Chapter 21

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Adamina's heart was filled to the brim with happiness, but at the same time it felt like there was something gnawing at it from the inside. She and Danika had been sneaking around, kissing behind closed doors and covered windows. Though it had mostly just happened when Danika's father was out of the house, Danika was far too scared of what he might say if he found out about them, even though they were a 'normal' couple as far as Danika knew, as anyone else might say.

It wasn't the hiding from Danika's father that what was gnawing at her heart. She knew it wasn't right to be dishonest to anyone, but she did not in fact know Danika's father very well, neither did she like what she'd seen in the short time she'd been at the farm. No, that was not at all what was bothering her. She would lie to Danika's father a thousand times over if it would only mean that she could at last be honest with Danika.

All the lying and hiding, pretending that she was an orphaned boy named Adam, not a princess by the name of Adamina. Alas, she might well loose Danika for good if she ever told her. Danika was already too scared to tell anyone about their relationship now when she thought there was nothing wrong with it. Of course there was nothing wrong with their relationship, other than the lying, but Danika might think so if she found out, when she found out. Because Adamina had to tell her, even if it meant loosing everything she cared about in the slightest

Who knew, maybe if Danika turned her back on her in disgust she might be able to live the rest of her life as a queen. A queen that would not only rule over subjects that she deserved no right to rule over, but also a queen whom would undoubtedly have to marry. And not to a woman, but to a man, a man she would never be able to harbor feelings of any romantic or sexual kind towards. A man whom she would not only have to live around but a man whom would likely attain more that half of the power that was, if not rightfully, then by birth hers

It was not a life she wanted in the slightest, after all she wouldn't wish it on her worst enemies. In which case it would be more for the subjects' wellbeing than that of her enemy's, of course.  But still, she would never wish it upon the worst of her enemies, not ever. Unless, of course, they were shitty people but good rulers, though it was a quite unlikely scenario that she guessed would stay as possibly a rare occurrence in history for the generations to come.

After all it would make for quite an interesting story she proposed, especially with the promise that it had actually taken place, even if it was in a time long ago.     

A/N: Another update! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please comment on the things you liked and prehaps the things you disliked. Have a great day!

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