Chapter 39

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                                         "Hope you like corn flakes", Vivaan served Mehek a bowl of breakfast while she smiled at him, "Thanks Vivaan. They are my favourite breakfast". She had found abode at Vivaan's bachelor den since the showdown at Maan's house. 

Her father begged her to reconsider while Shaurya remained silent although it was evident that he wanted Mehek to return with him. Both kids were still with Shaurya. She regularly had video calls with Dristhi and checked on Diya as well. She had lied to her daughter that she cannot return due to some urgent work. A lone time, away from everything, including Drishti was needed for Mehek.

"Have you given any thought about your future?", Vivaan asked her. Mehek shook her head. Infact she had thought a lot but remained astray. "My two cents, if you allow", he paused for a moment to catch her attention, "Mehek , you need to invest on yourself". Mehek knitted her brows in confusion so he explained, "From a spoiled brat to an efficient mother; your change was too quick. You went from 0 - 100 in not time. It was formidable but a bit too good that you lost yourself". Mehek had to agree to Vivaan. She had lost herself. Perhaps it was high time to seek herself again. "I am sure you will figure it out", Vivaan smiled at her, "I will always be there for you. Not only me but your father and Mr Ahlawat. But it's your choice and you have to act by yourself".

Reboot. To achieve it, one needs to be cut off from everything. Mehek needed the same. She opted to take some time off. Not only from Shaurya or her father but even from her girls. She needed to blank her mind inorder to plan and mend herself. She wanted to be the wanderlust Mehek who was carefree and bold. So she packed her things and set out for a back pack trip. No plan, no tickets and no booking. She went straight to the railway station and hopped on the first train that awaited in the platform.

Few months passed. Mehek was still travelling. Although initially, all were worried yet slowly they all got comfortable. She was always in touch with Vivaan and Drishti. Her social media accounts were active again and travel photographs were uploaded into it regularly. 

Shaurya was relieved to know that Mehek was fighting her way back to normalcy. He understood that it was better to give her space & time to recuperate rather that trouble her. He ceased to worry about her and let her take steering wheel of her life. She was an inspiration to him too. He restarted his therapy and gave focus to improve his mental health. He was dedicated to his career but his daughters came before anything . Drishti and Diya became focal point of his life. Their love and care helped him to gain long lost balance of his life. In return, he tried to be best father for them. He build a loving family and wished Mehek would return back to it.

Vikram Maan healed well under apt treatment and ample care. The home nurse who had helped him escape from Nehal's clutches eventually became his companion and they decided to spend rest of the lives together. He took over the business that Nehal was handling and started to work moderately. Vikram tried to mend broken strings with Mehek. Even if she pushed him away, he constantly tried to be in touch and prayed that one day his daughter will let him in.

Vivaan and Shaurya cannot be termed as friends but they were amicable. Mehek remained the link connecting since they both undoubtedly wanted the best for Mehek. Shauyra was ill at ease sensing the comradeship Mehek shared with Vivaan. While Mehek completely shunned Shaurya, Vivaan became her true companion. 

Apart from occasional formal conversations, Mehek shared nothing with Shaurya yet Vivaan was aware of each & every point of Mehek's likfe. Yet Drishti did her fair share so that her Ma was aware of every details of her Baba's life and vice versa. Mehek had to accept that Shaurya warmed upto Drishti quickly and knew he had become a great father to both Drishti & Diya.

Finally the day, they all awaited arrived. Mehek decided to come back. Shaurya wanted to meet her at the airport but Mehek blatantly refused him. He was informed that it was unnecesary and Vivaan will be there to pick her up. He knew she will come to his house to visit Drishti. He had no other go but to wait for her rather than displease her

"You look great", Vivaan hugged Mehek. She was no longer the sad & confused Mehek but vibrant. It appeared that clock was moving in reverse for Mehek as she looked young and pretty. "Thanks for the compliment, Buddy. If not for you and your contacts, I would have not able to travel for long with my shoe string budget", Mehek told him. "Look who is talking about money. The Maan heiress", he mocked her. She brushed it off and held his elbow affectionately. "Where to Madam?", he asked dramatically. She took a deep breath and spoke, "to Maan's house".

It wasn't easy for Mehek to forgive her father. Deep down she still blamed Vikram for all her misfortune. If her father would have treated her properly, maybe she would have had good sister and Nehal too have not turned out to be insensitively obsessive. During the crucial time of her life, her father was unable to trust her or help her. Even if Nehal escalated it, yet Mehek felt betrayed by her father. But with her new found energy, she didn't want to hold on grudges. Besides, she couldn't ignore her father's relentless efforts. So she decided to give him a chance.

Mehek had decided to stay in Maan's house with her father and step-mother. They seemed to be welcoming and glad with her decision. Ofcourse, it was temporary until she finds her own accommodation. While bidding farewell to Maans, Vivaan expressed his wish to talk to Mehek alone for few minutes.

"I am moving abroad, Mehek", he told her. Mehek was happy for him eventhough she will miss him terribly. "It a dream job for me. Good pay with better living style. And I want you to come with me", he proposed to her quickly. Mehek's eyes widened in shock. "I know it may sound too soon. But all these while, I felt we have a true connection. I really like you and it is obvious that you care for me. Then why don't we try to take this friendship to next level", he told her softly. 

Mehek was still unable to find words when he spoke again, "I know you need to think about Drishti. I assure we will work it out to get her custody back. We will bring her up as our child. At the end, we both will have what we always wished for. A family". Mehek's breath quickened as she was unable to respond. Sensing her silence, Vivaan moved forward, "I know it may not look romantic where I am not on my knees holding a ring. But my feelings are as genuine as it could be", he cupped her face and whispered, "Marry me" and kissed her lips softly.

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