Chapter 7

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                             Shaurya focused on the girl who was seated in a wheel chair. Mehek had brought her to a nearby park where she enjoyed fresh air and watched others playing around. He watched her intently from his car. 

It was evident from her facial features who had sired her. She has her father's eyes and features. She is indeed her brother's daughter. A cute girl who was sadly bound to wheel chair, a figure who drew sympathy and kindness from all. But for Shaurya, she is cruel reminder of deception. A living proof of Betrayal of Mehek and Rishabh; his fiance & half-brother.

Shaurya side of flashback

"Don't you dare to justify yourself, Rishabh", Jugraj yelled at him. Shaurya had slumped into a corner like a lost soul. It been almost a fortnight since his so called wedding. Despair had drained out his soul and Jugraj was extremely worried for him. Shaurya, his heir was falling into depression because his elder son Rishabh. 

"Baba, let me explain", Rishabh tried his best. "Not another word, Rishabh. You are dead to me and I am cutting you off. You won't get another penny from my fortune". Rishabh was visibly shocked. Jugraj constantly remained partial to Rishabh's shortcomings. He had kept forgiving his mistakes frequently. Rishabh never thought that their father would disown him . He desperately looked around the room, shifting his gaze from his father and Maan family. "Trust me when I say Mehek is not with me", he begged them to listen.

"Liar", a faint voice startled all. It was Nehal, Mehek's nerdy sister. "Di, told be that she was going to see you. You were waiting for her in the parking lot. She false promised me that she will come back quickly after meeting you". Nehal broke down and held on to her father, Vikram Maan. "I am so sorry, Pa. I should have never trusted and let her go". "Not your fault, Doll", a saddened Vikram consoled her.

 Rishabh felt cornered, "I agree we left the premise together but...but..", his eyes fell on Shaurya. Rishabh realised that for the first time, he showed a little responsiveness. "Shaurya, I agree I am guilty. But I am a victim too". 

"Mehek called me from the venue. She begged me to take her away. I was in love with her. When she finally accepted her feelings towards me, I didn't think twice. I gathered everything I could and we eloped ", he paused for a moment to face his father, "I accept to have dishonoured our family and betrayed my brother. But she never loved Shaurya. And I believed we were made for eachother and accepted my love when given a chance".

"Where is Mehek?", Vikram had enough of the drama. "I took her to my friend's resort. We spent few days there. Then one morning when I woke up, Mehek was gone. She left a letter apologizing and ran away with all my money. I was just a pawn in her big scheme to escape and live her life freely". "Non-sense. Mehek will never do such a thing. I can understand her running away for love but not for wealth. Jugraj, he is lying", Vikram raised his voice. "If you would have kept her in tight leash then this disaster could have been avoided", Jugraj taunted his friend, "After all she turned out to be more on her mother's blood". Vikram was visibly hurt by sudden blow from Jugraj. He couldn't take anymore and asked Nehal to take him back home.

Once Manns left, Rishabh knelt near Shaurya. "I am sorry Bro. I was blinded by her fake love. I should have reined myself or seen through her pretenses", he paused for a breath to ensure Shaurya was listening, "But those days spent with her were the best days of my life. If given a chance to relive those days, I will take it happily. The comfort I felt in her arms, the pleasure her body gave me and sweet melody while she moaned my name in ecstasy...". "Enough", Jugraj shouted at Rishabh. Shaurya felt like his heart was being ripped off his chest while listening to his brother's vile words.

"Get out of my house. You are no son of mine", Jugraj disowned him. "You are choosing him over me. AGAIN", Rishabh was fuming. "Yes. Shauyra is my HEIR and you are my most devious MISTAKE. And any day he is precious to me than you", Jugraj held Shaurya closer. "You are being unfair", Rishabh mumbled while tears of fury spilling over his cheeks, "you will regret it".  

"Leave and never show your face to me", Jugraj turned away from Rishabh while giving his absolute support to Shaurya. As a father he had failed and he wanted to make amends. "I will never come back even if you beg me", Rishabh shouted while exiting but Jugraj didn't pay any heed. His Shauyra needed him more than anything.

End of flash back

Mehek returned to the mansion late evening. The day was almost over and staffs have retired. She was startled to find Shaurya in the dark corner of the hall. "Good...Good evening Sir", she greeted him and he nodded. "She is really cute", he told her in sweet voice. She was baffled but remained poised. "Am I her father?", he asked innocently. Mehek eyes widened in shock while her mind became restless, He had followed me and seen Drishti. Now he wants to know about her paternity. 

"Is she mine, Mehek?", he asked again. This is your ticket, Mehek. Lie to me and crawl back into my life. Only this time it will be pure hell for you, his wicked mind wanted her accept the untruth. Mehek released the breath and spoke firmly, "No". Her reply damped his spirit. He never expected honesty from Mehek. 

He was disappointed and badly wanted to hurt her. "Then who is her father?", he asked again tenderly but Mehek didn't reply. "Is it too difficult to figure out your basta*d's father?", he was crass. Mehek was shocked to hear him. Her Drishti cannot be tagged with an abominable term. She has a father and Mehek knows it sans doubt. "Rishabh is her father", Mehek spoke confidently and walked away briskly.

Mehek's side of flashback

"Rishabh, please don't do this to me", Mehek begged him. But he didn't pay any attention to her pleas and threw her into bed. "You claimed to love me then how could you torment me like this? Please have mercy on me", she begged him while crawling away. "I never loved you, Jaan. You were a tool to destroy, Shaurya. My plan was to claim you and shatter Shaurya. With him gone, I would have been next in line. His Queen and throne , both would have mine. But no. Baba had to cut me out and protect him", he fumed and laughed crazily,.

"Baba took him abroad. He spending his time and money to save him. I know he will arise back in no time while I am penniless. I can't let it happen, can I?", he looked insane. He dragged her back by her ankle and trapped her beneath his huge frame. "When he comes back, I will throw your broken self at him. He will know you were looted while he was never near to protect. His precious Mehek was tainted while he was enjoying abroad .That will finish him off for sure". 

Mehek tried her best to fight him eventhough fatigue had made her weak. He slapped her hard. She fell on the bed and started to lose strength to fight. She wept helplessly while he disrobed her to tarnish her honour.

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