Drawing, Playing Piano, and Arran Staying

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I got the chance to apologize to Gabriel, but I didn't. While Arran and Adele (Arran's wife, she's cool) were putting their daughters to bed after a late supper, Gabriel and I were alone in the kitchen. We still hadn't spoken to each other. I was thinking of apologizing while I sat there, but then he interrupted my mental preparation by standing up, muttering good night and leaving. I locked myself into the bathroom. Struggling to compose myself, I turned on the shower and cried as silently as I could before I went to bed.

Arran has a big victorian house of red brick, with overgrown vines all over. He lives in The Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield, a suburban town in Birmingham. Arran is no stereotypical high class posh, but this place could easily make him seem like it. There are many rooms in his house; Gabriel and I each got our own guest room for the night.

We've filled the blood tubes from Arran's daughters, Cora and Summer. The next step is to travel to a remote village far north in Scotland, where grandmother lives.

I was expecting we'd leave first thing in the morning, waiting for Arran to come into my room, but he didn't. I've been daydreaming about Isabella, as I do every day to stay sane, and now I'm just laying here reading all the texts dad has sent me, that I've avoided until now.

01:11, SUN, 26/06/32

This is not Mike, keep scrolling: Please, answer the phone, Edge. Arran called me and told me what happened.

01:18, SUN, 26/06/32

This is not Mike, keep scrolling: Edge, we need to talk! Answer the phone now!

01:25, SUN, 26/06/32

This is not Mike, keep scrolling: I can give you some space, but please reach out when you're ready

01:26, SUN, 26/06/32

This is not Mike, keep scrolling: Don't listen or talk to them. They're toxic people, Edge. They'll say anything to make you go against me.

02:45, SUN, 26/06/32

This is not Mike, keep scrolling: I love you. Hope you're ok.

There's more messages, but it's just the same stuff over again. I don't know what to reply, so I don't. I actually reply to the one message mom sent, though.

16:09, SUN, 26/06/32

Your Mom (not Mike): I know you know now, and there's no reason to hide anymore. I can't stop crying, Edge. I feel so ashamed about the memory potion. I hope you're ok wherever you are. I love you, - mom

12:10, MON, 27/06/32

Me: the plan is were coming to you at one point soon we talk then

I realize it's noon and Arran hasn't come yet, so I decide to go find him.

'Good morning, Edge, come on eat with us!' Arran says when I finally find them in the sunny garden. He's sitting with Adele and one of the daughters - Cora, I think - at a white cast iron table, eating a full set breakfast. I go over and sit with them. There are scrambled eggs, fried and grilled tomatoes, fried mushrooms, buttered toast, sausages, and lemonade and tea.

'When are we leaving?' I ask after I've eaten.

'Soon,' Arran says, and sips his tea.

'Papa, you're leaving again?'

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