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The next week goes like any other, except I've changed my room from unit one to unit four. Now the white is replaced with golden metal, there are windows with the view of the lake, and best of all; The Shore Witches are my neighbors. I've also started eating in the cafeteria with the others, which is nice.

My body is only getting stronger, and I can walk for two hours, sit as long as anyone, and run for ten minutes, now. My skin is getting better, less dry, which is good, though, it's still red. I can't be out in the sunlight without my skin burning yet, but at least I can finally walk around the Phrontistery, and be outside when the sun is down.

I'm in my bed, looking through Edge's phone for the millionth time. Zixuan's Gift is manipulation of digital data. He cracked all the passwords as if nothing.

Old Edge has four thousand photos, (most of them of him and Isabella), and two hundred videos, (most of them of Isabella, Mike, and him playing as a band.)

I've already seen them all, so I scroll through them fast.

Then I play his games, and after getting a new game record, I look through his playlists and eventually put on his headphones, so I can listen to his music. That's the best thing about his phone; the music. He's got a good taste.

'Edge?' Gabriel knocks on the door even though he's already in. I put down the headphones.

'How are you?'


I've been feeling unreal for the most part, but I'm sort of ok anyway.

'Good...' He leans against the window frame, looking out at the pitch-black lake, 'You know, Edge, most whets who turn into witches, have a party about it, usually containing a lot of food and gifts and such. Your circumstances wouldn't really allow that. However, though late, I got you something for becoming a witch.' He brings his arm out from behind his back, a big yellow straw smoothie in his hand.

'Thanks!' I get up and over to him to take it.

'I thought you'd like mango. You would always buy it wherever we went.' he says.

I take a sip from it and say, 'Makes sense.'

He grins at me. 'Would you like to go walk around?'

I nod. I should do exercising now, anyway.

We move down the long corridor, and when we're in the lounge room, Gabriel stops, and I turn to see what he's looking at.

'Oh, I almost forgot, I got you something else, too,' He says.


Through the large windows and the open door of the lounge room, I see the most amazing thing.

At the end of the large lake dock, there's a wooden gazebo, big enough to fit fifty. There are fairy lights hanging everywhere, lighting up in the misty evening dark.

I go through the door and towards the gazebo.

There's a lot of people, most I've never seen before.

I spot Poly. She's chatting with Román, but then sees me, and runs.

'When I say no party, what does that mean to you?' I ask.

'It's not my fault you decided to be my friend,' she says and turns to Gabriel standing beside me. 'Or his...'

I pick my way between the sitting cushions, low sofas, and fancy drink tables. People are already sitting and chatting, and they all have a colorful cocktail in their hand.

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