[20] Talk

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Fucking asshole, now I've lost my ride home and I have no money on me to get a taxi, I wasn't planning on needing any considering I was going to work and Noah was dropping me at home.

I pull my phone from my pocket and sigh, it's dead.

I make my way into the closest bar and through the busy crowd until I reach the bar area. I take a seat on the barstool and look around, waiting for someone to ask me what I'd like to drink. It doesn't take long before a male bar attendant approaches "Hey babe, can I get you a drink?"

"No" I shake my head "I'm good for a drink, but do you think I could use your phone? Mine is dead and I need to get home"

"I don't have it on me right now, but I finish working in five minutes, I could drive you wherever you need to go?" He offers with a smile

"No, it's fine. Thank-you anyway" I stand up and make my way through the crowd and towards the door.

Once I reach the cool air of the night once more I walk across the road to the beach. As I reach the sand, I pull my heels off and carry them in my hand, then step onto the sand with my bare feet. I make my way down to the waters edge and sit down, my butt in the dry sand and my feet in the wet sand. I dig my feet under the sand a few times and look out at the water in front of me, feeling calm as I listen to it smashing softly against the rocks.

When I'm drunk or on something, everything feels okay, but look at me now, I'm sober, I'm alone and I'm stuck feeling things I don't want want to feel.

Sighing softly, I run my left hand through the dry sand, holding it in my palm and watch it run through my fingers. Suddenly a jacket is wrapped around my shoulders and I jump slightly looking up.

"I thought you'd left"

"I wouldn't leave you out here on your own with no ride home Mia, despite what you think I care about you"

"What do you want Enzo?" I sigh as I snuggle into his jacket

"To tell you I'm sorry for the things I said at your brother's house the other day and that it wasn't my place to make assumptions. You're right I'm no better than them." He shrugs

"You're nothing like them, I just said that because I was mad with you" I admit looking out at the ocean

"Was mad? You're not anymore?"

"I am a little, but you said sorry and you don't usually say sorry" I turn my head grinning up at him

"Yeah well don't get used it to." He smiles

"I'm sorry I ruined your night with your friends, you should have left with them."

"You didn't ruin my night, I choose to stay."

"I don't think blondie would have been very happy about that, she looks like she was ready to take you home a few drinks in"

"She knows her place" he shrugs

"Don't we all" I look back out at the water once more.

"You're upset about the friends thing?" He questions raising a brow

"No" I shake my head "I'm disappointed in myself for my actions. I should have never kissed you or slept with you in the first place, drunk or not you're my big brother's best friend and he wouldn't be very happy about it."

"Is that the only reason you regret it? Because of Andre?"

"What other reason would I have? I don't go around sleeping with random guys for fun Enz, there is usually some form of attraction behind it." I admit

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