Poly and Me Walking The Treadmill🚶

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'We should do a party.'


'Imagine it: You, me, the other shore witch

s -minus Román, of course. Your mum, your dad, your other dad, and your uncle. Or maybe just the whole Phrontistery! It'll be fucking tits! It can be the Giving ceremony gathering that never happened!'

'What was your Giving ceremony like?'

'Ugh, Edge! Party or not?'

'I don't know...'

'Awesome! I'll take care of the planning and everything.'

Poly is walking backwards in front of me on the treadmill. We've been walking slow like this for fifteen minutes now. It's record, and I'm not even feeling that exhausted.

'My Giving ceremony...' Poly squints as if trying to remember it.

'That was the day I learned my life was about to go all tits and balls,' She says and laughs.

'What do you mean?'

'I read my files and they said Dr. Wallen made me a super freak, and that's when I knew I was destined to become a Phrontistery cock,' she says all lightly.


'Ok, so, I was raised as an orphan. My parents were killed by Hunters under the War when I was four. Basically, I grew up in a whet orphanage, the only whet orphanage that exists, the Council made it after the War because -guess what, a lot of parents died during the War, and left their whets homeless. So, yeah. The Witch Council have files on every orphan, and when the orphan becomes a witch, they're allowed to read their files.'

'And your file said you were made a super freak?'



'Teleportation is bloody rare. My mother had the same Gift. But she could only teleport to my father, the one she knew best, loved most, and it took a lot of energy, so she would nearly collapse when she used it. That's how the teleportation Gift is supposed to look like. That's how I was supposed to look like. But then some mad witch scientist experimented on me and manipulated my genes, "maximized" my Gift, and so yeah, it worked, and here I am. Let's not think too much of what Dr. Wallen was planning on doing with me.'

'Wait, what? Someone experimented on you?'

'Thank Allah I can't remember any of it. I didn't know until I read my files. It said that after my parents were killed, I was taken to the White Council to be Dr. Wallen's lab rat. It only lasted for a year, though, before the Alliance attacked and Nathan killed Dr. Wallen. That attack saved my life, because after, I was sent to the orphanage, and it was... ' She grins a huge smile when thinking back at the memories, 'it was fun.'

'Really? You liked the orphanage?'

'I loved it so much. We were just this giant family. I had a hundred siblings, always rotating the fifty to annoy, and the fifty to play with.'

I laugh. 'Wow.'

'But I didn't really answer your question about how my ceremony was like... It took place at the Council building. I'd gotten adopted by then -I got parents when I was fifteen, it sucked-, and new dad was the one who performed the Giving. He used my real mother's blood that the Hunters had collected when they killed her, which the Council had found. The ceremony was great. Not all of my siblings could come, but plenty did. While the party was still going on at a rented place, I snuck off with my favourite siblings, Tillie and Anton, and we read my files together.'

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