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'How is he, Jimpikit?'

'He's passed fifty degrees. We're going to lose him. There's nothing we can do.'

'There has to be something...'

'Master, I'm afraid not. His body does not react to magic anymore, there is a block. He will not survive the high temperatures.'

'But this isn't what I saw in my vision...'

'Visions are not to trust, Master.'

'I know, I know... sorry.... um, try and cool him down non-magic related.'

'You mean ice cubes?'

'Master...? Nathan, are you ok?'

'Yes, ice.'

'On it.'


'Sixty degrees. We do not know why he is still alive.'

'He is in a lot of pain, Master. We should consider dispel.'

'No. We're not killing him.'



'Master, it has been a week since the ritual and it is only getting worse. We need to dispel.'

'We wait another week. If the fever isn't down... we'll dispel...'


'A hundred degrees. His blood is boiling, but he is still alive.'

'Pain level.'

'Not severe anymore. His nervous system broke. He cannot feel a thing.'


'Two hundred degrees.'


'Two hundred. Come see yourself.'

'Damn, that's a red human being.'

'Does anything in his body even work?'

'Nate said there's only brain activity functioning. Everything else is just boiling, not working, obviously.'

'Basically he's dead. Also, don't call Master by a nickname.'

'And guess what, Zixuan; Nate, Nate, Nate, wants to wait another week before dispel. What a joke. He's basically been dead a month now.'

'Maybe we should just kill him and be done with it. Master and that lady would thank us later.'

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