Chapter 15

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                      Mehek was fearful when she was asked to serve breakfast for Shaurya in his room. After their passionate kiss, she was going to face him alone. The staff in kitchen gave her dubious looks while she entered to take food tray. They were not happy with undivided attention their master gave to a newbie. Already juicy gossip of cunning-nanny-seducing-wealthy-widower was making rounds among the servant's circle. Mehek ignored them and tried to finish her task quickly to be back with Diya.

"How long has Drishti been in this condition?", his abrupt question was least expected while she served him food. "Almost since birth. She was never a healthy child", Mehek replied quickly. "My doctors checked her", he waited for her absolute attention and continued, "she may get better with appropriate treatment. Ofcourse, it is expensive and you cannot afford". 

Mehek sighed aftet understanding that it was another of his cruel jokes to make her feel low. She was about to leave when he added, "I can help you out". Mehek turned to face him unable to hide hope in her eyes. "But ofcourse for a price", he grinned wickedly. Somehow Mehek wasn't surprised. Infact she knew there will be a catch.

Mehek's side of flashback

She plugged her phone to charge and it came back to life. Many missed calls were there. Mainly from her father and then from Rishabh. Multiple texts from Rishabh filled her inbox. They were mostly apologies for his behaviour and requests to meet her in person. Mehek ignored and dipped herself in warm bath. 

Her body welcomed the treat and as she cleansed her skin. Regardless, she couldn't help thinking about Shaurya. She smiled at his thought and her body tingled.  Who would have thought that the shy and timid Shaurya will be a tiger in bed! Her body bore testimony of his true nature. As if on cue, her phone rang, flashing his name on screen.

"Hi", she tried to sound normal. "Hi, what are you doing?", he asked mischievously. "You are supposed to ask How-am-I-doing? So let me tell you, I am not doing fine", she retorted while enjoying bath. "So what are doing?", he asked again. "Soaking myself in tub. Giving a much needed relaxed bath to my body", she faked to rebuke him. 

"Are you thinking about me and touching yourself?", he talked dirty. "No way", she shouted and then spoke softly, "are you the real Shauyra? Because he never talks dirty". "Well, my dear Mehek be assured that I am the same one. You are yet to see many shades of me", he replied coolly. They both laughed and chatted. He reminded her to take proper rest. "I love you", he told  and probably waited for her to respond. Mehek couldn't reply back. Despite the intimacy they shared, she was still skeptical about her feelings for him.

"Are we doing the right thing, Shaurya?", she asked him. Rather than a sigh, he didn't reply so she continued. "Last night was special to me. But I don't want to give you any false hopes, Shaurya. I trust you and care for you but my emotions can't be summed up as Love", she started to feel uneasy. "Mehek, I love you a lot. For now, my love is enough for us both. And I am sure, one day you will realise your feelings for me", he comforted her, "That day I will be the luckiest person on earth". 

Mehek remained quiet, wishing that he won't be disappointed. "Take rest and don't stress. Well to de-stress, think about me while touching yourself", he humoured. "I am not touching myself", she snapped at him. "But you are thinking about it now", he mocked before cutting the call. Mehek laughed at his antics.

She started to feel happy in his company. He was optimistic about their relationship and made her give themselves a chance. Shaurya's silliness and humour helped her to be content. His love was pure and selfless. He never expected anything, not even love in return.

End of flashback

"I don't think I can afford your price, Mr Ahlawat", she told plainly and was about to leave. "Oh! You can, Ms Maan. Infact it will be easy for you", he walked beside her and removed her mane to one shoulder so that her ear is not hidden under it, "Be my mistress". "ENOUGH", she yelled at him. 

"C'mon Mehek. It's not like we haven't done it before. Years passed and we are experienced now. Infact, you are better than me. I bet you have slept with more partners than me. So don't shy away. Besides, you are doing it for a noble cause", he coaxed her. "How much more you will stoop? I can't believe that you are the same Shaurya whom I..", she left it midway. " Whom you left at the altar and made a laughing stock? Whom you shattered with your cruel betrayal?", he eyes had only dark emotion.

" Yes I am same one but better version", he snapped at her. He held her forearms in iron grip and shook her, "Why did you do it? You gave me hope, made dream our future then suddenly you eloped with your lover". "I didn't run away", she yelled at him, "he took me away by force".

He jolted away from her as if a huge blow hit him. The room was silent until he murmured his denial. "I don't trust a back stabbing b*tch like you", he spoke vehemently. Mehek nodded in despair. She couldn't find fault at him. Anyone in his position would have done the same. It will be next to impossible to believe in her. Her truth was buried deep down under many layers of deceit. Yet she had a faint hope that may be he will give her benefit of doubt. Today it has also been crushed.

Shaurya left that day itself. He had given strict instructions to Awara to keep an eye on Mehek. With master gone, the servants started to show their true colors and mistreated Mehek. They badmouthed her. Even food was served to her with contempt. Awara did nothing to help but stood as a mute spectator. Mehek secluded herself to Diya's room and tried to find solace in her. She couldn't stay in peace for long because she got a call from Mother superior regarding Drishti.

"Ma, where is that Uncle who came with you last time?", Drishti inquired. "He is my boss, Drishti. I work for him", Mehek fed her porridge and wiped her face. Drishti's fell sick again and Mehek slipped out of Awara's watch to meet her. "I know Ma. He is such a nice guy", Drishti was impressed by him. "Was my father also like him?", her question affected Mehek. She was still not comfortable to breech the topic. She knew one day when Drishti is mature enough to understand, she will tell her everything. But today is not the day. 

As usual she avoided the topic and Drishti didn't insist. "Are you going to marry him?", Drishti asked timidly. "What?!! Why do you ask such nonsense, Drishti?", Mehek was aghast. "Some of the staff here told me that may be he will become my new Papa", Dristhi's eye twinkled with excitement, "He is really nice. I don't mind having a father like him". She giggled and Mehek caressed her face lovingly. Her little angel was too innocent to judge the cruel world around her.  "Nothing like that, my sweet angel. It is just us. You and Ma. Always. Forever", she clarified it to Drishti.

Miles away. "Why now?", Aarush asked his friend. "Baba, would have wanted to find him", Shaurya replied. "If Jugraj Sir was alive, he would have surely found Rishabh long back. It's been years since Sir's untimely death. All these years you never bothered. Now why do you want to bring out your illegimate brother from hiding?", Aarush asked but Shaurya remained silent.

"I cannot help you if you are hiding facts", Aarush was adamant. Shaurya didn't hold back anything and told him about Mehek. "You left your daughter with that WOMAN. Are you a fool?", Aarushwas aghast. "She is under my radar and can't harm Diya. Besides, if she wanted, she would have attempted it long back", Shaurya appeared calm. "Makes me wonder", Aarush was skeptical, "afterall you never shied away from harming her daughter". "I never intent to harm an innocent life. My threats were just to scare Mehek and nothing else", Shaurya explained. 

"May be we should dig Mehek's past too", Aarush suggested. "Do whatever you want. But I am interested only in Rishabh. My illegitimate half-brother. Find him", Shaurya ordered.

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