Chapter 19

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                       Time passed as it never waits for anyone to catch up with it. One is expected to move along without complaining. May be that's the reason, it appeared to be merciful on Mehek. A strange comradeship started between Shaurya and Mehek. 

He no longer tried to torment her. Neither did he tried to be amicable with her. As promised, he behaved as if their past was erased from his memory. She was his daughter's nanny and he treated her the same. Nothing more or less.

Mehek was also content by the ways things turned out for her. She was still skeptical and expected him to turn evil but her fear diminished as time passed away. 

Drishti was getting better with treatment and Diya was also doing good. Mehek no longer feared the no existent storm and decided to thank Almighty for the blessing she received.

"Do you know what happened today?", an enthusiastic Mehek rushed to Shaurya's study while he was busy with his work. "Hope everything is okay?", he raised his eyebrows skeptically. "Diya turned over", she squealed in joy. He got glimpse of the spirited and carefree Mehek who had once captured his heart. 

But times have changed and she is now one of his employees. Besides, the news she shared  appeared to be insignificant to him so he wasn't thrilled. "Good", he appreciated with a single word and turned back to his work. "Aren't you excited?", she was baffled by his response. "It is a natural process, Mehek. All babies turn in due time. I don't know why you fuss about it", he chided her.

Mehek was surprised and a bit angry too. "Awaraji was more excited than you. Why are you so disconnected with Diya? She is your flesh and blood after all", she couldn't contain herself. Shaurya wanted to shout at her that Diya wasn't his child. He wanted to bare before her that he never got intimate with any woman after her. The old Shaurya wanted his Mehek to know that he married Swati just protect her honour and they were nothing more than best friends. 

But he restrained himself. It was not his secret to reveal since it belonged to Swati as well. He cannot shame Swati before another, definitely not Mehek. "Shaurya, why don't you care for Diya? I have seen you behaving better towards orphans and homeless. Diya has none but you", Mehek tried to drive her point, "Today she is too  young to perceive but soon her eyes will search for love & care from her father".

Shaurya laughed slightly as if mocking him, "When I see her face, all I could recall is Swati's lifeless body. I often wonder if Diya hadn't come to this world then may be Swati wouldn't have departed abruptly. It wasn't fair on her. Swati was so young with a whole life ahead to be lived. I lost my best friend because of Diya".

Though he tried to mask his pain, Mehek could feel it. When she had left him helpless and broken, Swati was his sole support. Eventually he moved on with her but fate didn't show mercy on them. "I can understand your pain, Shaurya. But Diya is innocent and shouldn't be punished for her mother's death. She already lost her mother. Please don't deny your love for Diya. Swati's sacrifice will be disrespected otherwise", Mehek advised and left quietly.

Mehek's side of flashback

Stranded alone in the hospital corridor, Mehek was lost. She stared at the hospital bill and baffled how to pay it. It's been almost a month since she was separated from her family. A month since her disastrous wedding day. Rishabh managed to shut all doors that could lead her back to her family. She was aware of the shame she had brought on her father and was scared to face him. But she had no other way, so she picked her phone and dialed her father's number. 

"Papa", she addressed him when he attended the call. A moment of silence with sudden intake of breath. She could perceive her father sighing on recognizing her voice. "What do you want now?", he asked harshly. "Papa...", she tried hard not to sob, but she failed "I am in hospital....need money ...please help". "Haven't you punished me enough", she could clearly make out the pain in his exasperation. "Papa...please", she sobbed. "You will get the money. But then please spare us . Never call me ever again", he disconnected the call, without allowing her to talk further. Mehek held here palms over her mouth to cover her cries.

Her phone chimed. A message popped up indicating that money was transferred. She quickly logged into bank site and transferred money to hospital account. She dashed to the hospital staff, "I have paid the bill. Please start treatment for the baby". They checked with cashier and informed that baby was being treated in Neonatal ICU.

Mehek saw the tiny human through the glass wall of ICU and prayed for her life. She crouched down wincing with pain that emanated from her abdomen. "Ma'am, you need to rest and continue your treatment", one of the nurses helped to nearby seat. Mehek knew it but her main priority was Drishti. She took deep breath while nurse handed her glass of water. "I am fine. Please take care of the baby", she requested the nurse who nodded sympathetically.

"Are you with the premature baby?", a ward boy came near and asked her. Mehek jerked from her slumber and understood that she may have dozed off during wee hours of night. She rubbed her puffy eyes and nodded. "The mother's body can be collected from mortuary. But you need to pay these bills", he informed while handing over some papers. 

Bills...Money..., Mehek felt dizzy while her sore body threatened to give up. "Don't you have anyone else with you?", he asked in pity. Mehek shook her head clutching on to her phone while tears filled her eyes. "That's a nice phone", the young guy looked at her handset, "Want to trade it?".

Mehek glanced at her phone. When she managed to escape, she was lucky enough to grab her phone. Rishabh had already taken away her jewelry and other valuable goods. Her phone was her probable single ticket to redemption by contacting outer world. An opportunity for her dear ones to find her. But will any of them want her back.

Mehek had tried several times to reach Shaurya but his phone remained unreachable. Her father had made it clear that he disowned her. None of her fake friends will help her. It's better to trade the handset to pay respects for the one person who actually helped her. She nodded to the ward boy and pressed reset button in her phone. Her phone was wiped clean as if her past relations.

She sat frozen near the stretcher that held a cold dead body. Bills were cleared and body handed over to her but she had no clue how to proceed. She felt as if sanity was slowly drifting away from when a comforting hand fell on her shoulder.

"I am Laxminandan Vyas, Kumud's father", he told Mehek. Although Mehek had never known him before, she felt relieved and broke down infront of him. She fell into his arms while crying out loud and the elderly man also wept holding her. They both looked at the body kept near them. The tag attached to it read as "Kumud Vyas".

End of flash back

Mehek dialed and waited for call to be attended. "Mehek Beta, how are you?", an affectionate voice answered. As always, she felt calm and consoled while listening to her Babuji; Laxminandan Vyas. "I am fine, Babuji. Hope all are well at home", she talked amicably. They chatted for some time. 

"Beta, are you really fine? Is Drishti okay? Never forget that I am always there for you. Your Babuji may not be rich but not hapless", he consoled her. Mehek smiled while her eyes betrayed a lone tear, "Drishti is doing better with new treatment. We both miss you a lot". Babuji has been her father figure more than her own father.

After Kumud's death, he took Mehek and Drishti to his home. Laxminandan was of humble origin. He had two girls younger than Kumud. To protect honour of his family, he misinformed others that Mehek was Drishti's mother. He was forced to hide Kumud's misfortune of being an unwed mother. Mehek never complained as she had already taken the role of Drishit's mother. 

Mehek didn't want to trouble her Babuji who was already struggling to run his family. Once Drishti was an year old, Mehek decided to work and earn a living. Laxminandan referred her to Khuranas and from that day onwards she never tried to bother him financially. But her Babuji supported her emotionally and encouraged her whenever she felt low. "Once Drishti is healthy enough to travel, we will visit you", Mehek told him affectionately.

Once she disconnected the call, she realised that considerable time had passed away. She walked briskly towards nursery. She was shocked to find Shaurya inside the room. He was holding Diya and feeding her bottle. 

"She seemed to be hungry", he smiled sheepishly. Mehek nodded with a wide grin. She came near and caressed Diya's tiny head while he held Diya in his arms. They both felt content that Shaurya listened to her advice.

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