Dinner Party

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Me, Summer and Gabriel are drinking mango smoothies in Arran's kitchen. Arran invited us to come visit, because it's too hard to get access to the Phrontistery.

It's Christmas. Not snowing, but I still had to borrow one of Luc's sweaters and his jeans. It's a lot colder in Birmingham than south of China.

My cousin is wearing an elf costume.

'So you don't remember anything I said at all?' Summer asks, and then slurps very loudly.

'Sorry. Did you say something important?' I ask.

Summer blushes and giggles. 'I can't remember!'

'You taught her some piano,' Gabriel tells me.

'Yeah! I've started with piano lessons now, Edge!'

'That's awesome!' I say and we do a high five.

'Summer? Papa asked us to set the table,' Cora says, coming in, blushing when glancing over at me. Summer whines a little, but goes out and into the dining room, telling me; 'Don't move until I'm back!'

As if planned, Arran and Nathan come into the kitchen and sits down with us. Nathan and Gabriel are very cold with each other, and the only reason they're in the same room is that Arran begged them to. They won't say a word to each other, though. Gabriel had to be here so that I would agree to be here (no way I'd travel alone with Nathan, ew). We didn't really come for the dinner party, we came to talk about New Yorkers.

'I haven't been in New York since June when Annalise and I told them about Edge. It didn't go well. Isabella smashed all the windows. Burned all Ben and Annalise's clothes. Flooded both their apartments. She's, uh... she's not well... Isabella and Mike are demanding to see Edge. We found out Mike is a witch. They're just children, so they won't come far in the legal system. However, Ben is also demanding to see him. For months, he and Frank have been threatening the Council with mass exposure. Frank has contacts from the white house, and it's very dangerous right now, as you've probably already noticed...'

'I haven't noticed shit,' I say and slurp my smoothie.

'Well, you don't have a lot of contact with the outside world, do you?' Nathan turns from me to Arran. 'I know about the threats. Sooner or later, Ben will come through. I'm afraid sooner.'

'What happens when he "comes through"?' I ask.

'It depends on how we respond to him. That's why we wanted to speak with you, Edge...' Arran says.

I roll my eyes at him. 'I'm not going to New York!'

'No, of course not. But what you need to understand, Edge, is that what Ben is demanding is simply to see you. See that you're alive. Talk for five minutes, maybe. If you don't wish to live with him, he's going to have to accept it. But he won't ever accept it if it doesn't come directly from you, you see.'

'I don't wanna talk to Benny. I've seen pictures of him on my phone... he's very beardy... gross.'

'You have to meet him,' Nathan says, crossing his arms.


'Yes. It is the only way.'


'Edge, listen-'

'Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! No!'

We're trying to kill each other with our stares, and then Arran clears his throat.

'Edge. If we don't make a deal with Ben, he will eventually perform his threats. We've seen him nearly destroy the Council before when he demanded to strip Nathan of custody, to be given a memory potion for you. We know he can do it. For him, you're more important than anything, and we know he'll never give up until he sees you.'

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