twenty-one: right by your side

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The air was tense in the ship. Everyone could tell there was some kind of argument going on between Jeongguk and Taehyung as they were both oddly quiet and not talking to each other at all. Namjoon had asked Jeongguk to give sometime to Taehyung and he just looked at him then walked away. Jimin tried to get Taehyung to open up but the elf brushed him off saying he was tired. While Jeongguk seemed pissed, Taehyung looked worried.

At least they had been putting up good fronts as they visited the other kingdoms. If their eyes happened to meet coincidentally, Jeongguk always looked away first while Taehyung's gaze lingered for another second before turning away. Luckily, no one they visited noticed the weird tension between the King and his supposedly right-hand man.

Finally, they reached Fionesta, the last kingdom on their list. It was a very calm nation, always kept to themselves and they were known for the most powerful spells and enchantments. If they needed to know what kind of spell they should cast for a problem, even a child from Fionesta could answer. Fionesta held every spell to ever exist, and they were also trusted with keeping the forbidden spell-books locked and secure. Namjoon had plans to try and find something for Taehyung's memory as all their previous attempts have been a failure.

They were set out on their tour of the town first. Everyone gathered eagerly to at least get a glimpse of the returned King. Elves around there were more well-off and a little posh, so Taehyung felt more like a circus entertainment than the usual idol treatment he'd get in that situation. He waved to the younger ones and stopped to talk to a few elderly. Everyone else watched with calculating eyes as if they were trying to pinpoint all his strengths and weaknesses, making him feel a lot more uncomfortable than he already was. Just something about the place didn't sit right with Taehyung.

In a calm and quiet area as such, even in the presence of two powerful kings, it wasn't a surprise that the bloodshot scream metres away got to everyone's ears. They all snapped heads towards to producer of the cry. Taehyung, curiosity getting the best of of him rushed in its direction, his entourage and Fionesta's royal family following. As he approached, he began to get a clear view of what was getting everyone so riled up.

"Everyone stand back!" a guard from Fionesta yelled, getting ready in defensive mode. Saphia's guards also stepped up to help.

In front of them was some kind of black glob looking beast. It had no eyes or arms or mouths unless it was to morph one out. It began picking up civilians and just throwing them to the side or kicking them. Destroying houses and anything that came in it's way. The guard yelled out some kind of command and immediately they all split into four groups and began to charge. Some went in with physical weapons, other began to combine up their magic and shoot it towards the thing.

"You're highnesses, we must find safety," an attendant said to them all.

"She's right," Yoongi said to Taehyung. "Leonava will stay back to help."

"No, you're coming with us as well," Namjoon said. He turned back the carriage that had already come, Fionesten royalty boarding up first.

Namjoon nudged Taehyung to go in but he couldn't keep his eyes off the thing. He watched as none of the guard's approach was successful as they were knocked out of their breath and shoved to a side by the beast.

"Our men!" Taehyung yelled, pushing Namjoon away and walking to one of the guards that had fallen to help him stand up. He looked around and saw the rest of Leonava also not listening, trying to get everyone to safety. Jeongguk was building up ice walls around it but the beast just kept tearing it down.

Each wall he built up, the thing kept destroying it. Jeongguk looked around and spotted Namjoon beside Taehyung. He ran over to them, still not giving up on those walls as they at least served a good distraction.

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