[31] I'm sorry

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Mia's POV:

It's been two weeks since Adriana showed up on the doorstep, bruised and bleeding. Papa had a doctor come to the house to check her over and make sure nothing was broken, and thankfully nothing was.

She's been staying here the last two weeks, healing, Marco staying as well, keeping a close eye on her. My uncle Franco and Aunt Layla have also since arrived and are staying at the house, so as you can imagine there is a lot of us staying here at the moment.

Adrianna still hasn't spoken to me. She speaks to Enzo, she speaks to Andre, she speaks to anyone who isn't me. I'll never truly understand what I did to make her hate me so badly, but I have to believe in Enzo's words, that I did the right thing and that one day she'll see that.

Since being here not only is Adrianna recovering from her physical injuries she's also recovering from her drug addiction and today is two weeks clean which everyone is very proud of.

It wasn't as simple for Adrianna, she wasn't able to just stop like I was, she's been going through withdrawals as she was taking these hard drugs every day and was completely addicted. But she's doing well and getting all the help she needs.

Tossing and turning I sigh softly unable to sleep. I have so many thoughts racing through my brain and I just can't switch them off as much as I try.

"What is it baby?" Enzo asks as he rolls over and wraps his arm around me, kissing the side of my head.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you, I just can't sleep, I can't turn my mind off." I sit up slowly, breaking from his embrace. "I'll go to the couch, you need sleep." I reach for my pillow

"As do you." He sits up and places his hand on my wrist stopping me from taking my pillow. "Talk to me Bella, what's happening in that pretty head of yours?"

"Too many things to even mentioned, we'd be here until dawn." I sigh softly

"Then we'll be here until dawn." He opens his arms to me "Come here."

I move into his arms and snuggle in close. "Do you think Adrianna is ever going to forgive me?"

"If she doesn't that's on her." He shrugs

"Do you think it's strange no one has had that talk with me yet, the one Andre said we'd have a two weeks ago? About me and the drugs"

"They're probably giving you time to settle and then they'll talk about it, or you could always talk to them about it if you want to bring it up."

"I could do that, you're right." I sigh softly "Do you think I'm smart?"

He laughs softly "Of course I think you're smart baby, are these really the things you wonder late at night?"

"I was thinking about going back to school, to finish my law degree, I'd already done two years of it before I dropped it, I'd only have a year to go."

"I think if that's what you want to do you should do it, and I'll support you no matter what you need." He kisses the top of my head.

"Enz." I look up at him "I lo- I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I don't know what I'd do without you." he boops my nose gently with his index finger. "Now are you ready to sleep or is that mind of yours still ticking over."

"I think I'm good now." I press a kiss to his lips.

"Good" he picks me up and throws me back down on the bed playfully, snuggling his front to my back once more, cuddling me. "Now let's go to sleep."

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