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'Gabriel and Román are fighting!' Poly shouts, having just teleported here. I'm in the lounge room with Zixuan. He's tapping on his computer by the tall table with the bar stools, I'm laying on the couch, my new guitar on my stomach, not playing.

'You have to join me and listen, Edge!'

I put the guitar away, and get up.


'You're not allowed to be grumpy. This is going to be fun,' she turns to Zixuan. 'Except they're only speaking French, could you fix us translation of some kind?'

Without a word, Zixuan pulls a second laptop out of his bag, open it, tap, then stares at it as if he's trying to get it to do things if he wants it enough, which to no one's surprise appears to work, and then he hands it over to Poly, before going back to what he was doing.


Poly takes my hand, and in the next second, I'm in an open shower with Fen and Poly.

'Where are we?' I whisper.

'Román's bathroom. Can't you see the hi-I-spend-too-much-time-in-front-of-the-mirror?' Fen whispers back.

Poly uses the laptop and places it by the door to the room Gabriel and Román are in. They're arguing about something, that's for sure. I guess it's special because they never usually speak to each other at all.

'Oh, oh, oh...' Poly says after reading the translation on the laptop.

'What is it about?' I ask.

Poly grins at us. 'Gabriel is pissed at Román because he told you about the episode in such details.' She turns to the screen again. 'He says you didn't have to know about... what the hell... oh, and now Román is trying to explain himself... he says... he says oh, god, what a banghole... he says he had to tell you the details if you were ever going to believe him, that no one believes the phrase "Gabriel cheated", but they might understand it if... huh, wow, true, though...'

Poly is silent for a moment, just reading quietly by herself. Fen asks her what's going on, but Poly doesn't answer.

'What are they saying now?' I ask after a while.

'Something about Antonin and depression a minute ago... and now they're not really saying anything... they're just... what!?'


'Gabriel keeps saying they shouldn't. Román calls him Antonin, and he keeps saying... fuck, what a manipulating whore he is... oh, but he was right all along... Gabriel would... no, no, this can't be happening... this is not... right...'

We hear the French being exchanged with something else.

Poly's grin is gone, and now she's shutting the laptop. She grabs my and Fen's hands, and then we're all in the lounging room again, Zixuan still sitting at the barstool.

'Anything good?' He asks, eyes on the screen.

'Nope. Just boring,' Poly says fast, stiff. Fen and Poly exchange looks and they both seem worried, serious.

Poly whispers in my ear; 'What just happened, is called "reality". It doesn't actually exist, you see, so don't tell anyone about it.'

I nod and go drop myself at the couch again picking up the guitar so I can not play on it again. Poly and Fen leave, probably too shocked to hang out for the moment.

I don't get it. I thought Poly loved scandals.

It's been sixteen days since I kissed Luc, since we talked, and he drank, and we slow danced to dreamy music.

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