, "I guess God decided to end my punishment for considering you over Mehek. I made a mistake and now making amends". Nehal laughed looking at both men who meant the world to her. "You both think you can fail me", she laughed crazily, "but your dear Mehek is already gone". 

"No, she isn't", Shaurya interrupted her victory speech.In quick words, he explained that Rishabh's body was never discovered and Mehek is safe. Nehal looked disappointed. First her Father then now Shaurya. Both were inclined to save her sister. "I will not relent. Today, you may have won. But I won't cease until I succeed", she lost her cool. "It's over, Nehal", Mehek walked in. 

Mehek had remained hidden in shadows while Shaurya and her father cornered her little sister. Nehal became furious and sneered at her, "It isn't. It will never end until you are gone for good". She then looked at them all and smiled viciously, "I was the mastermind behind it all. Rishabh was just a pawn".

Nehal turned to Shaurya, "He wanted to destroy you. But I wanted you. Rishabh wanted to snatch away Mehek to break you. But I planned to walk into your life and take Mehek's place. We would have had it all". She thrashed around in anger, "It would have worked splendidly if she had not chosen to be with you. Rishabh had almost given up but I tempted him again. It was my idea to kidnap Mehek from the wedding venue". She shocked everyone. 

Shaurya had a tough time to control his anger while Vikram Maan was broken. Mehek gasped in shock and walked back. She lost her balance and was about to fall but Shaurya quickly supported her. Mehek least expected Nehal would be behind it all.

"Pappa, you should have asked Shaurya to marry me when Mehek ran away. I would have had Shaurya and Rishabh gone with Mehek. Instead you mourned and called off the wedding. So it's your fault" Nehal accused her father and then turned to Mehek, "And you remained adamant not to submit to Rishabh. Then that fool appeared and narrated a cooked up story. Pappa was already suspicious of him and Jugraj uncle took Shaurya away from me. That day, I knew Rishabh is a dangerous liability. So I arrived at the house where he had kept you". Mehek gasped again perceiving that Nehal knew about everything. "Yes, I was well aware where you were kept and what he was doing to you", Nehak spoke cruelly, "But you surprised me, Mehek. You did a favour by injuring Rishabh. Yet there also you didn't do a good job. He was still alive and would have made it. But then I ensured that he won't survive".

"So you confess that you are the actual killer of Rishabh", Shaurya spat at her. "Am I? Then where is the body, Mr Ahlawat ?", she mocked him. It was clear that they can no longer convict her for Rishabh's murder. "You cannot capture me", she cried out loud. "But I could", Vikram told firmly, "I can still get you arrested for attempt you made to take my like". Nehal gasped on shock. "Still since you are my blood, I want to give you a choice. I shall send you to an mental institution far away, run by monks. You will be treated and taken into spiritual care. It won't be a good life still better than prison. Never dare to come back or else I won't hesitate to put you behind bars", Vikram spoke as if reading our verdict. "You can't do this to me", she yelled at her father. "I can and I will", Vikram told firmly. Nehal knew she was corned and didn't fight further.

In few minutes, a group of people arrived to take away Nehal. "Enjoy your life until I come back", she sneered at them, "I will come back one day to get my revenge". "I will be ready to face you that day, Nehal", Mehek stood tall before her crazy sister. Mehek then looked at Shaurya and her father before speaking again firmly, "We all be ready by then". "But most probably that day will never come", Shaurya predicted. When they all looked at him being disturbed, he clarified, "I believe she will get good care and will decide to spend remaining life there in peace". Nehal screamed in protests but she was taken away forcefully. 

"Forgive me, Mehek", Vikram apologized to his daughter. Mehek stared at her father while tears made way through her cheeks. "I was unfair and you suffered due to my recklessness. Please come back to me, my child", he begged Mehek. Shaurya stood beside Vikram as if asking her forgiveness and pleading for a chance. Mehek gazed at the two men who still hold valuable place in her life but they have hurt her so deep that it was difficult to get over it. "I need to be alone", Mehek mumbled under her breath and walked out of the house.

Shaurya kept a consoling hand on Vikram who broke down. He asked the nurse to take care of him and briskly walked out of the house in search of Mehek. It was evident that Mehek needed space but he wanted to ensure that she is alright. When he reached outside, he saw Vivaan's vehicle parked near the gate. 

Shaurya looked around to find Mehek with Vivaan. She was weeping and Vivaan pulled her into his arms while trying to calm her. It pained Shaurya to realise that Mehek found comfort in Vivaan but not him. "Please take me away from here, Vivaan", Shaurya could hear her plea. Vivaan swiftly led her to his car and they drove away while Shaurya stood helplessly.

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