Chapter 4

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                            Diya is Swati's daughter. Mehek was overwhelmed with joy and soon with apprehension. Swati and Shaurya were best friends. That means there is a sure shot chance that Shaurya may visit Swati's daughter. Her breath quickened. 

It's been 5 years since she left Shaurya after wronging him. She felt terrible but had none to blame but herself. It was her stupid impulsiveness that turned her life upside down. Despite her fear and doubts, she longed to see him. But was she ready to face him? Will he ever be able to forgive her? Can she come in terms if he had moved on in his life?. The answer still a clear NO.

Mehek wanted to leave job and escape the impending misfortune. But she was helpless as she desperately needed the job. Besides her hands were tied since she had accepted a huge amount as advance. While she stood lost in her thoughts, Awara cleared his throat loudly and ordered, "If you are done, then master's study needs to be cleaned. Hurry up and finish before he comes back". Mehek composed herself and nodded while hiding away her tears.

Mehek was unable to focus while cleaning the study. She was in dilemma whether to quit or continue. Absentmindedly she dusted and one of the pieces kept on the side rack fell down. She caught it in time before it fell and broke. "Don't you have any sense, stupid Wench?", a hard voice scolded her. 

Mehek froze at her position, holding to the piece close to her chest. She recognised his voice, still prayed that her assumption is wrong. In fear, she couldn't turn and face the owner of the voice but she knew she had to. With trembling hands she placed the showpiece back in the rack and understood that it was an award. It was addressed to Mr Shaurya Ahlawat.

Mehek finally faced him. Her worst fear. A blast from her past. A man she left behind alone and broken. Shaurya. She gulped hard and looked at him. For a moment it was difficult for her to recognise him. He was no longer the cute and chubby elderly boy with a pleasant visage. Now there is no soft feelings on him. He looked athletic and stoic. His boyish charms were covered with a dense beard and mustache. However, his eyes remained the same. Then and now, she could always feel that they pierce through her defenses and made her vulnerable.

"Who are you?", he barked at her, without showing any trace of recognition. Mehek stammered without giving any proper reply. Shaurya called out for Awara and scolded him for letting her in his study. "Sir, she is the new Nanny whom Sunainaji had hired of Diya Baby", Awara told him. "Then why is she here?", he sneered at him and then turned to Mehek, "Stay in your job limits and never ever dare to enter my study area. You are just a nanny and don't try to become anything more". 

Mehek was unable to fathom his reaction and words. She wondered whether he recognised her or not. She didn't stay to know. She nodded nervously and tried to trot away quickly. But before she exited his study, she could clearly hear him, "It takes one a minute break something that others took a life time to build".

Mehek ran to the nursery and locked the door behind her. Her heart rammed against her rib cage. She breathed hard and tears made way through her cheeks. He is no longer her Shaurya. He had moved on. Away from her and their ridiculous past. He got married to Swati and Diya is their daughter. Mehek composed herself. She had no right to feel sad or jealous. She never allowed him to belong to her even when Shaurya continuously tried his best.

Mehek moved towards the crib and checked on Diya who was sleeping sound. She is Shaurya's daughter. Mehek always felt a connection towards Diya but now it only strengthened. Mehek leaned to her and kissed her lovingly. "You are his angel. That makes you more special", she whimpered but smiled when Diya cooed to her face. She felt sorry for death of Swati and more for Diya who never got chance to know her mother. Above all, she was sad for Shaurya who lost not only his wife but his best friend.

Mehek's side of flashback

When Shaurya had informed Mehek about his best friend, she expected a nerd. But Swati Sahay was anything but a nerd. She was smart, pretty, outgoing and a bit of a drama queen. Mehek wondered how come Swati was in Shaurya's friend circle. Also she was baffled that why Shaurya never made a move on an attractive chick like Swati. 

"You are so lucky to have Shaurya", Swati playfully hit her shoulder. Mehek scoffed  thinking why none could ever shut raining praises on Shaurya. First her father, later Nehal and now this lady. He is a good guy but according to Mehek it was nothing to boast around. 

"I know what you are thinking", Swati spoke boldly, "He may not be like those gym guys with drool worthy body or player who can charm any woman. Shuarya is good at heart. None recognizes it at first but he is a gem. A perfect husband material". "Really? Then why didn't you  ever date him", Mehek spat at her rudely. Swati smirked, "Because he is my best friend. A friend who stood by me through thick & thin. Friends don't' date or f*ck. You would have known it, if you had a friend". "A friend? Girl, I have so many that I lost count. Check my social media and you will find it is overflowing with friends", Mehek retorted. 

Swati laughed as if mocking Mehek. "Tell me, Mehek. How many will stay with you when you are pouring out your heart after a nasty hangover? How many will bring you notes with soup when you are sick & stuck in bed all day while missing classes? How many will hold your hand and sit on the cold bench in a hospital for hours while your father is undergoing a major surgery?", Swati's questions pierced her. Probably none. Forget friends, Mehek was not close even to her father or sister. But she was too proud to admit. Mehek was contemplating a befitting comeback when Shaurya walked in carrying a tray of drinks.

"There you go ladies", he kept the tray down and distributed to them, "Your low fat Latte", he gave it to Mehek, "And thick milkshakes for us", he laughed giving the glass to Swati. She accepted it with a smile and thanked him sweetly while Mehek got irked by their comradeship. "Hope you will fit into the designer dress shopped for the wedding", Mehek rebuked Shaurya, "You are expanding day by day but your gluttony never ceases". 

Shaurya's good mood suddenly damped and he kept his milkshake down. Swati quickly pitched in, "Cheer up, Dude. You will look cute in anyway". Shaurya tried to smile but Mehek interfered again, "Easy for you to say since you are not the one going to stand with him". "I have joined the gym", Shaurya spoke softly. "Good for you. Yet wonders can happen only if they are no ordinary trainers but conjurers who can transform you into shape", Mehek was bitter and glanced her watch, "I have a spa treatment scheduled so I am leaving. Bye". Without waiting for Shaurya's acknowledgment, she took her bag and left.

"Did you do as I asked?", Shaurya asked Awara. "Yes, Sir", he replied, "No food was available in kitchen for lunch. She would have remained empty stomach as planned but she ate the spoiled food". Shaurya was a bit surprised. His intention was to make things difficult for Mehek but he couldn't believe that she consumed stale food. He nodded and dismissed Awara while he keenly looked at the monitor. The hidden cameras in Diya's nursery captured Mehek's activities. He wondered whether she will hurt Diya. But she was taking good care of Diya.

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