Gum & Chopin🎹

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'I could hear you, I think.'

Poly is laying on a sofa at the far end of the room, chewing gum and making bubbles. She pops a big one and says; 'What?'

'When I was ill. I could hear you,' I say.

I'm laying in a bed, sheets white, walls white, floor white, even Poly's sofa is white.

Now Zixuan looks up at me from his computer, sitting on the floor beside Poly, leaned against the wall. 'Your body was boiling two-hundred degrees, Edge. You couldn't hear us.'

'I heard Poly. You said, "that's a red human".'

Zixuan turns to Poly, and they stare at each other, wide-eyed, before Poly says; 'Edge... don't tell anyone we were around you when you were ill, okay?'


Zixuan looks smugs as he says, 'We weren't actually allowed. Poly teleported to you when we knew you were alone.'

I laugh, and it hurts.

'Don't worry, won't tell.'

Poly does another big bubble, the biggest she's done to now, pops it and says, 'Any juicy gossip, then? If you heard the others, too?'

I think about it and say, 'I think Gabriel and Nathan had a fight.'

Poly's new bubble pops as she makes a huge grin.

'Hallelujah! Do spill it all.'

'Oh, um... Gabriel sounded angry, but I can't remember what they talked about.'

'I thought they just were stressed about you, but something is really up with them, huh...'

Poly slides a pink little package out from her pocket.


I think Poly, Zixuan, Román and Fen are really nice. They come to my room every day and we talk, though I'm always so tired and prefer just listening to them. Sometimes it's just Poly, sometimes just Poly and Zixuan, and sometimes it's everyone.

I like it when I don't have to worry about being Edge. They don't put that pressure on me at all. They just let me be.

Nathan, Gabriel, and Annalise don't.

They also come to my room every day. Nathan and Annalise come together. Gabriel alone.

'Gabriel probably cheated again,' Poly says, laying close beside me in my bed, stroking my hair which is nice. Poly and Zixuan are laying down with me, Fen and Román sitting in the sofa further away.

It's been a week since I woke up from the fever today.

'Nah, he would never do that,' Fen says, polishing Román's nails red, his hand resting on her knee.

'Or would he, Román?' Zixuan asks, surprisingly bitter.

'Of course he would...' Román mumbles.

'Oh, you got him drunk again?' Poly asks.

'He pretends that I don't exist, he's pretended that I haven't existed for nine years, I don't know if you noticed,' Román says, staring at Fen's unfinished work.

'Also, Gabriel never cheated with Román; that was just Román being Román; a sexual predator on a very drunk Gabriel... I think something real happened,' Zixuan says.

Edge Becomes a Witch | [Half Bad Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now