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I don't know what's taking Gabriel so long, but all I can do is wait. I'm sitting with the Shore-witches in the lounge room.

Last night, I had dinner with the witches, and we talked. Nathan and Gabriel stayed for a while too, but had to leave early to go back to planning... whatever they're planning to do to me. I was kind of hoping to talk to Nathan, but figured it would be better to do it alone, later. Now I'm leaving, and I'm wondering how long it will be until we get the chance to talk alone.

The few minutes Nathan sat by our table he was being pestered by the others, because they all wanted to know the real reason for me being here. After they had pushed him a while, he finally admitted it, hesitantly. It was almost as if he was ashamed of it, as if he felt guilty; as if it was his fault I was dying because he didn't perform my Giving.

Or maybe I was just imagining things.

He was probably just worrying about the members responding bitterly to the fact that I would get help, where so many others had been turned away. As it turned out, he had a lot of reasons to be worried, because Roman did respond quite petulantly. I guess that may have been one of the reasons Nathan and Gabriel left so early, too. Fortunately, Poly managed to shut Roman up, and the conversation actually turned into a pleasant one. The witches at the table were curious about me, about how I've lived like a fain all my life, not knowing witches exist, not knowing who Nathan is, not knowing I was a whet myself.

Everything we had talked about was, in short, what I would need to explain to Isabella and Mike. For some reason, putting my story into words makes telling them feel even more impossible. Maybe mom's cover story about me being in the hospital will be enough? No, I promised Isabella I would tell her everything. Although, in the back of my mind, the thought that I might never see her again is constantly nagging at me.

'Awe, look at him, he got the stare,' someone says.

'Edge...?' someone else says, and I'm shaken out of my reverie as Poly snaps her fingers in front of my eyes.

'Sorry, what were we talking about again?' I say, straightening up.

'I'm not sure anymore. It started with, "are you excited to meet your family for the first time", to why Roman should stop obsessing over Gabriel.'

'I am not obsessing over him!' Roman shouts, his accent more pronounced than usual because of his growing aggravation.

'Yeah, you are. It's hilariously tragic to witness,' Fen says, slurping her tea.

'Gah! At least I am able to be attracted to someone, unlike you robots!'

'I mean, I was kind of attracted to my husband before I killed him,' Fen shrugs, and everyone laughs but me and Arran.

I really hope that was a joke.

'Aw man, the little one's terrified. You're a monster now, Fen. You should explain yourself,' Poly says. She's sitting beside me on the couch, and I'm not quite sure what to feel when she puts her arm around my shoulder.

'I did actually kill my husband at our wedding, although it was by accident... I think it's been twelve years now; I was only nineteen. I managed to poison the wedding food by accidentally spilling some poison while making it,' she giggles and shakes her head at the memory, 'I killed my whole family, all the wedding guests, and my new husband. I had to run after that, obviously, so I fled to Europe. I lived in Germany for a couple of years, until Van sought me out to get me to join the Phrontistery. I may be exceptionally good at potions, but mixing my skills with my clumsiness... well, it's not very family-friendly, to put it mildly.'

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