Chapter 15

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She could see Adam handling the hay angrily, spearing it with the pitchfork every time he went to get a new load onto it. She didn't know what he was angry about, though she guessed it might be something about the kiss. When Adam had been upset these past few days, she'd always guessed it to be something to do with the kiss. It must've been, it was the only time she'd had the opportunity to actually upset him, other than that time on the way home from town, which had been an utter mistake from her side.

He hadn't responded well to the kiss, if you don't count the first second, so she probably should've left him alone until he was ready to talk to her. But she was not really that kind of person. She usually ended up being the one who had to start every single conversation, so she was used to having to ask to get the information she wanted or needed sometimes.

She walked up to him quietly from behind before jump-scaring him and beginning to tickle him. She'd been doubtful when it came to jump-scaring him, but luckily, he only reacted with a mock expression of fear on his face before breaking out into fits of laughter. A little jump-scare seemed to have been just what he needed.

But now it was back to the serious part, she told herself. She did definitely not want to ruin the good mood she'd finally gotten Adam into. So, she laughed and played along for a few more minutes, but she'd have to ask him sometime soon, she couldn't wait forever.

Danika stopped laughing abruptly. She had to ask him. "Adam, there is something I need to ask you,"

"What?" he asked, actually scared now. Of what she might say. What was it she could possibly say that could hurt him so much? All she'd ever wanted was to know what was going on inside his head and to help him with any troubles he might be facing. She would never dream of hurting him, but she didn't know how to tell him that.

A/N: And then one more chapter...

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