Ordering Magic Portals and Pizza

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 I always dreamed of going to London, but not like this. I dreamed of visiting grandmother, mom's mom. I've only met her once; she came to my bar mitzvah when I was thirteen. I know mom has a brother in Norway as well; Niall, but I've never met him. I always thought I knew so little about mom's family, nothing at all really, but I've never really thought about Nathan's family. I've never really thought much about my real father at all; I assumed he just was a dipshit teenager who abandoned mom after making her pregnant, maybe at a drunk party or something. Now it seems more complicated.

Arran brought me to the Witch Council. I don't know what I expected, but a normal big block building wasn't it. He told me the only way to come to the Phrontistery is through the Council's portal.

Apparently, you can only get access if:

1; You're a member/worker of the Phrontistery, or you're one of the council leaders.

2; Your intention is to join the Phrontistery and become a member, having passed the Council's tests.

'I am sorry, Mr. Byrn, but we cannot allow you to use the portal for personal matters as such.'

'Please, I'm Nathan's brother!'

'You cannot pass if you do not fulfill the requirements.'

'But he's dying!' Arran cries.

'The Phrontistery is no hospital, Mr. Byrn. Please leave us.'

Arran is about to protest again, but gives up and walks out. I follow, taking a last glance at the three bored council leaders.

'Now that was a bummer,' I say when we're outside the hall.

'Yes, but I think I know someone who can persuade them.'

Instead of going left towards the exit, he goes right towards the elevator. I have no choice but to trust he knows what he's doing. We go inside the elevator, and he presses the eighth floor.

'I guess it's not your first time here,' I say.

'No. I don't work here, but I attend meetings sometimes. My sister works here, though.'

'I have an aunt?' I ask.

'Deborah. She lives with her family, just an hour away from here.'

'And where do you live?'


'Do you have kids?'

'Two; Summer and Cora. I'm supposed to be putting them to bed now,' He says, and looks at his watch.

'Sorry,' I say, but I'm still smiling.

The elevator door opens, and we go out into a long hallway, with dozens of doors with names on them. We walk down the hall, Arran looking at the placards on the doors he passes.

'Found her,' He says, and knocks on one of the doors. The door opens, and a middle-aged man is standing in the door frame.

'G'day, mate! Been long since I've seen those cute cheeks!' The man says with an Australian accent, and pats Arran's cheek.

'Hello, Nesbitt. Is Van here?'

'Come in,' I hear a female voice say from the room. Nesbitt gives Arran space to go in, and then sees me for the first time.

'What the bloody panty have you brought, Arran?' He says slowly, studying me. Then he gasps dramatically; 'Bloody hell!'

I go into the room; a very normal-looking office. There's a woman in a white suit behind a desk, writing on a computer. She looks up as I sit down beside Arran. She studies me as Nesbitt did, but doesn't say anything. Then she turns to Arran.

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