Chapter 33

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                                     After her outburst, Mehek stayed away from Dristhi. Almost a week since she didn't even speak to her beloved daughter. It was sickening torment for Mehek yet she endured it all. She was killing herself while ignoring Drishti's pleading eyes that begged for her attention. Mehek knew it was needed. It will be easier for Drishti to forget her and move on if she acted rude.

By end of the week, Mehek consoled herself that her plan was working positively. Drishti coped to live without her support. And the main reason was Shaurya. He had been taking care of Drishti splendidly. Although Mehek felt envy by their bond, she was happy for Drishti. She was sure that Drishti will be safe and sound in his care. So finally time arrived for her to execute last phase of her plan.

Mehek was unable to bid farewell to Drishti. But Diya was too small to know her intentions. So she decided to spend her last day with Diya. She showered all her love on the baby girl. "I love you and your Di a lot", she whimpered holding Diya closely, "But I have to leave. It is best for both of you". Diya giggled without understanding her words. Her babyish acts made Mehek laugh. 

"I will miss you both and pray for you till my last breath. Take good care of your father and Drishti Didi", she showered kisses on Diya's tiny face. Mehek stiffened when the new nanny came but she didn't handover Diya. Mehek fed her and rocked her softly, lulling her to sleep. Then she laid Diya on crib and stayed beside her until late night.

Next morning, Mehek woke up early. Despite her decision, she peeped into Drishti's room to catch a glance of her. When she found that Drishti is fast asleep, she went beside her and kissed her forehead. Mehek tried her best not to break down and wake her daughter with her cries.

Dressed in simple salwar kameez along with shawl covering her upper body, Mehek was all set to act. She carried her small hand bag that had some cash and a bottle of water. She took a deep breath while exiting her room and send a silent prayer that she won't encounter Shaurya. While walking towards the door, Awara came across her and asked, "Going somewhere?". Mehek just nodded and didn't befit him with words. Awara looked at her skeptically but walked away.

Once she reached the gate, she dared to look behind. She gazed at the house where she is leaving behind her dear ones; Drishti, Diya and Shaurya. "For them", she chanted against to gain courage. She quickly hailed an auto rickshaw that came across and sat in it. "where to Madam?", the driver asked her. "To Police station", she replied, keeping her voice calm.

Few hours later.

Mehek sat before the Police Inspector who looked at her intently while reading her statement. She clutched to her bag tightly as if gaining courage from it. The Inspector glanced at the lady constable who stood beside him and was watching them dubiously. "Ms Mehek Sharma,  I have read your statement you gave to Constable Jaya Shinde. Do you want you want me to read it to you or make any changes?", Inspector Mandhar asked her. Mehek shook her head. 

Mandhar was not convinced so repeated, "you are here by agreeing to a serious crime, Ms Mehek". "I never intend to do it", she tried hard not spill tears, "but I had to. He would have killed me otherwise". Mandhar sighed and nodded understanding her side. It was clearly mentioned in her statement that she acted on self defense. "Do you want to inform someone? A family member or a friend?", Constable Jaya suggested. Mehek shook her slightly, "I have none".

Mandhar and Jaya left Mehek alone. They went to another room to talk in private. "She looks confused and distressed. I am not sure whether we can take words for sure. Why to bring out old crimes? That too after many years", Jaya told him. "We cannot ignore when she had given written statement confessing murder", Madhar was irritated, "But I don't want to book her and then realise that it was wild goose chase". They both agreed. Their station was already understaffed and had enough work that they cannot afford to waste time.

While they were contemplating their action, someone rushed into their room. Mandhar was about to blast the intruder but stopped when he recognized one of them. "Vivaan?? What a pleasant surprise?", Madhar exclaimed. Vivaan was also happy to see him. "Good to see you, Buddy", Vivaan embraced him and then quickly turned to his side, "This Shaurya Singh Ahlawat". Mandar nodded his head acknowledging him. In few words, Vivaan tried to explain the situation to Mandaar while Shaurya rushed inside.

"Mehek!", relief flood into her when she heard her name in Shaurya's voice. She stood up from her chair and dashed to him. Swiftly he pulled her into his chest. She needed the security which only his arms could provide her. Inspite of her resolution, she sobbed against his chest. "All will fine. I am here", he rubbed her back to comfort her. 

"Is she your family?", Jaya's prying words broken them apart. Mehek quickly got back her senses and moved away from him. Before she could deny, Shaurya replied replied boldly, "Yes, I am her boyfriend". Mehek was aghast while Jaya smiled softly, "Her written statement is with Mandaar Sir but nothing has been filed yet. Settle him amicably and you will be able to take her home". Shaurya nodded while Mehek stood in shock.

"I don't want you settle anything for me", Mehek sounded adamant. Shaurya sighed. He had just agreed to Mandaar's demand who tore away Mehek's statement. Vivaan helped him to strike a good deal with Inspector to brush the incident under carpet. But if Mehek doesn't cooperate then it will be difficult for all of them. 

"Drishti is not well ", he had to tell her the bad news. "What happened to her? Where is she?", she was deeply distressed. "Admitted in hospital. She needs you, Mehek, he told her. Mehek jumped to her feet and raised her voice, "I want to see my child. Please take me to her". He nodded and held her wrist.

As they exited, he gestured Vivaan to handle it. They had conveyed to Police that Mehek is going through severe depression and not in her senses. Mandaar was looking at them intently when Shaurya walked away with Mehek. He had demanded a hefty sum from Shaurya since he was brilliant enough to know there is no smoke without fire. Shaurya glared at him as if warning him not to mess with him and be happy with the bribe. Shaurya quickly settled Mehek into passenger seat and drove away.

"Did you eat anything today?", Shaurya inquired but she brushed aside his concern. "I am fine. Just take me to Drishti quickly", she desperately wanted to see her child, "what happened to her suddenly? She was hale and healthy in the morning". "Doctors are checking her", he replied and quickly stropped at a shop to get her some food but Mehek refused. "Atleast have some juice, Mehek. You need to be healthy to take care of Drishti", he told her firmly. Reluctantly Mehek accepted the drink from his hand.

It's been hours since Shauyra was driving. Vivaan had already called him to inform that incident at Police station was handled properly. Shaurya sighed and looked at the sleeping figure beside him. He hated lying to Mehek, especially about Drishti's health. But he was helpless and drugging Mehek was his last resort. It was need of the hour else he would have lost her. 

Finally he reached his destination and carried Mehek into the bedroom. He settled her on the bed and covered her with a duvet. "Sleep well", he pecked her forehead and egressed the room. He walked around to ensure that the villa was safe and secure. For the time being, he didn't fear external intrusion but once Mehek wakes up, she will surely try to break free. For her protection, he was forced to keep her as his captive.

He sighed and slumped into an arm chair. A tedious fight awaits him and he needs to focus his energy to ward it off. He closed his eyes and send a silent prayer to protect his loved ones before falling into slumber.

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