How To Give A Good First Impression

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'So I have an idea,' Poly says.

'Let me hear it,' I say.

'We get Nozomi to give Benny a good first impression.'

I laugh.

We're at the dock, all wearing shorts and bikinis, sunbathing. January doesn't understand that it's January.

Luc's head is resting on my bare stomach, and I'm stroking his hair. He's nearly asleep. Poly is laying beside me, stroking my long hair while smoking pot. She gives me some sometimes, asks Luc, but he says no, and we're all just waiting for Ben to come. All the Shore Witches, plus Nozomi, minus Fen, are also sitting here. I know she's actually old, but she looks my age, and she always looks so...

'Under a minute!' Fen shouts, running out of the building, towards us.

'Positions!' Poly orders everyone, and now everyone but me and Luc are moving, changing sitting positions, changing everything so it looks like we're some sort of freak group Román worked with. Román comes and rests his head at my stomach beside Luc. 'Ready, Edge?' Román asks. I say yup, and in the next moment both Luc and Román put their hands inside my shorts, just having them there. Poly lifts my head up so she can rest it on her pelvis, sitting upright on her knees, still smoking. I hear someone putting on loud music. Mmm. Shameful music. 

'Nozomi, is it working?' Poly asks.

Nozomi doesn't answer.


'Yes, yes... I've never done it this... inappropriate before, I think...' She giggles nervously.


Some seconds later, we're hearing someone talking in the distance. One sounding upset, the other, a calm Nathan. Then they suddenly stop talking. I think the illusion worked.

'Where is he!?' The man who must be Ben asks.

'Who are you looking for?' Poly asks, sounding more stoned than she is, and it's so funny, I'm struggling not to laugh.


'Mm...' She lets out a drag on me. 'Edge?'

I raise my arms and grab her neck seductively, so that Ben can see me.

With that, I hear someone running towards us, and in the next second I see a big, bearded man staring down at me. I don't know why I'm smiling, but I am, and it's just helping for the impression anyway.

'Edge!?' He shouts, looking very sick. 'No! No...'

'And you must be Ben...' I say, and I don't even have to fake the stoned voice as I think Poly made sure to give me enough.

Ben is shaking his head, and it's as if he's about to throw up, but he doesn't, he just starts breathing weird like Luc does sometimes, and runs off.

'Isn't it kind of mean?'

'Shut up, kiwiboozer!'

I turn around, and Ben is nowhere to be seen. It's just Nathan, standing in the door frame, arms crossed, brows raised at us. I think the illusion worked.

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