
800 21 9

Nathan Byrn

'You, can you dwaw a wolf fow me, please?' Edge asks, not even remembering my name.

He's turned seven now. Gabriel and I are visiting for his birthday, even though it actually passed some days ago (who would've thought; Ben was as donkey to make plans with as ever).

We got him a stupid light-drawing toy. Gabriel bought it from a toy store on the way here. I refused to go with him, so I stayed outside smoking cigarettes instead.

'Sure... is it going to be a bad wolf or a good wolf?' I ask.

We have the drawing board spread out on our laps. I don't know why it's supposed to be fun, the only difference to a pen and paper is that the motive lights up, but Edge seems to love it. We turned off the lights in the cramped living room of theirs, because the drawing board only lights up in the dark. Ben and Gabriel are talking in the kitchen, and it's the first time we're visiting without Annalise being here.

Ben and Annalise just got divorced, and she's got her own place now. We got the news today when we came. I don't know why they split; they never seemed to fight, from what I've seen. But then again, I haven't seen much; they're always busy with things so we're rarely allowed to visit. The donkey visitation arrangements Ben offers are the only opportunities we get.

It's cosy, and it feels good having Edge close to me. He's a tiny little kid; he almost seems to drown in the chair. Annalise's told me he's a lot smaller than others his age. I find him adorable most of the time, but sometimes he says and does very fainish things, and that grosses me out. Gabriel says I should be more open-minded to the fain world, and that I should stop thinking I'm better than them (which, of course, I am). If Edge is going to be a fain all his life, I will have to learn to accept our differences. But, the truth is, I haven't accepted that Edge is going to be a fain. I've had to lie and say I'm fine with it, because that's the only way Ben would let me be a part of his life, but I've never accepted it in my heart. I don't want my son to be a fain. I want him to be like me; a witch. I want him to be someone I can talk to. I love Edge, I do, but sometimes I feel cursed for having him.

'A good wolf,' Edge tells me, and grins. 'Who eats faiwies.'

'That doesn't really sound like a good wolf.' I don't baby-talk to him, it feels too unnatural to me. Gabriel says I speak to him as if he was an adult, and I should practise baby-talking. He says it might make communicating with Edge easier. However, it doesn't even matter. He's practically a fain. Communication between us will always be bad, no matter what I do. .

'Everyone think he's a good wolf because he got cute eyes, but he is evil and eats faiwies. Can you dwaw that?'

'Something else.'

Edge looks disappointed, but says something else.

'Can you dwaw an owl? A sad owl who gets bullied.'

At least it's better than the evil wolf. I start drawing, and his gaze follow my movements intently. When I'm done, I ask him what he thinks.

'Did you go to dwawing school?'

'No. Do you go to drawing school?'

'Yup. Evewy tuesday after piano lesson. My teachew is fat.'

'You go to a lot of activities?'

'Not weally. Just piano, owchestwa, dwawing, and swimming. And I go to hebwew school, too. And nowmal school, of couwse. Mike is in my class. He's black by the way, and his mommy is vewy funny and cool.'

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