Chapter 29

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She didn't know what to do as she stared into Danika's eyes. They sat opposite each other at the kitchen table. Of course she'd noticed the posters. She wished she hadn't, that she could have been left in the bless of ignorance until they found her.

The last thing she wanted was for her parents or their soldiers or guards to find her, but she couldn't truly convince herself that they wouldn't. Even with all the hiding and uncertainty her life at the moment was so much better than what she ever could have expected. Nor could she believe that it would all be there in the next instant.

Would they recognise her? She wasn't sure, but she couldn't trust that they wouldn't. After all they'd known her all her life, even if she'd spent most of it in her rooms or the gardens, alone. The only way she'd be totally safe was if she moved to a different country, but just the process of doing that was highly risky. Someone could recognize her when she applied for a new citizenship in whatever country she managed to travel to, likely one of the surrounding countries.

Two weeks later there came a knock on the front door.  It was early afternoon. Adamina and Danika were inside for lunch. Danika's father still hadn't come in from the fields. Adamina watched Danika open the door from inside the kitchen.

A soldier clad in the royal uniform nodded briefly to Danika when she opened the door. Adamina stepped around the bend. She could only hear part of what Danika and the soldier were saying, but she already knew what they were talking about. Why hadn't she planned an escape plan earlier? Why had she stayed here for so long? She sunk down into the kitchen corner. It felt like a giant hammer was beating down on her chest. 

She hid her face in  her hands and prayed that the soldier wouldn't find her. She sat there in the kitchen corner for a while before she remembered that she was Adam to Danika's father and everyone else that visited. There would be no reason in their eyes for her to hide. Slowly, she got up and walked out to the hallway. She checked her face in a mirror on her way there. The soldier shouldn't be able to recognize her. At least she hoped so.

"Who's at the door?" she called in the deepest voice she could make as she walked.

Danika played along. "It's a soldier for the royal family. It seems that the princess is missing. He was wondering if we had seen her."

"Who is this?" the soldier asked Danika's father.

"This is our farm boy, Adam. He's been working here for quite a while now."

The soldier looked at Adamina. "Have you seen any princesses around here?"

Adamina shook her head. "I'm afraid I haven't, I'm sorry that we couldn't be of any help to you."

"That's okay, You seem to be honest people," the soldier said, "Be sure to tell us if you see anyone.

They all nodded and the soldier left the house. 

A/N: I'm sorry for the long break. I'm planning to get back to weekly updates on saturdays and sometimes updating on Wednesdays.

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