Biological Blood

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We're back in Ledger's office again, and Ledger speaks first.

'I'd like to present the conclusion we came to yesterday. We've made progress planning what needs to be done, and what we might need. There still remains a lot of reading and practicing, however, we can be certain about two things: We will have to perform a ritual of some sort, and for that, we need to acquire blood from as many members of Edge's biological family as possible.'

'That means some of us will have to gather blood from all parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins,' Jimpikit says, and looks at Nathan. 'Who should we send?'

While Nathan considers this, I feel a burning urge and blurt out; 'Me!'

They all turn to me. Some are frowning at the idea, others, well, I guess they're just waiting for me to explain myself.

'This might be my only chance to meet them.'

'Are you sure you want that?' Nathan asks.

I nod. I'm not sure at all, but I feel like this will be the last opportunity I'll get to find out more about the witch-side of myself. When I think about it, I do actually want to know about the rest of my family before I die.

Nathan studies me for a long moment. 'Edge, Arran and Gabriel will go. The rest are needed here.'

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