Chapter 14

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This chapter is dedicated to all my lovely reader who were eager to know what happened to Mehek & Shaurya after their first time together. This chapter is sans drama but just romance 🥰and humour😆; like a cool breeze. May be it is silence before storm 😁. So Enjoy and don't forget to vote & post your comments                        


                                Shaurya was brooding in his study, feeling frustrated when the rain drops smashed on glass surface of the windows. He wanted to go out for a run to burn his worries along with calories. But the abrupt downpour had spoiled his plans. It not only dampened his spirits also awakened memories.

Rain always reminded him of Mehek and their special night. Regardless of his wounded heart, it still remained best night of his life.

Shaurya's side of flashback

He grinned at his image while washing of her blood stains from his member. He never thought Mehek would be a virgin and to be honest he didn't care. He wanted her to belong to him once they were together. Her wild past mattered little to him. Yet his feral side was gratified that he took her virginity. She was his first and he was hers. He quickly dressed and pulled out a clean towel . He dipped it in hot water and wrung out the extra water before coming out of the bathroom.

Mehek shivered when he came beside and kissed her temple. She looked distressed. He carefully wiped blood and his c*m from her thighs. She reluctantly allowed him to clean her intimate region while hissing softly. Warmth of the cloth provide would have given her a bit of comfort but he understood she was still hurt

 "Is it paining, Mehek?", he asked out of concern. She shook her head but soon broke down into tears. "Mehek, what's matter? Is it too much to bear? Let me take you a hospital", he got anxious. "No, it's not needed", she told between sobs. 

He felt extremely guilty. "I am so sorry, Mehek. I have never been with a woman before. It is my first time as well. I may have got carried away and was harsh on you. Please forgive me if I hurt you", he begged her. "I am fine and it's not that", she told to pacify him. "Please don't hate me, Mehek. I will never hurt you intentionally", he hugged her. She hid herself against his chest and wept

He became more anxious as her tears seemed to have no intention to halt, "Please tell me what is bothering you". Her condition was killing him. "You didn't...didn't stay...I...I left....left after...using me", she told between her sobs.

His concern soon became anger. He fumed when he realised that she thought so low about him. "Mehek, when will realise my feelings for you? You are not some fling or one night stand. I love you", he was hurt. "I am sorry", she apologized and sniveled,"I shouldn't have". Her tears threatened to spill again and he didn't want her to be sad. 

"It's okay. Relax and try to sleep. Shall I get you some pain killers?", he wanted to make her feel better. She shook her head but held him closer when he tried to move, "Please don't leave me alone". He laughed, "Never ever". He made her wear his shirt so that she can sleep comfortably. He caressed her forehead until she fell asleep in his arms.

Next morning, he was woken up by constant knocks at his door. He found Mehek sleeping peacefully in his arms. She looked thoroughly loved and tired. The banging at door disturbed him to enjoy her morning glow. He quickly got up from his bed carefully without waking up Mehek. He rushed to the door but was late. His father was already in the hall. This is what happens when you entrust a spare key to your father, his brain mocked him.

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