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'Follow me,' The woman instructs, and we follow her through a backdoor which leads us to to a long hallway. We walk to the end, where she unlocks the door with an eye scanner. It automatically opens to another hallway. She does another eye scan at the end, and now a big, empty concrete room is opened. We go in, and she turns and stops. She takes a document out from her clipboard and hands it to Arran.

'Give this to your meeters when you arrive; a document from the Council, describing the situation.'

'I will,' Arran says.

'The walls are the portal. Because Davidovich isn't a witch, you have to hold his hand while you go through, understood?' Arran nods, and the woman continues. 'On the other side, you will arrive in the Phrontistery's waiting room, where you must remain still until your meeters come, understood?'

It's pitch black for some minutes, until it slowly, gradually lightens, and I see blue with a horizontal green line in the middle. This time I can breathe just fine. I squint, trying to make sense of what I'm seeing, but I think it just really is this blurry, and I watch as the colours I'm seeing forms into the shape of a landscape. There's a breeze, and then I'm hearing birds in the distance. The landscape finally sharpens, like a camera does, and I'm gazing at it in awe. There's so many waterfalls from the enormous lush mountains around us. It smells so good, so fresh, so natural. I look around, and realize we're standing on a single raft in the middle of a lake. I'm holding Arran's hand as tight as I can.

'Is this the waiting room?' I ask, stunned.

'It must be,' Arran says slowly, also mesmerized by the view. We stand still for minutes, waiting for something to happen. Then I let go of his hand, and go over to the edge of the raft.

'What are you doing?' he asks, alerted.

'Just checking the water,' I say, but just as my hand passes over the raft's area, my whole body is pushed back to the middle of the raft, as if some giant just punched me.

'Edge!' Arran shouts, and runs over to me.

'Who punched me?' I mumble, dazed. He helps me up, having to hold me close to him so I don't fall over.

'Magic did. I think this place is an illusion, we're not actually here,' He says, and just as if the universe is trying to prove it, the blue and green colours dimms to white. I hold Arran as tight as I can again, so scared as I watch the nature turn into a room at the size of the raft. I see three dark figures in front of me, and I feel like I'm going to throw up, and I do a little, but quickly swallow it. I take a step away from Arran, dizzy, but able to stand by myself.

Now I can see the figures clearly; the one at the right is a dark-skinned young woman, her long black hair disappearing into her black all-body jumpsuit. The one in the middle is an elder asian woman, with sophisticated clothes grandma would've worn. Then there's a tall man at the left. He looks Arran's age and I wonder if he's Nathan. He has to be Nathan, or else he wouldn't stare at me like that, like he knows who I am, like he's shocked to see me.

'Arran, what have you done?!' Nathan turns to Arran, and I'm surprised his accent is french.

'That is not how we welcome our newcomers, Gabriel,' the elder woman says, her voice all scrawny like the rest of her. She comes closer to us, her hand reached out to me; 'Welcome to the Phrontistery. I am Chen. This is Jimpikit and Gabriel. What is your name, young man?'

'Edge... Davidovich... Edge Davidovich, ok...' I say, my voice shaking more than her boney hands. The elder woman smiles, then goes over to Arran to shake his hand.

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