Music Helping & Dr. Uncle's Plan

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The playlist is finished and I hit replay, surprised two hours have passed already. My bed is filled with Isabella's bags and makeup, and I don't bother to move it, so I'm laying on the floor. She's been sleeping in my room while I've been ill. I have to tell her and Mike about everything, but I want to have Arran (still can't believe he's my uncle!) help me fix my problem first.

Someone knocks. I wipe away tears with my sleeve before getting up to unlock the door. It's dad. Normally, this would be a setting where he'd ask me to turn down the loud music because he couldn't concentrate on correcting his student's tests or something. I sort of want him to complain about the music just so something would feel normal, but he simply asks if he can come in.

I let him, and watch his size struggle to get past all my instruments and equipment, as well as trying not to step on Isabella's clothes on the floor. He sits by my desk, and I go over and turn the speaker down, then sit on top of it, feeling the bass vibrate under me.

'How are you feeling, son?' Dad asks, worried.

'I don't know... music helps.' I say, and he nods.

'This was never supposed to happen.'

'Why did you hide it, dad?'

'The witch world is dangerous, Edge. Your mom's past is an example of that. I realized, after hearing what she had to say about it, that it's safest to live a normal life without magic. We thought it would be better for you to turn into a fain... I'm sorry, Edge. I'm so sorry this happened. I'm guessing you're angry at us now.'

'I don't know what I am.'

We're quiet again. Weirdly enough, some things are starting to add up. I've always wondered why mom never talks about her past. Or, sometimes she'll say small things, like; 'I dropped out of high school, that's why I'm a waiter. Don't follow my footsteps,' and, 'he was nobody, Edge', but that was it.

'Are you ready to talk to the others again?' dad asks.

I know I won't ever be, so I nod and follow him to the kitchen where mom and Arran sits by the kitchen table, drinking tea.

Dad and I sit down with them. Arran puts down his cup and looks at me.

'I understand that you're shocked, but we need to move. Your situation is bad, very bad... There's a place in China, a magic study, the Phrontistery. It's where the most powerful witches are. If anyone can save you, it's them.'

'Ok. When are we leaving?' I ask.

'As soon as you're ready... but there's something else...' Arran says, and turns from me to mom.

'Have you heard anything about the Phrontistery before, Annalise?' He asks.

Mom shakes her head. Arran turns to dad, who says; 'Me neither. Is there something we should know about?'

Arran bites his lips, and stares down at his cup.

'You must know I'm suggesting the Phrontistery because it's the only realistic solution for Edge. They're the only witches with the knowledge and power that can save him...'

'Arran, who's there?' Mom asks, staring intensely at him, and I think she already has an idea.

'It's him,' He just says, and mom shakes her head.

'No, that's not happening. He's not allowed-'

'We don't have a choice, Ben.'

'Can't you just get someone from the Phrontistery to come here?' Mom asks.

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