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We find Nozomi in a small crowd of middle-aged strangers, and I can't believe I haven't noticed her before. She looks so...

'Staring at me?' she asks, biting her lip.

'N-no...' I have to force myself not to.

'You look delicious, tonight, Nozomi,' Román says.

'Likewise,' she says and drags her finger up Román's black see-through shirt.

'We were wondering if you have something for our misery,' Román says, letting her trace her finger from his shirt to his face and eventually sticking it into his closed mouth, and that's when he bites her.

Nozomi giggles, withdraws her finger, and says; 'Of course I have something for you.' She turns from Román to me, and I'm silently begging her not to stick her finger in my mouth. 'I'd like a concert tonight, but you look too terrified to do anything, so I guess it's a good gift as I haven't given you anything yet.'

She grabs something I can't see from her pocket and gives it to Román.

'We don't need that many.'

'Just take it. You're using it all at some point anyway.'


'Like molly, just that it doesn't kill you... It's family safe,' Nozomi says and giggles.

'I'll pay you some night,' Román says and walks over to the hanging pods where there's no one, and I follow.

We're sitting in each of our hanging pods. It's nice here, with the view of the black lake stretching far out until tall mountains take over at the horizon.

I look at the pink heart-formed pills he's holding in his palm. I admit, I'm curious about them, but I know it's a terrible idea. It's not that I'm scared of what people will say and do if I take it, not even Annalise who says she's my mom. Because of my amnesia, they would excuse anything I do, as if I'm suddenly just too stupid to know any better. But still, might not be the wisest decision to do this among everyone.

'Family safe, huh?'

'If you don't feel safe, don't do it.'

'Do you think it can help me get the courage to play?'


'Do you think I should do it?'

He grins like mad. 'It would be great gossip for the next few days, so yes.'

'It's all gossip and drugs here at the Phrontistery, isn't it?'

'More or less. Some of us, like myself, Nozomi and Zixuan are just a bunch of drug addicts. The rest takes their studies too seriously to care for fun and pleasure. I don't think your father has ever done anything except water and bread'

'Zixuan is a drug addict?'

'He's worse than me. Heroin first thing in the morning. Of course not fain heroin, that's too far down. Nozomi makes magic drugs for us. She makes it a lot better and a lot safer than non-magic drugs. She got rich on it at a period in her life.'

'How old is she?'

She looked young, but after learning Jimpikit's age, I can never be sure anymore.

'Around fifty, I believe.'

'She uses youth potions, too?'

'No, I think she's just using her Gift on us.'

'Which is?'

'Illusion. For the people she was standing with, she probably looked fifty. For us, she looked like a babe. She can give people any illusion anytime, external and internal,' he says. And it makes me wonder if I can I trust anyone with their appearance.

Edge Becomes a Witch | [Half Bad Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora