The Fight Before The Cheating Started

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We're on black sheets, Luc is crouched on all fours, reading the Torah I got from Farzeen that I've never opened.

'Uh... so why quiet today?'

'Judaism,' he just says and turns a page.

'What does it say?'

He starts reading; 'If a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed a detestable act: They shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them, -Edge, did you just-'



I crouch down to his level, use some time to finish him, get off the bed, into the bathroom, and get the water running. Luc comes into the shower with me, we kiss for a while, and then he starts washing my hair, massaging it a lot longer than necessary.

'Why did you even bother reading it?' I ask.

'To turn you extra on and make you-'

'I know you were surprised about it, Luc.'

He laughs. 'Fine. I'm curious about religion's structure, the way of thinking. It's so different from my own.'

'Different and ridiculous. I can't believe Nathan let me live with Ben for sixteen years. I could've died a Jew.'

'Ok, make fun of it. At the end of the day, no one knows anything.'

'Pull my hair... Oh, but Luc, at least someone knows more truth than others.'

'Yeah, of course. And of course it's us that know more and be'er truths than anyone else in the world.'

'Harder, please.'

'And of course because we know be'er than everyone, we have the right to tell everyone else they're wrong. And if anyone dares sharing an uncommon, different thought, we must reject them, because they're disrupting all the nice, cosy truths that we have.'

'Pull it... just like that... ah, fuck yeah...'

'My turn,' he says and turns me and himself around, handing me the soap. I squirt a load of soap on the top of his head and start washing his hair like he did mine.

'Just soft,' he has to remind me.

'Right, sorry... hey, guess what little Jewish Edge's last words were. Nathan wanted to tell me about it the other day.'

Luc tries very hard to mimic my accent; '"Yup, God is definitely punishing me from that time I jerked off to Torah verses, yup, yup. Oh, and Nathan? Could you tell Luc he's the sexiest in the universe for me? Yuuuup, ok, bye."'

And I always laugh at how he always giggles over his own bad jokes.

'If I said that, Nathan would never have told me, and that makes me wonder if I actually said some crap like that.'

'But wha did he say?'

'"Tell Isabella I love her like I love God," he'd said.'

'Oh... cool.'

'Cool? No, it's pathetic! It's so embarrassing that Nathan has ever heard that, ew.'

'No, it's not. It's the sweetest thing.'

'You think?'

'As a believer, it's probably the boldest, most powerful comparison you could make. Through what I've read, believers' bond with God can be the strongest you could ever imagine.'


'You didn't know? It's interesting.'

'How could I? No one's told me that!'

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