The Phrontistery

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I was woken up by someone knocking violently at the door. When I look outside the window, it's already twilight. It feels like a whole day is missing. I guess the time zone is different here. It might also have something to do with me sleeping ever since I got here/for hours. I expected Arran, but instead the redheaded girl from earlier is standing outside my door. She's got grey eyes, some freckles, and her slim body is a head taller than mine. I'm guessing she's somewhere in her twenties. She smiles a lot.

'Hi, it's dinnertime soon, but I was thinking I could show you around or something first. That's like the first thing we do with new members. I heard you're not a member, but I thought you should get a tour anyway.'

'Hi, uh, yup, no, I didn't get a tour. Do you know where Arran is?'

'I think he went to one of the head offices to talk business with cool cocks.'

'Oh, ok.'

She studies me for a moment. 'Is this place that scary to you?'

I try to laugh it off, but realizing she sees right through me, I just nod. She gives me a soft smile and pats my head.

'No need to worry, Edge. Most of us are actually nice.'

'Gabriel said most of you hate guys.'

'Well, that's true. You may want to stay away from the grandmas. Us at the Shore, we're the youngest members. I guess you could say we're the more fain-like, more open-minded, so no penis-hating here.'


'So, show you around?'

',' I shrug. Even though I agreed, I'm still surprised when she grabs my hand and pulls me out of my room. We go to the large sitting area where I first met her.

'So, this is the lounge room. You can make tea here,' she explains.

'What are you doing, Poly?' Roman asks, standing with a cup of tea in his hands by the kitchenette. He's with an Asian girl, - Fen, I think was her name.

'Giving Edge a tour.'

'I'll join,' he says.

'Me too,' Fen says.

'Fine, but don't be an annoying bitch, Roman,' she warns him.

'I'll try, but I must be allowed to be curious. Is that not what the Phrontistery is all about?'

The tour is ok. Roman asks me about my life, about my relationship with Nathan, and I don't mind telling him about it, but I avoid telling him why I'm here.

We're in the same study hall I walked through some hours ago, and the elderly women stare at me again. There are tall bookshelves along the walls, along with a lot of tables, desks, and shelves containing bottles, bowls and other kinds of equipment. While wandering around in the study hall, the others are trying to explain the four units of the Phrontistery.

'So, this is unit one, "The City". This is basically where everyone is; where the Study Hall is, the Assembly Hall, where the Masters have their fancy offices, and where the food is,' Fen explains.

'The Shore is where we younger hang out, and where you're staying, I guess. It's the smallest unit, there's only eight of us there-'

'Nine,' Fen corrects Poly.

Poly frowns. 'Who's the ninth one?'


'He doesn't count. Ok, now we'll show you the second unit; The Cave.'

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