Chapter 11

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                Mehek was sterilizing Diya's bottle when Shaurya walked in to the nursery. She had been trying hard to avoid him. His dangerous aura managed to intimidate her. Mehek knew she had to escape soon. She was just waiting for right opportunity to fled. 

"You are going to visit Drishti tomorrow, aren't you?", he asked casually. Mehek nodded fearfully waiting for his new blow. "I will accompany you. Because I want to meet her", he told her. Mehek was too shocked to react but he acted to be thoughtful, "How shall I introduce myself? As her Uncle or as her step-father?". His wicked smiled angered Mehek but she reined her anger. 

Mehek knew too well that she can't anger a man who had gone mad in revenge. Shaurya had enough power to crush her. She never cared about her shattered life but she had to think about Drishti. "You are my Boss", Mehek told calmly. "Boss, That won't look good before a little girl", he pouted as if he was offended, "How about 'Friend'?", he mocked her.

Mehek's side of flashback

Swati's birthday party was wonderful. It was vibrant, energetic and wild. As Shaurya told, it was Mehek's kind of party. She noticed that Shaurya had made an effort to mingle in the party. He wore stylish cloths, tried to act chill and remained in the dance floor amidst the crowd. It didn't take long for Mehek to realise that he was trying to impress her. She appreciated his effort but it seemed to be artificial and she didn't like it a bit. 

Before she grew more uncomfortable, she pulled him out of the crowd. "What are you doing, Shaurya?", she spat at him. "Enjoying the party", he tried to be cool but one stare from Mehek, he sobered. "I am trying to live up to your expectations", he accepted. Mehek shook her head and looked away.

"Mehek, I like you. I mean I like you a lot", he followed her. He had balled his fist to gain courage, "Damn, I am in love with you. Not now or few days back But from the first time I saw you". Mehek scoffed. It didn't take a genius to comprehend that the love sick puppy was suffering from Love at first sight. She didn't want to say something and hurt him so she walked away.

 "Mehek, I know you don't like me that way. I know your expectations from your partner are different. But I can change. I will join gym and work out regularly. A personality coach can help me to be charming. I am willing to change, Mehek. Anything for you", he held her hand swiftly, "Please give me a chance".

She wanted to tell him that she likes him the way he is. But instead she yelled at him, "I won't accept you even if you change yourself, Mr Ahlawat". Shaurya was deeply hurt . Yet from Mehek's perspective, this pain was far better than giving him false hope. "We can at the most be good friends and sail through this ordeal of fake marriage. Don't expect anything else from me", she stormed out of the club venue.

Mehek was weeping but she still didn't know the reason of her sorrow. She had always been the rude and haughty girl who cared for none while speaking her mind. Then why now, she wondered. She was so confused and sad. She needed a friend and wished she had someone like Swati in her life. Her phone rang and it was from Rishabh. 

She attended his call and sobbed, "Rishabh, please help. I need a friend". He understood that she was in a bad shape and consoled her the best he could. "Mehek, I am at my design studio, Why don't you come over here and we shall talk? I will text you the address". Mehek agreed to his suggestion and hailed a taxi to reach Rishabh.

"Have it, you will feel better", Rishabh handed her a glass of wine. Mehek nodded and took a sip of it. She looked around the place while sitting on the bed. They were in the cellar of his office which he sweetly terms as his design studio. It appeared as a one room apartment with modern amenities. A cosy bed, a refrigerator, high end television, cooking range etc etc. 

"You got a great place here", Mehek complemented him. "My line of work requires lot to creative thoughts. At time, I spend hours in my office while working on my designs and it is too tiring to drive back to my penthouse. So I crash at my humble abode here". Mehek laughed at his remark. It was anything but humble. "I am happy that I could make you laugh", he sat beside and held her palm, "Now tell me what happened?".

Mehek didn't go into details but told that she fought with Shaurya. She poured out her confusion and helplessness. He was a good listener and consoled Mehek like a true friend. "We both are alike Mehek. Our entire life, we were ignored and devalued by our parents", Mehek understood truth in his statement. "We are not pawns to be sacrificed in our parents' game for power. We deserve to be happy", he told vehemently, "Stand up for yourself, Mehek. Break the engagement and tell the world that you are not ready to compromise your life", he gave her confidence. 

Mehek gulped down her entire drink while listening to him and felt brave. Rishabh came closer and cupped her face, "A woman like you needs to be cherished and loved. You are not a trophy wife to adorn a boring man's  dull life. You are feisty and wild. You need a man who can understand your needs and drive you crazy", he softly kissed her eyes one by one, "A man like me".

End of flashback

"Mr Ahlawat, we are so thankful", the elderly nun was finding hard to gather words to express her gratitude. Shaurya had given a huge amount as donation for their organization. "Please call me as Shaurya, Mother. Mehek and Drishti are like family. I didn't know about Drishti until recently. Once I know about your organization, I had to help you", he explained. 

After meeting Drishti , he had moved to office and given the cheque to Mother. He discreetly inquired about Drishti and her health issues. "Mother, will it be okay if I arrange few  specialists come to check Drishti and other children like her?", he asked plainly while she agreed gladly. "And I request you to keep it under wraps since I don't want Mehek to feel indebted to me", Shaurya started to play his game. "Ofcourse, Mr. Ahl...I mean Shauyra",the aged nun was too naïve to understand his tricks, "you are a true friend of Mehek". 

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