What Happened

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We're sitting across each other again. It's very hot and muggy today, and with that, plus my nerves, I feel like total yuck. It's been an hour since we got on the train, and until now, we've been silent with each other. Yet again, I've been thinking of how to apologize to him for hurting him. Nothing sounds good in my head, so I'm just deciding to get it over with and give a crap apology.

'I'm sorry I hurt you.'

'I healed fast.'

He's not even looking at me.

'I'm sorry. I lost it.'

'I was surprised you could be that violent.'

'I've never done anything like what I did to you before. Look, I'm sorry, can you forgive me?'

And now he's looking at me.

'Yeah, of course I forgive you.'

'Do you hate me?'


'Do you think I'm annoying?'


'So why won't you talk to me?'

Gabriel stares at me, confused.

'I, um... I thought you didn't want that.'

'I kind of want that.'

He stares at me, still looking confused like what I said makes no sense at all.

'You frown at me.'

'Oh... I do?'

I didn't realize.

'Mhm. I could ask you the same question; do you hate me?' And although it wasn't a real question, I tell him no.

'You're doing it again. The frowning. You've been doing it ever since we came to Wycombe. It's like you're sick of me or something.'

'I'm not sick of you.'

And as I say it, I realize I am. And maybe some of it is because I'm ashamed of myself for hurting him, but I'm also sick of Nathan, I'm sick of mom and I'm sick of dad. I'm sick because I feel betrayed and I don't know what is true anymore. My life feels fake now, hidden. First, witches and magic was hidden from me, and, I admit, dad's excuse wasn't completely worthless, but any excuse for hiding Nathan and that side of my family when I know they all wanted to be a part of my life, it's a bad excuse.

All my life I've guessed my real dad was some random teen mom met at a drunk party or something. I even suspected he'd raped her by the way mom would never mention him. He turns out to be one of the most powerful witches, the president of the Phrontistery, but he also turns out to be a killer. At first, I found it rational that he lost his legal rights, that my parents sheltered him from me, and what I found irrational was the fact that he wasn't in prison.

Now, after meeting Nathan, after chatting to Gabriel on the train to High Wycombe, after I discovered I was given a memory potion, after listening to Arran and Gabriel's conversation, all I'm thinking is that the contracts should never have existed. Realizing that, makes me so anxious, so confused, so sick. Gabriel thought I was frowning at him because I hate him, but I was frowning because I don't. And also, I can't believe I was frowning at him.

After ten and a half hours, we get off the train in Inverness, the capital of the highlands. I thought the long ride would be awful, but it wasn't. Not at all.

After I apologized to Gabriel, we continued to talk for hours. I got to know him, and he got to know me, though most of the conversation was on him as he got a longer story to tell. I love listening to him. His voice is perfect, soothing, like an actor's.

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