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Nathan Byrn

 To feel the one you love hold around you after months of separation, is weird.

Really weird.

You're not sure if everything is ok, yet. You're not sure if it's a mistake or not, at first. You don't know what to say, but then eventually after a while, you realize there's nothing to say at all because the touch does it all. It says sorry. It forgives.

It brought me back to a strange nostalgia of how it felt at the very start. When we were both new in love, very young. I was seventeen. He was nineteen.

He came to our room after Edge had told him the truth of my vision, what I had to choose between. I told him to come and hold me, and it felt so strange, but we still did it, and we didn't know what to say, but I felt the nostalgia and I think he did, too, and then we didn't care anymore, and we were all over each other and I told him I was sorry and he told me he was sorry and he said it over and over again and we cried and we promised each other to never fight like that again, never keep secrets, never be with others, because we couldn't bear it, and we kept saying we love each other over and over again.

'Nathan, do you know if Edge is coming?' Deborah asks, sitting further away. Daisy looks up at me, and so does all her friends, too.

'It's hard to get a hold of him, but he knows about it.'

I've barely spoken to him since May since he left the Phrontistery.

It's December, and over a year since I met Edge again.

We're in the UK for Daisy's Giving. There are around twenty guests, some are family, some are Daisy's witch friends. It's very cramped in Deborah's house, very different from what I'm used to, and I like it. It's very homey. When we were kids, Deborah was always the one who helped Gran decorate the house and make it look cozy. Her own home is just that; decorative, cozy. Old English wallpaper. Plants, pictures everywhere. Pillows and blankets in the sofas and chairs. The house reflects the elegance of my sister.

I'm sitting with Gabriel in one of the sofas. There are people everywhere. Summer, Cora, and Dean are running around, playing something. Daisy is sitting across us, opening presents, her friends sitting with her. Arran is sitting beside Gabriel, and no one is sitting beside me, and I think I should probably speak to my family more because they seem to be afraid of me. I can't blame them, though. Family isn't my passion.

The doorbell rings and Daisy grins as she jumps up and runs from the living room to the entry hall, friends following her.

'Edge!' We hear her shout. Gabriel laughs beside me.

'Hi, person! Who are you?' Edge shouts, already playful.

'Your cousin, Daisy. Goddammit, Edge, you need to stop forgetting things!'

They talk more, but they're not shouting playfully anymore, so we can't hear it.

And it's hard to not notice how quiet the room gets, where the heads turn, as Edge walks into the room, a shy boy at his side, sort of hiding behind Edge's shoulder.

It's strange to see Edge without summer clothes, but in winter, a black high neck sweater. He's cut his hair. It's short like he had it before he became a witch. His bright blue eyes, with the same tumbling silver as Annalise has, has always been a contrast to his dark features, my features, and today they stand out more than ever. Luc looks like he always does; big sweater, same old nose ring, messy hair.

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