Edge's Body👽

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It's been over a month since I had my ritual and some days since I woke up from a bad fever.

I'm too weak to stand or walk or do anything. I mainly sleep, but sometimes people come into my room to talk and do caring, feeding me and stuff.

They tell me that I've changed. I've become a witch. And I've lost all my memories, they say. I have to work on forming my identity back, they say. They say they're going to help me.

I told them I've been both of them. I've been Annalise, and I've been Nathan. Annalise cried in Nathan's arms when I said that.

Then Gabriel came into the room and I told him I've been him, too. He didn't understand why because I hadn't drunk his blood.

Nathan told Gabriel, 'He was you through me, my blood. I have your memories from when I practiced the memory Gift on you.'

Then Gabriel was about to leave the room, but stopped and said, 'Then he might have been Luc, too.'

And I said, 'Yes! My dad hurt me!' And Annalise cried more and Gabriel left.

It's best if I stay here at the Phrontistery for a while, they said. They said I shouldn't go to New York. I don't know why I would go to New York, except I know they say I'm Edge; Annalise's and Nathan's son, and he lives in New York with Ben.

The other day, Gabriel asked if I felt I was Edge, the cousin, the nephew, the grandson, the son I'd seen and heard and talked to and about when I was other people.

When I was Annalise, Paul, Connor, Niall, Emily, Deborah, Daisy, Dean, Cora, Summer, Arran, Nathan, Gabriel, and Luc.

Those people.

I told him I felt like I were all those people, some more than others. He asked me who I felt I was the most and I said Annalise and Nathan. He asked if it was confusing for me and I shook my head and said; 'What's confusing is that you want me to be the boy. You want me to be Edge, but I'm not him.'

'But you're not the people you say you are, either. They already exist. You can't be them.'

'Then I'm no one.'

'You're Edge.'

'No. I'm no one.'

'Ok... well... shouldn't "no one" have a name, maybe?'

I stared at him, at his dark brown eyes, and I wondered why I couldn't see gold and chocolate flecks twisting and fading and exploding anymore. I was Nathan when I saw that. Now it's just dark brown eyes and I'm not Nathan anymore. I'm none of those people I were anymore.

Nathan said I would become the boy again in some time, that I still truly am Edge.

I don't like Nathan.

He stares at me as if I just hit him. But only when no one can see, when it's just us two. Like now.

'Tell me about yourself, Edge,' he says.

'I've been many selves.'

'None of those are you. Tell me about the body you're in. About your existence. How does it feel to be you?'

He asks strange questions.

'It feels like I'm in a body.'

'Ok. Do you know which body you're in?'

I hate his questions.

'Edge's body.'

'Correct. Do you know who Edge is?'


'Are you him?'


'Who are you?'

'You call me Edge, but I'm not him.'

'You've lost your identity because you've lost your past memories. Do you understand?'


'Tell me about Edge, if not like yourself, then what you know about him through the people you were.'


I have to think for a moment.

'A little baby. Crying. Won't shut up... but also giggles and kicks his legs. Loves Ben, loved by Ben. Loved by me, -sorry, I mean, Annalise... Good at kapla. He bites his lip when something is bad. Is cute, but bad at reading Torah verses... Doesn't know about the witch world. Scared of Nathan. Given a memory potion to forget Nathan and his family.'

Nathan stares at me, thinking.

'Was that good?' I ask when he doesn't say anything.

'I don't know. It's not much.'

'Well, most of the things the people were experiencing wasn't about Edge.'

'What was it about, then?'

'So much different stuff. When I was you it went wild.'


'With the others, it was just one or two glimpses. With you, it was a lot more. I saw glimpses from your childhood until you were grown up.'

'And you saw glimpses from Gabriel and Luc, too, right?'

'Yes. Luc's one was bad.'

'Yes. Luckily your body didn't experience what your mind did. None of the glimpses can hurt you more than a movie could.'


'How are you feeling, Edge?'


'You should get some rest now. We'll talk again tomorrow.'

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